Friday 1 April 2011

Armageddon, The New Frontier

Who will be living in the presence of the God of Israel after Armageddon? Apparently, that depends on who wants to live in the presence of Unconditional Love, because that is what God is!

After the prophecies in the biblical book of Revelation are completed, then the mystery of God will be revealed. We will no longer be reading scriptures as "our religion" in the time period I call the next world, the world after the Great Battle of mankind, after Armageddon. We will be living in a state of loving kindness.

We get clues in the scriptures of what is evolving. If December 21, 2012 is of any significance in God's plan, then our next couple years will be awesome, or you could call them horrendous. We will see a "burning mountain" falling from the sky. We will see waters turning into blood, they will turn bitter like Chernobyl (nuclear effect?), and a third of all the people will die. All the fish in the bitter waters will die. All the green grass will be burned to stubble, and another quarter of humanity will die. Stars will fall from the sky. There will be three days of darkness, possibly from a huge volcano. A great effect of these calamities will be that those who have chosen to live in angry darkness, will become darker still, and move even farther away from the God of Israel. But those who have chosen to live in the presence of our heavenly Father, i.e. those who have chosen to live in the presence of pure love, will move closer to God.

Now let's look at the place that Creator is preparing for us. It has been called the New Jerusalem. It has twelve gates, and they are named after the twelve sons of Jacob, whose name was later changed to "Israel". These are the twelve tribes of Israel, one of which is Judah, i.e. the Jews of today (may include part of Levi and Benjamin). Ten of the other tribes have been assimilated into other religions and cultures of the world because the God of Israel scattered them because of their evil. But they are being gathered today as God promised He would do. All those who will be living in the New Jerusalem, will be living in unconditional love. Only a few will find the narrow road leading to this glorious city where Jesus will be living.

Many are fighting against the God of Israel. They want to remain in their idolatry. They want to continue to worship the god they have created. They want nothing to do with God the Father, the being of "Unconditional Love." They choose not to be like Him, not to be one with Him, not to walk in His will. One of the signs of evil and darkness in them is that they will choose to try to hurt the Jews of today.

If a person does not choose to walk in the presence of "Unconditional Love" today, he or she would be very uncomfortable in the presence of God the Father. Consequently, they choose not to live in the "New Jerusalem". They make their choice now by how they choose to live in this world, i.e. in the way of darkness (meanness to others), or the way of "Unconditional Love", kindness to others. The way of unconditional kindness to others is known as the way of "khesed", the way of our beloved patriarch, Abraham.

We are told in Revelation, chapter 15, that those who overcome the Beast are singing the Song of Moses. Deuteronomy 32. The written Torah that the God of Israel had Moses put into the Ark of the Covenant, is Moses' witness, God's witness, against us in the latter days, according to scripture.

Those who turn away from "Unconditional love", turn away from God the Father.

Blessings and warm thoughts, Dottie

For more information revealing how to walk in the will of our heavenly Father, read Red Hat Speaks and Red Hat's Wisdom by Dorothy K. Daigle. These books can be ordered from any bookstore.

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