Thursday 21 July 2011

Sudden Death of Murdoch Empire Whistleblower



The headlines read, News of the World phone-hacking whistleblower found dead. A report in the ‘’ reads, “Death of Sean Hoare – who was first named journalist to allege Andy Coulson knew of hacking – not being treated as suspicious”.

Conspiracy? Yes
Plausible conspiracy? Yes, sure it is.

When you’re in the realm of so many millions and billions of dollars, one cannot assume that those in that Tier have made it to that Tier by being ‘nice guys’. In fact, it is a logical assumption that many or perhaps most in that Tier around the world have made it there by being ruthless, conniving, back-stabbing, coercive, and corrupt.

When there are millions or even billions at stake, a corrupt entity may stop at nothing to protect itself.

While they say the sudden death of a key informant / whistle-blower is not being treated as suspicious, they are in essence saying that you are less than intelligent and cannot read between the lines. Sure, there’s a chance that this was entirely coincidental, but at the same time there’s the chance that it was not – wouldn’t you say? For the police to immediately say that there’s nothing suspicious either exemplifies their complete ineptness, or, they believe you are too involved with soccer, baseball, or celebrities, to know the difference.

The Murdoch empire is being challenged, their questionable ethics and alleged outright breaking the law is in the spotlight. Three police cars and two ambulances arrive at the apartment of a recently discharged and deceased whistle-blower of the Sun and the News of the World, and there is no suspicion?

Sean Hoare first made his claims in a New York Times investigation into the phone-hacking allegations at the News of the World. He told the newspaper that not only did Andy Coulson know of the hacking, but he also actively encouraged his staff to intercept the calls of celebrities in the pursuit of exclusives. Coulson was former editor of News of the World, and Director of Communications for the government and Prime Minister.

Hoare also named a private investigator who he said had links with the News of the World, adding: “He may want to talk now, because I think what you’ll find now is a lot of people are going to want to cover their arse.”

He had evidently overcome a problem with drinking and drugs, however you can bet that this will be the focus of discrediting and probable cause. Again, sure, this may be the cause – but when a case such as this is immediately marked as ‘not suspicious’, that makes a thinking person, ‘very suspicious’…

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