Saturday 16 April 2011

The New Fabians…



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Posted on April 28, 2010 by centurean2| 4 Comments | Edit

Commentary by Lew Rockwell
Reprinted from The FREE MARKET
Published by the Ludwig von Mises Institute
April 1993

The New Fabians
By Llewellyn H. Rockwell, Jr.

Before the Russian Revolution, the Communist Party had two wings: Bolshevik and Menshevik. The Bolsheviks believed in the immediate establishment of socialism through violence. The Mensheviks (who also called themselves social democrats) argued for a gradual, non-revolutionary path to the same goal. Liberty and property were to be abolished by majority vote.

The Bolsheviks won, but after committing unimaginable crimes, they have pretty much disappeared. The Mensheviks, however, are taking over America.

At a recent town meeting in Hyde Park, New York, Bill Clinton was asked about a national sales tax (also called a value-added tax or VAT). Clinton – who is happily imposing income, corporate, energy, inheritance, and other taxes – said he could not include a VAT “right now.” There is “only so much change a country can accommodate at the same time.”

Our local Menshevism has its roots not in Lenin’s Russia, but in the London of 1883, when a group of go-slow socialists founded the Fabian Society. Headed by the appropriately named Herbert Bland, its most famous members were playwright George Bernard Shaw, authors Sidney and Beatrice Webb, and artist William Morris.

The Fabians took their name from Quintus Fabius Maximus, the Roman general who defeated Hannibal in the Second Punic War by refusing to fight large set-piece battles (which the Romans had lost against Hannibal), but only engaging in small actions he knew he could win, no matter how long he had to wait.

Founded the year of Marx’s death to promote his ideas through gradualism, the Fabian Society sought to “honeycomb” society, as Fabian Margaret Cole put it, with disguised socialist measures. By glossing over its goals, the Fabian Society hoped to avoid galvanizing the enemies of socialism.

Unlike revolutionary Marxists, the Fabian socialists also knew the workings of British public policy. As the original policy wonks,” they did much research, drew up plans, wrote pamphlets and books, and made legislative proposals, drawing on their allies in universities, churches, and newspapers for help. They also trained speakers, writers, and politicians, and Sidney Webb founded the London School of Economics in 1895 as headquarters for this work.

Although the Fabian Society never had more than 4,000 members, they originated, promoted, and steered through parliament most of British social policy in the last 80 years. The result was a wrecked economy and society, until Margaret Thatcher began to defabianize England.

The Fabians succeeded in their goal of establishing the “provider state,” a welfare state that would care not just for the poor, but also for the middle class, from cradle to grave.

Whether it was workmen’s compensation, old-age pensions, unemployment benefits, or socialized medicine, the Fabians always stressed “social reform,” noted John T. Flynn. They “saw early the immense value of social reform for accustoming the citizens to looking to the state for the correction of all their ills. They saw that welfare agitation could be made the vehicle for importing socialist ideas into the minds of the common man.”

Another Fabian innovation: social reform invariably involved some sort of “insurance”. People were induced to accept socialism through the model of the insurance company.

Real insurance companies, relying on a random distribution of accidents, pool money to make the world less uncertain for all of us. Pool everyone’s wealth in the state – the Fabian argued – and we could be happy, healthy, and wise.

Aneurin Bevan, the Fabian cabinet minister in the post-war Labor government who imposed the National Health Service, actually argued that it would drastically increase everyone’s life span, eventually warding off death indefinitely.

The real Fabian vision of the state had been shown, however, in Sidney and Beatrice Webb’s Soviet Communism: A New Civilization? published in 1935 (the question mark was removed from the title after the first edition). The book praised Stalin’s U.S.S.R. as a virtual Heaven on earth.

As fellow Marxists, if of a different stripe, the Webbs were bound to approve of Stalinism – the end if not the means. “The Fabians were in a sense better Marxists than Marx was himself,” said Joseph Schumpeter. “To concentrate on the problems that are within practical politics, to move in step with the evolution of things social, and to let the ultimate goal take care of itself is really more in accord with Marx’s fundamental doctrine than the revolutionary ideology he himself grafted upon it.”

Bill Clinton was trained by modern Fabians during his Rhodes scholarship at Oxford. Carroll Quigley, his mentor at Georgetown, was also a sort of Fabian. Perhaps this is why Clinton calls higher taxes “contributions,” government spending “investment,” blind obedience to him “patriotism,” and private property owners “special interests.”

