Monday 4 April 2011

Dumb ass Canadians

We all know Americans are dumb, it’s a given. Just look at who they vote as their leaders and where they send their soldiers.  The only thing dumber than an American has got to be a Canadian. It’s sad but true. Canada has the highest consumer debt per person in the world. Canada has the most amount of natural resources per person but they don’t own it, Global corporations do. Canada should be debt free with all the energy revenue they made but they just send it out of the country. Canada actually paid Japanese prisoners war reparations for all the bad things they did…. like interning them in comfortable camps with plenty of food… while thousands of Canadian soldiers died in the death marches and slave camps in Burma in WW2. Canada paid $300/million to Punjabi terrorist after they blew up a 747 with hundreds of innocent on board. It is against the law in Canada to celebrate Christmas in public schools but all other religions particularly Islam are promoted and funded by tax payer dollars.

Canada’s motto is “We take the shit nobody else wants’, it’s Canada’s official immigration policy. Engineers, Doctors, and Scientist go to the U.S., Canada only takes in refugees, known terrorist and immigrants that have a list of medical conditions that must exceed $500k to treat. Apparently Haitian earthquake victims would rather take their chances in cholera infected shanty towns than move to Canada.

America took one look at Libya and said we are getting the heck out of here… they don’t want to get saddled with that mess. Canada volunteered to get involved… they sent the entire Canadian Air force… six F18's plus Canada’s entire Atlantic Naval Fleet… one Frigate. You get the point, Canada is dumb.

The average home price in Canada is $330k while in the U.S. its $139k, Canada has far higher taxes but the average wage is less than in the U.S. Migrant Mexican laborers in the U.S. earn more than the bottom 40% of Canadians. Every thing in Canada cost 30% more than in the U.S.

Canada has Trillions of dollars in unpaid Oil infrastructure that it owes to the banking cartels thanks to crooked politicians. Canada has the most costly medical system in the G20 but rated dead last in quality.

People are spooked. There is no economic rebound. Wages have gone down and prices are going up. And then there is the debt cloud. Everybody is maxed out on cheap credit and the cracks are starting to show in the glass house. People are underwater on $500k mortgages on houses barely worth $300k. Meanwhile the steady boat loads of 300,000 immigrants plus another 200,000 temporary foreign workers continue to arrive every year. It’s a good thing half the population is baked on B.C bud because there might just be a revolution if they could pull their heads out of their asses long enough to know the free trade doors wide open Global agenda is pulling them down into third world territory real quick.

The free world could be described as a Pyramid with United States at the Top and other democratic developed countries below. The Globalist agenda is targetting the group of core nations that form that Pyramid. The tactic is simple… pick them off one at a time and try to destabalize the fudamentals of the structure. Western Europe is teetering on the brink of economic collapse and multi-culturalism has been openly critized as a complete failure by officials in Great Britain, France and Germany. The Banking cartels and rabid Global socialist have through pure guile siphoned off tens of Trillions of dollars from the U.S.,Canada and Europe by using economic bait and switch. The ridiculous idea that western countries should bankroll the entire third world and communist nations by exporting jobs, technologies and entire industries was a total coup for the Globalist. Bleeding heart liberalism has destroyed the working class.

Japan is down and almost out with a one-two punch of massive debt and now mega disaster. Korea is spreading it’s leg for China and forgetting the countries who built it up from post war rubble. Europe is stuck between Mid-east Oil blackmail and Russian Oil tyranny. The Gulf Oil barrons are counting their Swiss accounts and looking for a back door out. America’s core allies are in bad shape. The Pyramid is starting look like a leaning tower.

Now here’s an idea. It’s what made the U.S. a super power. Food and tractors. Those used to be the two biggest U.S. exports and foreign policy tools. Not cash, not bailouts and not technology transfers. The only trade with China should be food. The U.S. and it’s half-witted brother in Canada could level the palying field because North America has a huge capacity for food production and Canada’s north along with U.S. oil shale could replace all foreign oil supplies. Energy and food make the world go round and we had best secure our own backyards before the Globalist have stolen that as well.

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