Saturday 9 July 2011

Johanna Brandt Cancer Cured With Grapes


Johanna Brandt stops deadly cancer with nothing but grapes for 6 weeks

Here book is freely given.

Author’s Note

In the present desperate need of the world, I am offering this book as my contribution toward the solution of the Cancer problem. It is founded on personal experience and is put forward more as a prevention of Cancer than a cure.

Many of the sufferers from this malady have had organs removed. Havoc has been wrought by the virulent cancer poison. They all have the same story to tell, such as:

“We are now declared to be suffering from inoperable cancer.”

To all such afflicted beings – and there are many – I would say that the grape diet is, so far as I know at present, their only hope.

Any questions with regard to such cases should be directed to licensed drug-less healers or to the medical men who have studied the Grape Cure.

Before starting on the grape diet, it is absolutely essential to remove any and all prejudice from our minds and hearts. Start with a clean sheet, then the only thing you will have to eradicate is the obstruction in your physical body.

Johanna Brandt,
Pretoria, S. A.

1. The Fourth of July, 1927
2. My Story of the Discovery
3. For God and Common Sense
4. The First Test Cases
5. Directions For The Grape Cure
6. Regarding Cancer
7. Supplementary Information
8. Grape Juice
9. The Secrets of the Success of the Grape Diet
10. What Must We Do?
11. Prevention and Cause of Cancer
12. Analysis of Grapes
13. Nothing New
14. Definitions Given for Grape Cure

Our test cases will go down in history. Those of the patients who knew that they were suffering from cancer were greatly helped by the thought that there was more at stake than their lives. They showed the proper fighting spirit when they understood that the success of a noble cause depended on their efforts and especially on their implicit obedience.

The details of all our test cases have been carefully tabulated for publication. In this volume, however, I am merely able to give an outline of our experiences. When the time comes our physicians will speak for themselves.

Everyone concerned with these test cases in New York passed through a baptism of fire, for, as it happened, the patients were pronounced to be in the final stages of cancer.

I maintain that it is not fair to expect such cases to recover under the Grape Cure or any other treatment.

And yet they have all passed safely through the test!

One young woman had had six operations on the rectum and the base of the spine. I never saw anyone so completely poisoned.

After beginning the grape diet (and she continued it longer than any of the other patients), the pus poured from her. When she began to pass worms, I knew that the terrible ordeal was nearly over. The grapes seem to ferret out the most deep-seated cause of trouble and drive it from the system.

This woman’s life will be a perpetual martyrdom. The coccyx had been removed – a physician said she would never be able to sit properly and nothing could relieve the excruciating pain in the spine. But to look upon that transfigured face fills one with awe. Her eyes shine with an unearthly beauty, her skin is soft and smooth like the petals of a rose. Sanctified by suffering, this woman has emerged from the abyss of premature death to be a witness to the divine healing properties of the grape.

Always check with your doctor or the world health organization first to make sure grapes are healthy for you.

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