Clearly socialism is what Clinton means by “change.” As E. J. Dionne has said, “President Clinton’s economic plan is a blueprint for recasting” our society into a “social democracy.”

For example, just as trade unions were about to die a merciful death in American economic life, Clinton signed several executive orders to ensure their prospering at the expense of property owners.

In his first budget, Clinton called on us to sacrifice ourselves to the government. The Fabians said the same, advocating, in the words of Beatrice Webb, the “transference” of “the emotion of self-sacrificing service” from God to the state.

Like other social democrats, Clinton lies to the public. He says that taxing the rich will have no effect on middle class wealth. But concentration of private capital at the top of the social hierarchy is good. It makes everyone better off. Plundering that wealth may lead to more equality, but it’s an equality of poverty.

Clinton has already shown his disdain for the market economy by berating drug companies for their prices and threatening controls on them (while expanding the welfare programs that drive these prices higher).

As to Hillary’s health and medical commission, we will get something more socialist than our present system, but short of the total state. More controls will come later.

The Fabian stained glass window, now installed at Beatrice Webb House in Surrey, England, shows George Bernard Shaw and Sidney Webb reshaping the world on an anvil, with the Fabian coat of arms in the background: a wolf in sheep’s clothing. That wolf is now at our door.


Timeline of The Actions of the Agents of the NEW WORLD ORDER In America
Wednesday, April 8th, 2009
Timeline of The Actions of the Agents of the

In America

For at Least 100 years, Wealthy Industrialists and Individuals have controlled America, They have taken us to War – while profiting by supporting BOTH sides, Deliberately put us into Economic depressions to transfer our wealth to themselves, instituted a PRIVATE BANKING CARTEL by usurping the Constitution, Overthrown LEGITIMATE SOVEREIGN Governments to install puppets they could control, and other equally Heinous Acts purely for their own Economic benefit. . . Even Thomas Jefferson worried about them even in his time -
“I believe that banking institutions are more dangerous to our liberties than standing armies. Already they have raised up a monied aristocracy that has set the government at defiance. The issuing power should be taken from the banks and restored to the people to whom it properly belongs.” – Thomas Jefferson

and This -

“Merchants have no country. The mere spot they stand on does not constitute so strong an attachment as that from which they draw their gains.” – Thomas Jefferson

History has proven Jefferson Correct, Time and Time and Time Again, as this Timeline Proves. . .

Mexico – 1846

The US fulfilling the Doctrine of Manifest Destiny Goes to war with Mexico and ends up with 1/3rd of Mexico’s Territory. ‘MANIFEST DESTINY’ is the belief that the USA is Destined to Control the Continent.
The Mexican War

Nicaragua – 1855

Tennessee Adventurer William Walker and his Mercenaries take over Nicaragua, Intsituting Slavery and Forced Labor. He was later Overthrown by a Group largely ‘inspired’ by Cornelius Vanderbilt, on who’s Trade, Walker was infringing.
William Walker

Hawaii : January 17, 1893
The Theft of The Sovereignty of The Hawaiian Islands from the Indigenous Peoples

On the night of January 17, 1893, a group of Foreigners (“Howlies”), Mostly Americans, with the Assistance of the US Marines of the USS Boston (Docked in the Harbor) Overthrew the LEGITIMATE Ruler of Hawaii (Then a SOVERIGN NATION), Queen Lydia Liliuokalani. The reasons were Simple : Rich Sugar Farmers Wished to Avoid Recently enacted TARIFFS on the importation of SUGAR to the United States. If the US Annexed Hawaii, the tarriffs would not apply . . .
The Annexation Of Hawaii

The Phillipines, Puerto Rico, Guam, and Cuba – December 10,1898

The Treaty of Paris was signed on December 10, 1898 with Spain to end the Spanish-American War – America Promised not to annex Cuba, but annexed Guam and Puerto Rico. The us ‘bought’ the Phillipines from Spain for $ 20 Million Dollars – in spite of the fact that it was quite obvious that Filipinos did NOT want to be occupied by the US or anyone else for that matter. . .
The Philippines, Guam, Puerto Rico and Cuba

