Sunday 5 June 2011

New Decentralized Currency Stimulating Underground Barter Economy


New grassroots cyber currency, the Bitcoin, may provide the perfect vehicle to operate outside the establishment economy and snub the all-powerful banking cartels — it’s decentralized, quasi-anonymous, and its supply is regulated by an algorithm to actually create deflation over time.

Eric Blair
Activist Post

The masses are beginning to understand that the greatest threat to human freedom is the international banking cartel and their debt-based monetary system. Together with governments, they squash any manifestation of a free marketplace and personal freedom. Between runaway money printing, corporate cartel control, subsidies and taxes, and regulations and fees; the free market is nothing more than an ideology — for now.

As the “Too Big to Fail” private banks consolidate even further with the help of their central baking partners and government puppets, it would seem that they form an all-powerful cartel. They force us to use their monopoly money to pay for all necessary goods and services. They track every economic transaction to plunder as much manufactured taxes and fees as possible. Income taxes are extracted to prop up the debt-based system, the Wall Street casino, the domestic surveillance prison, and endless wars. And on top of that, the consumer is ravaged by increasing inflation. Indeed, the system smashes personal and economic freedom.


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