Wednesday 6 July 2011

A Brave New World


It’s our country’s birthday, and I can’t help but think of how far our country has come, and yet, how far it needs to still go, especially now, facing so many financial crises and threats at the same time.

So I thought I’d take today to jot down some thoughts I have and answer what is perhaps the leading question of our time.

After all, holidays are not only a great time to spend time with friends and family, they are also an opportune time to take a step back and look at the world from a bigger, greater, perspective.

Will the U.S. survive the debt crisis and remain a superpower?

My view: Yes, we will survive it! But we’re headed through some very tough times over the next few years, and the crisis is bound to get far worse before we come out the other side.

However, the other side of the crisis will indeed be a different new world. Just some of the things I see on the other side …

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A new single world currency to replace the dollar as a reserve currency. All international transactions will be conducted in the new world currency.

A new world order, comprised largely of the U.S., Europe, and China. There’s no disputing that China is headed toward superpower status; it’s already the second largest economy in the world, and, based on purchasing power parity, will likely be the largest economy in the world just five years from now.

I also foresee …

A new tax system in the U.S., probably a flat tax. A much simpler, fairer tax system than what we have now.

And perhaps most importantly, as we head through the darkest phases of the financial crisis, I foresee a day when …

The entire national debt of the U.S., including unfunded promises such as Social Security and Medicare, are fully monetized, and the debts (and interest on them) eliminated entirely.

I’m not talking utopia here, some sort of crazy dream. I’m just talking facts: For the U.S. to survive this crisis, debt is going to have to be eliminated entirely. That is the only way we will survive.

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Call me crazy, but if our government just repudiated all debts, and printed enough money to cover them all — while simultaneously issuing equity in the government to citizens, effectively swapping the debts for equity, we will not only survive, we will thrive as a nation.

It will be painful getting there, and it will require, as already noted, a new monetary system, a new tax system, and a new world order, including cooperation from virtually every country on the planet.

But it is eminently doable. Unfortunately, it won’t begin to happen until the crisis hits full momentum over the next few years.

In the meantime, I urge everyone — you must defend and protect your wealth like never before.

Best wishes,


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