Tuesday, 7 June 2011

Hello Pope Benedict

It is now time for me to speak out about the secret documents hidden in the Vatican’s subterranean vaults. I will now be recording a series of open messages to you and the Vatican Staff. In these messages I will include certain ancient information from secret Vatican documents.

Please Click for Fourth Message

The 4th message releases the 4th Secret of Fatima, the truth about hell, how there is an activation of Love Energies when Mary’s Immaculate Heart is properly consecrated and why the Vatican has never been able to properly consecrate Mary’s Immaculate Heart and activate Love Energies worldwide.

Listen to how a Private Consecration Ceremony will be held on June 11th, 2011 to activate the Love Energies of Mary’s Immaculate Heart in the bodies, minds, Souls and Holy Spirit Light Bodies of those who are ready around the world.

Now, if you are having Flying Dreams, please realize you are being prepared for something wondrous. You are invited to attend our all day Public Consecration Ceremony that, on July 11th, 2011, will activate Love Energies in Mary’s Immaculate Heart within those who would like to become ready.

Please Click for Third Message

My 3rd message discusses your confession to a priest about mishandling the 3rd Secret of Fatima. Hear the reason both Secrets were supposed to be released in 1960. Learn about the heretofore unreleased 4th Secret of Fatima.

Please Click for Second Message

In my second message is a question. Do you wish to begin a new era for the church or continue the dark conservative path that was foreseen in a 1884 vision by Pope Leo XIII as described in the audio? Hear how Pope John Paul I’s proposed release of secret documents resulted in his 1978 murder.

Please Click for First Message

Hear my first message to you, a prophecy that both you and I know is true. It describes how and why, within 13 months of this audio recording, you will be executed by the people of Rome, exactly as prophesized in St Malachy’s Prophecies and in the real 3rd Secret of Fatima.

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