Saturday 28 June 2014

ISIS Jihad Insurgents take Mosul. Hogue Prediction of New Civil War in Iraq and Libya for 2014 fulfilled. What is next?

  Click on the cover and discover many more political, social, economic and climate axis shifting events to come as 2014 looks more like 1914 when history’s water broke. DATELINE 13 June 2014 ISIS Jihadists Take Mosul
The Second Iraqi Civil War
Goes Full-scale as Predicted for 2014 Today is Friday the 13th and it’s the horror movie Friday the Thirteenth in Iraq. Jason Voorhees wears the black hood of ISIS (The Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant—in other words “Greater Syria”) rather than his signature hockey goalie mask. In a sudden and breathtaking move, this mobile insurgent jihadist army raced across the Iraqi border and rapidly conquered Mosul, Iraqi’s second largest city this week on Wednesday. Over 30,000 Iraqi soldiers fled, abandoning armored vehicles and vast armament stockpiles to the insurgents. One can see government army uniforms discarded like trash on the road to Baghdad. Quickly following their ignominious retreat was a multitude of refugees choking the roads to the Iraqi capital and especially north to the frontiers of Iraqi Kurdistan in an estimated horde of 500,000 civilians. They are fleeing the terror of this extreme movement of Wahhabist militants that even leaders of al-Qaeda reject for their ruthlessness and draconian application of holy Sharia Islamic law on those they occupy.   The thousands of cars snarling the desert, trying to put many miles between themselves and the columns of black smoke rising over Mosul denote the spread of fearful rumors that ISIS holy warriors are committing mass executions and beheadings back there. They may have taken thousands of hostages, including a confirmed report that the Turkish Consulate in Mosul was stormed and all the Turkish nationals on staff were taken away. Ankara declares it will intervene militarily if Turkish hostages are harmed.   Iraqi Army uniforms cast off. Vehicles abandoned. Tikrit also feel on Wednesday, the tribal home turf of Sunni strongman Saddam Hussein. Videos on RT display three thousand soldiers of the Iraqi Army, hands over their heads, led away as prisoners in a long column walking down a desert road in civilian clothes. Were they less lucky deserters who shed their guns and armored personnel carriers and uniforms rather than fight? One thing is certain, huge stockpiles of US made weapons, munitions dumps and a fleets of hundreds of armored Humvees, artillery and tons of military equipment is now slung over the shoulders of jihadists who are more mobile, armored and empowered than ever before.
The belly blow reports kept coming in of a spreading disaster in Iraq. Losing Mosul, a city of two million citizens, cuts off the main hub for the transport of goods and Iraqi oil. ISIS forces are also now controlling Iraq’s largest oil refineries. By Thursday’s close it was clear that ISIS insurgents had occupied the rest of the northern province of Nineveh and most of Anbar Province where it already holds parts of Fallujah alongside nationalist Sunni militias whom it sometimes battles. By Thursday, reports of the number of refugees and the displaced shot up to an estimated two million. In an unprecedented move, Prime Minister Nuri al-Maliki requested military assistance from the United States. Talk of sending in the US Air Force’s robot planes or actually jet bomber attacks is rife in Washington. President Obama says he’s leaving all options open. Comments made on Friday the 13th indicate bad luck for Maliki if he thought one US Army boot would touch Iraqi ground. US support will be “appropriate” but “limited”. I guess only Jason’s lumberjack saw is coming, perhaps.
Obama’s speech at war’s end made after the withdrawal of the last US solider in Iraq at the end of December 2011 sounds disturbingly glib. How similar the brazen wishful thinking it betrayers, echoing his predecessor George Bush’s notorious “mission accomplished” speech made at the war’s beginning.
“Now, Iraq is not a perfect place,” Obama said. “It has many challenges ahead. But we’re leaving behind a sovereign, stable and self-reliant Iraq, with a representative government that was elected by its people. We’re building a new partnership between our nations. And we are ending a war not with a final battle, but with a final march toward home. This is an extraordinary achievement, nearly nine years in the making.”
(Things that make you go, hmmm…)