Saturday 2 April 2011

Only Economists Believe the ‘Great Recession’ Ended

Reality is – beneficiarys of the System tend to be the
Very Rich and the Very Poor. The very rich for their political contributions and the very poor for their votes. A lot of (not all) Gov’t workers got a nice piece of pie too.

Of course, the middle class is picking up the tab. Now that the credit has run out, the middle class will become increasingly strapped.

The US was stable for so long because of a large middle class. Now that it is rapidly shrinking, the instability will increase.

I rode out Katrina and got a taste of instability. Soldiers on the corner. Humvees and army trucks parked at city hall and in front of the grocery stores. Standing in lines. Curfew at night. A female national guard shot a black guy in the head four blocks from my house with her M-16.
It did not make the papers, radio or tv. Two women I know were raped, dragged from their car. Ditto – never made the news – and this is a small town where everyone knows everyone. News was sanitized and controlled.

What will happen:
When the money goes bad will say to come in and trade your green money for the new red money. In the grocery stores, your food stamps, welfare check (now Smart card) will only buy the red tagged items that are price fixed. will pay the farmers and grocers the difference.

Like in Katrina, the farmers, medics, nurses, cops, politicians, Homeland security – the Necessary and the Connected will have a gas line just for them.

Private pension funds and retirement accounts will be seized – and merged with the Social Security System.
This has already happened in a couple of European nations.

Police and Soldiers will have a Kent State moment when they have to decide to follow orders and fire on the crowd – or Not.

Of course, all of the above is totally unnecessary, wasteful, and counterproductive. A return to State’s Rights – meaning a return to the constitution and a return to true capitalism would fix the problems in a few years.

However, this will not be. The Marxists that run this country will never give up power. They will see the population slaughtered rather than give an inch. Greed, Power and Privelege drive these people, all the while professing a desire to “help” the poor man.
A man that wants to “help” you is a man that wants to control you.

We used to have democracy and capitalism. When they say “democracy” now, they mean a deliberately Misinformed populace doing what their masters tell them to do. When they say “capitalism” now they mean Crony Capitalism – Spoils go to the politically favored. Notice many of the State Workers in Wisconsin – Socialist Slogans and rhetoric. They know those fat checks and pensions come from POLITICS – not from Capitalist Achievement.

The Marxists that run our nation are STAGE 4 Conquerors.

Stage 1 conquerors:
Genghis Kahn, et al. They ride in, kill all the men, rape the women and ride off with the gold. The large standing army has to keep moving and keep stealing.

Stage 2 conquerors:
The Romans. Better organized than Kahn. March in, defeat the local army, take political control, and keep a garrison down the road just in case the locals get restless. But the tribute caravan yearly threads it’s way back to Rome.

Stage 3 conquerors:
The British. First identify resources needed by the Empire. Then exploit any local conflicts –
supply arms or money to one side or Both sides. Let the locals wear themselves out fighting each other. Or supply one side in exchange for resources. Only if the locals can’t be induced to kill each other is the British Army sent in – small surgical strikes by a well trained force. Once the British take over – roads are built, schools opened, the children of the rich are sent to school in London. Locals who play ball with the British are handsomely rewarded The ships move the rubber or cocaine about the Empire.
Anyone locals who gain a following are imprisoned, executed or assassinated.
The Military is a tool of business.

Stage 4 Conquerors:
What we have today. Much more sophisticated than the British. Winston Churchill said the empires of the future will be “Empires of the Mind”
First, Stage 4 Conquerors buy up all the newspaper and tv outlets and the news syndicates. Real journalists are fired, those who remain report only the stories they are told to report.

The true Conquerors remain relatively anonymous. Politicians are paid mouthpieces, groomed for years before the public ever hears of them. These Shills are chosen for their ability to persuade, to talk. And to obey their Masters. They know who butters their bread. Without the financing of the Conquerors for their campaigns and media backing, they cannot survive politically. Congress has had a 95%+ incumbency rate for years.

The Public is now mostly on Cable TV. The silly people pay their Conquerors $70.00 a month to tell them How to think and What to think. Because of watching TV, the public has mostly lost the ability to think – shortened attention spans. The public becomes Parrots for the Conquerors.

Keeping a standing army – Genghis Kahn – is expensive. Keeping a garrison -the Romans-
is expensive. Small surgical strikes by the British is less expensive – but controlling people’s minds with Cable TV is PROFITABLE.
No army is needed. Control the Mind, not the Body.
What’s your credit score? Got your MEDS?
Call 1-800 credit counseling. Buy this new car
Cash for Clunkers. Debt slaves who work until they die – and never own anything.

Stage 4 Conquerors create and constantly foment a state of Crisis. A constant Emergency. For example the FAKE War on Terror.

Any social ills are exploited. Any social conflicts are exploited. The device is
older than Machiavelli – Divide and Conquor. The Marxist overlords have a million devices to confuse and control the public.

Glenn Beck, O’Reilley, and Limbaugh – and their “Liberal” counterparts bombard the public with
‘Conservative – Liberal’ invective. This is to keep the public arguing among themselves rather that looking behind the curtain, where the Marxist overlords are Laundering Drug Money in big American and European Banks, Buying Elections, and Starting wars for profit. Democrat/Republican is the Diversion to conceal the real action.

Now you see “documentaries” on Las Vegas and Gambling. Clever advertisements to lure weak people into wasting money – disguised as journalism.

The list is endless and the public is clueless. They are going to the welfare office with their hat in their hand to ask their masters for a handout. They find themselves homeless in their own land.

Socialism/Marxism has done it’s work in America, it is deeply imbedded in the American gut. It took the Russians from 1917 to 1980+ to get rid of this disease and they are still weak from it. How many years will America Suffer?


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