Sunday 10 July 2011

Apocalypse News.


Lots of mentions of the Murdoch 'empire' and his newspapers' filthy behavour in comments. From the drone-troll, admittedly. Yes, I can see the IP addresses.
Cards on the table.
I don't care.
Murdoch is a wrinkly old arse who thinks he's going to be forever king of the world and doesn't believe it will ever end. His closing down of the News of the World was a convenient way to get shot of a load of staff and save himself money. He thinks money is immortality and does not know that there is no such thing as either. If his electronic bank balance was converted into printed money it would decimate a rainforest. Most money does not exist. Neither does immortality. He worships both. Let him, it's his funeral.
I recall something along the lines of 'It is easier for a rich man to eye up a camel than for a poor man to take it to Heaven with a needle' and that's probably true. Money buys gratification. Religion promised eternity in an afterlife, now the new religion of science promises eternity in this one. Is that an improvement? How? When the entire human race looks like Keith Richard, are we better off?
I don't want an afterlife. One's enough. Oblivion sounds good to me. Besides, milk gives me the squits (you don't want that if I'm sat on a cloud) and the only sensible use for honey is mead. I can't play the harp and I don't want to have to cope with wings because I don't like heights.
So the Murdoch is playing with the world as if he actually matters. He doesn't have long left to do it, not even if he gets his skin ironed and his todger de-coked. He doesn't matter. Neither do you and neither do I. Humans are ephemeral, as is humanity. Ask Diplodocus. The planet we are on really does not give a speck of shit whether we rise to be Overlords of the Universe or whether we go the way of the ammonites.
We die out, it'll come up with something different. In ten thousand years, maybe Bluebottle News will be closed down for intercepting buzzing sounds. As for all those stars and planets we ooh and aah at, they don't even know we're here. There is no grand plan for humanity. There is no plan at all. Trying to implement one is just silly.
So I don't care about Rupert the Wrinkly-Nosed Murdoch or any of his clan, any of his employees, any of his Crystal-Tipps-haired sidekicks or any of his bought politicians. If he didn't buy them, someone else would. They are all for sale, just kerb-crawl around Westminster and there they are.
Really. I don't care.
I have only one thing to say in Murdoch's favour.
He played a decent bass when he was in Gorillaz.

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