Panama – 1903-1936

US indirectly runs Panama through a surrogate after managing its secession from Columbia. This had mostly to do with the Panama Canal – Theodore Roosevelt Forced Panama to secede from Columbia when Columbians REFUSED to sell the US property Rights to the Isthmus in order to build the canal . . .
A Timeline of Military Intervention in Panama

Jekyll Island Georgia – November 22,1910
The Federal Reserve System Conspiracy

A group of Leading Financiers Representives steals out of New York City On a Secret Mission. Arriving at Jekyll Island, they are locked away in a secluded Hotel to subvert the Banking System of the United States – Writing a Draft of a Bill that became the PRIVATE BANKING SYSTEM known as the Federal Reserve . . . a system that subverted Congresses CONSTITUTIONAL obligation to be responsible for the issuance of Currency.
Final Warning : A History Of The New World Order – Chapter 2: The Creation Of The Federal Reserve
Secrets Of The Federal Reserve : Who Controls our Economy and Why it Violates the US Constitution

The Treaty Of Versailles

The Treaty Of Versailles imposed extremely harsh measures upon a broken and beaten Germany after WWI. This contributed to the Rise and Acceptance of Adolph Hitler. International Bankers ()including several Americans) planned this, and in any case wasted no time in taking advantage of Germany’s impoverished condition to make lucrative loans to a Germany desperate for capital to rebuild. Americans on Wall Street were Eager participants . . . even going so far as financing Hitler’s Rise to Power, and impairing the Allies’ efforts against him, by restricting America’s access to rubber, (for instance – Standard Oil’s (Now Exxon) deal with I.G. Farben)
The DAWES and the YOUNG Plans
also see (American/Nazi Connections)
for additional information on American and NAZI Connections

The ‘Bankers Coup’ – 1933

A Group of Wealthy Industrialists including JP Morgan, JD Rockefeller, and Others Attempt to Overthrow FDR and Install a FASCIST Dictatorship in the US. The Plot is Thwarted by the Most Decorated Marine in US History – Gen. Smedley Butler – who was to lead an Army of Veterans Against FDR. Gen. Butler, However was a Patriotic American, and played along with the plotters long enough to get the details and then reported the plot. His Testimony before the McCormick-Dickstein Committee of the US House was confirmed by the committee, however, the Plotters were never punished – Powerful men can even get away with Treason. . . These men, running the largest companies in America, later supported Hitler’s Rise to power, and powered BOTH Hitler’s War Machine and that of the Allies – making huge profits from BOTH Sides . . . Gen Butler was Correct, War IS a RACKET.
General Smedley Butler’s WAR IS A RACKET
The Banker’s Coup
The McCormack-Dickstein Committee Report Part 1
All three parts can be found in .PDF format on this site on the TEXT FILES DOWNLOAD page

National City Lines – 1936

National City Lines was a holding company formed by GM, Firestone Tire, Standard Oil Of California, Phillips Petroleum, and Mack Trucks for the specific purpose of buying up clean running, electrical Trolley Systems and Converting them to Dirty, Polluting Bus Systems – In Effect, Addicting America To Oil and Petroleum Products.
Wikipedia Article On National City Lines
The Third Rail Article May 1999
Cities with Transportation Owned by NATIONAL CITY LINES

GM – James Mooney (President of GM Overseas Corp) is Personally Decorated By Adolph Hitler With the Order of the Eagle With Service Cross

In 1938, Just Months after the NAZI annexation of Austria – James Mooney was decorated by Adolph Hitler with the highest Medal Germany could give a Foreigner – the Order of the Eagle with Cross. The reason for the decoration was GM’s help in employing over 17,000 Germans and providing the German Army with the ‘Blitz’ truck in large enough quantities to go to war . . .
GM : HITLER’s CARMAKER – Edwin Blacks Article

IBM – Founder Thomas Watson Sr. Given the Order of the Eagle By Adolph Hitler

IBM was the chief supplier of Hollerith Card Punch Sorting Machines to the NAZI’s – instead of SELLING the machines – they were LEASED to the NAZI’s – meaning that IBM Serviced and Upgraded the Machines, and personally assisted customers in the creation of their database ‘Punch-Cards’ – Hitler used these cards to identify Jews, Homosexuals, and other non-Aryans to send them to the Camps . . . the number that Holocaust victims wear on their arms were their punch-card numbers . . . and should serve as a reminder to all of us as well as IBM of the Evils that may be perpetrated in the name of PROFIT$ by businesses . . .
IBM and the Holocaust – Edwin Blacks new Book
Dehomag (IBM’s German Subsidiary) is sued for Cooperating with the NAZI’s

