Thursday 7 July 2011

We hold these truths to be Self Evident


We hold these truths to be self evident…

Our representative federal government is failing to represent.

They concern themselves with the protection and the pleasure of a few elite…

And not the protection of the rest of us – the millions of laborers and middle class.

They willingly take on the responsibility of being our voice…

And then enslave our grandchildren.

They are bought and paid for.

They allow themselves to be influenced by the Federal Reserve and International Central Banks…

They move us ever towards collectivism, regardless of the party line they feed us.

Republican’s tell us what we can and can’t do with our bodies.

They fund a military industrial complex that builds private profits, incites fear and perpetrates murder.

They use fear and labels to strip us of our privacy and to humiliate and torture innocents.

They tell us there are terrorists under every rock and we can only be safe with their strong hand.

But the real threat to lives is a country that continually starts wars across the globe to incur debt profit.

The Democrats tell us what we can and can’t do with our property and businesses.

Their expansion of influence throughout all private exchange is the disease that kills liberty.

They hate thieves yet build their foundation on using their power to steal from others.

They would have us believe they understand compassion for us better than we understand compassion for ourselves.

They would have us believe that all big business is wrong and elite.

The true elite are the international central banks in bed with the government.

These are private institutions above the law and having no concern for the people or by the people.

We are told without the federal government’s overarching power we would be lost.

We are told we are offered a choice for how we are represented.

While the people we choose offer themselves to elitist money and influence.

Our hope for change becomes our terror.

Our hope for liberty shackles us in chains.

Our media is owned.

Our opinions are created before we have them.

Our choices fashioned before we understand them.

The Federal Reserve and the other international banks already know their presidential nominees.

For both parties.

Our standard of living is shrinking.

Our strong work ethic has been mocked.

We are told to hope in them.

But we have.

We are not growing stronger.

We are not growing stronger in love, or joy, or prosperity.

We are not growing stronger in opportunity, or in the pride of our hands.

We are growing distrustful. We are growing disparaged. And we are bleeding our money.

Our economy is collapsing before our eyes.

Millions are in digital bread lines.

Millions don’t have a job. Million are slaves to jobs they hate.

Our government, here to protect and serve us, has become a force bigger than us.

We are now here to protect and serve it.

Education costs are skyrocketing. Yet we still educate for yesterdays jobs that we can never have.

We train memorization – not action. We ignore the understandings of basic skills and rights.

Like how to run a household budget. And the responsibility of personal liberty.

We no longer have a voice to change the course of our government.

Our government – both parties – are ineffective for us.

They are only effective for those who seek to further imprison us.

As times grow harder – we are told to give even more of ourselves to them so that they might save us.

They are the ones who imprisoned us to a future of decay.

So this independence day we declare independence.

We declare our independence from this slavery of the elite.

We remove our consent.

We know the signs of the disease and we will seek until we fully understand the cause.

While we educate ourselves, we refuse to continue to pretend its all fine.

We refuse to be lulled into complacency and indifference.

We silently stand up and choose righteous anger towards all those we have collectively entrusted.

We choose righteous anger at the uncaring indifference of the elite that willingly enslaves us.

We refuse to be caught up in the lie that this is about democrats or republicans.

We refuse to participate it petty internal arguments that keep us divided from the real truth.

Our government is no longer a servant of us – we are a slave to it and its whims because it is a slave to the economic banking elite.

We peacefully remove our consent by removing our voice.

We silently remove our consent by removing our vote and our petty bipartisan arguments.

We remove our consent by learning and researching ideas.

Ideas are stronger than any corrupt system.

Ideas fuel change.

Ideas – when carried by millions – are unstoppable.

We remove our consent by focusing on our local community and its economic growth.

We remove our consent by realizing the dollar is only paper…

and we no longer want to let the banks make money off our dollars in their system.

We value and begin saving real money not brought into existence by enslavement – Gold and Silver.

We remove our consent by developing the skills to be self sustaining.

We remove our consent by ignoring the media who intentionally feeds us lies.

We remove our consent by knowing we are masters of our future – and having faith in the person next to us.

We remove our consent by choosing to no longer be an active participant of corrupt system.

We remove our consent by refusing to engage in dialogue with the Federal Government.

We are not naive. We know the “change” our government continually drives toward will hurt.

A time of economic death, a time of despair (for some) and the loss of hope.

But all death brings rebirth, and the suicide our federal government is toying with…

It’s suicide will be the rebirth of ideas and the rebirth of liberty.

We will educate ourselves and feed the fire and strength of ideas.

Ideas of truth. Non-corruption. True liberty and the true protection of that Liberty.

We foster ideas of faith in our ability as a unified people of these United States.

We honor our fellow human by refusing to encroach on their individual sovereignty and by keeping our word to all.

We will share educated ideas throughout the entire middle and lower class as creatively as we know how.

We will find those who have a voice and a heart – even if they are not sexy or a multimillionaires.

Through the power of an idea whose time has come…

Our life, liberty and pursuit of happiness will be restored.

In this life or the next.

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