Saturday 9 April 2011

Wall St., media, military elites grip must be broken


Interestingly enough, its coming from an unusual source.

YouTube - 'Wall St., media, military...


The economic rift between rich and poor in America is deepening, but a new awareness is also taking root among the people. That's the opinion of renowned civil rights activist Dr. Cornel West, who shared his views with RT's Marina Portnaya


Wall Street and War
by Kevin Zeese
Veterans For Peace has joined in endorsing “Sounds of Resistance,” a concert and protest against Wall Street banks that draws the connections between militarism, Wall Street, the wealth divide and the downward spiral of the wealth of most Americans. The event, on April 15 at 11:00 a.m. in New York City’s Union Square Park, is part of a democratic awakening that more and more Americans are joining.
Americans are recognizing the link between the military-industrial complex and the Wall Street oligarchs—a connection that goes back to the beginning of the modern U.S. empire. Banks have always profited from war because the debt created by banks results in ongoing war profit for big finance; and because wars have been used to open countries to U.S. corporate and banking interests. Secretary of State, William Jennings Bryan wrote: “the large banking interests were deeply interested in the world war because of the wide opportunities for large profits.”

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