Ford Motors – Henry Ford – Given the Order of the Eagle By Adolph Hitler

Henry Ford contributed personally to the NAZI Party and supported the rise of Adolph Hitler to Power. FORDWERKE (The German Subsidiary of Ford Motors) was a significant factor in the building of vehicles for Hitler’s War Machine and the health of the German Economy

Charles Lindbergh – Given the Order of The Eagle By Adolph Hitler

GM – Alfred P. Sloan – Given the Order of The Eagle By Adolph Hitler

Guatemala – 1953 – US Overthrows Democratically Elected Government of Jacobo Arbenz Guzman

President Eisenhower, under pressure from United Fruit Company – resurrected a plan aborted by Truman to dispose The President of Guatemala who had been instituting land reforms (mostly taking back uncultivated land from United Fruit Company) at that time any activity that was labeled ;reform’ by a democratically elected foreign government that conflicted with US Business interests was labeled by the US as ‘communist’ . . . and as such should be overthrown – such was the twisted rationalization used by the US Government as justification to interfere with if not outright overthrow Sovereign Foreign Governments . . .
CIA Overthrows Arbenz for United Fruit Company

IRAN – August 1953 Overthrow of the Democratically Elected Leader – Mossadegh

In August of 1953, the US and British Governments sought to OVERTHROW the LEGITIMATE government of Iran. The reason was Mossadegh RUFUSAL to give in to demands of British Oil Companies – allowing them to Profit Immensely while the Iranian people profited minimally from their OWN natural resources . . . Mossadegh was made out to be a communist, which he was not, and the CIA instituted a campaign of Disinformation to remove Mossadegh’s popular support – they enlisted an Iraqi General (General Zahedi, Whom they Bribed) as the primary instrument f The Coup. The CIA staged Protest of support for Mossadegh by ‘communists’ in order to strengthen the incorrect perception of Mossadegh as a communist . . . among other actions. The plan was called TPAJAX – and was overseen by Kermit Roosevelt ( a nephew of Theodore) and was so successful that it became a pattern that was used in many other operations to overthrow Governments that acted against US Business Interests . . .
The Entire Declassified CIA Report on this operation can be found here
(And Also on On this site HERE)
DemocracyNow! Report and Interview with Stephen Kinser (Author of OVERTHROW)

The most egregious of their actions – to remove a President from us . . . The North woods Memo Deprived Allen Dulles of his job at the CIA, JFK was about to ‘break up the CIA into a Thousand Pieces . . .”, reduce the Oil Depletion Allowance – cutting into profits of the Oil Companies, drop LBJ from his ‘64 Run for re-election (with LBJ about to be indicted – If JFK Died – LBJ’s illegal activities could be made to go away – then there is Billy Sol Estes . . . and Malcolm Wallace’s prints in the ’snipers’ nest of the Texas School Book Depository. . .), JFK made LOTS of enemies of the Privileged Classes . . .
Operation Northwoods <<< Plan for the CIA to commit False-Flag Ops against AMERICANS ON AMERICAN SOIL
Billy Sol Estes Documents – Accusing LBJ of Murders in COURT – Including the JFK Assassination <<<<
Highly Recommend you read this !
14-point Fingerprint match with Malcolm Wallace DIRECTLY Links the JFK Assassination to LBJ

The Attack on The USS Liberty – June 8, 1967

On June 8, 1967 in order to draw America into the 1967 War between Israel and the Arab States, President Johnson allowed the Israeli Government to attack an unarmed US Intelligence Ship – the USS Liberty. Israel Attacked the ship for several hours with unmarked planes and torpedo boats – yet did not sink it.
The Plan was to blame the attack on Egypt to allow the US to attack Egypt and their soviet advisors . . . the ship and crew did not co-operate, and the incident became an embarrassment to Israeli and the US governments. 24 US Sailors died, and the entire incident was covered up – the explanation being that Israel mistakenly identified the ship
USS Liberty – Israeli Pilot Speaks Up
BBC Documentary on the USS Liberty: “Dead in the Water”
USS Liberty Memorial – Main Page
Recent Washington Post Article

Please NOTE – this is an On-Going Project

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