Monday 19 September 2011

You are not a free man, you are a number.


We used to be people.
I don't think that ever applies any more.We are sometimes consumers, sometimes taxpayers, sometimes voters, but never people.
Nowhere is this more apparent than in the Righteous thinking of the filthy-habit-control industry.
If you read this collection of antismoking rhetoric, and this article on the application of that same rhetoric to booze, there's something that stands out.
From the smoking one:
According the US CDC (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention), $92 billion are lost each year from lost productivity resulting from smoking-related deaths.
From the drinking one:

Actual spending on alcohol-related problems accounts for €66 billion of this, while potential production lost due to absenteeism, unemployment and premature mortality accounts for a further €59 billion.
Note that carefully. If you smoke or drink, what your masters are most concerned about is the lost productivity if you die before they've squeezed every last bit of work out of you. The same line will be applied to the overweight, if it hasn't already.
Not your health. Not your co-workers' health. Not your happiness, certainly. Not even the smell.
We are to stay healthy so we can be used to make money to pay for those whose jobs produce nothing but harsher controls on our lives with the sole intention of keeping us alive so we can make them more money. That is their sole purpose in life: to keep us all as fit and healthy as possible so they can leech off us for longer.
The anti-smoking/drinking/fat/all the rest is not for the benefit of smokers/drinkers/chubbies. It is not for the benefit of non-smokers, non-drinkers, or thinnies. No, I'm afraid you've all been duped there. Many people now believe they will die if they so much as see a smoker, they will soon believe the same about boozers and they already believe that fat people will sit on them or make planes drop out of the sky. Why do they believe this rubbish?
They are convinced that the Righteous are working for their benefit. They are not. The Righteous work for the benefit of the Righteous and nobody else. Ever.
Consider how all these 'experts' are paid. They are paid from your taxes. If you don't hate smokers/drinkers/fat people, if you don't believe they cost the NHS money, then there is a danger of you noticing something.
You might notice how much you are paying to these 'experts' so they can tell you who to hate. You might even begin to question why you pay them so much, and why you have no choice in paying them, and why you have no means to stop paying them, no means to deselect or fire them and absolutely no control over what you pay them to do.
There is a contagion in this country but it is not smoke. Nor is it drink, salt or fat. It goes by the name of the NHS.
The NHS only exists because we all pay for it. Its constituent departments battle for their share of that money and each tries to push its agenda above those of other departments. The NHS was conceived as universal healthcare but it's not that any more. It used to be, back when we were people.
Now we are no longer people, we are economic units. The NHS does not exist to keep us alive, we exist to keep it alive. We are not supposed to do anything that might increase our chances of ever needing the healthcare we pay for, because the NHS doesn't like doing that. Instead we are all to lead sterile, monochrome lives, each fitting perfectly into the mould of the BMA's standard human, stay perfectly fit and healthy and work to provide money for an NHS that will no longer be doing anything at all.
Now, the NHS is a controlling machine rather than a repair shop. We must never use it. Antismokers and antidrinkers love to crow about 'cost to the NHS' and how smokers and drinkers should be refused treatment but that's only the beginning. Mountain climbers, sportsmen, drivers - you all chose to put yourselves in those high-risk situations. Do you really imagine you are not in line for the same hate in the future?
Annually, the NHS kills more people than smoking. Everyone pays for it. You can choose not to smoke but you cannot choose not to pay for the NHS. If you ever use it, there's a good chance of it killing you. Yet so many support it, so many demand its funding be protected from cuts and from use by people who live non-approved lives. Look again at what we pay for . Look past the frontline doctors and nurses to where the big money is spent.
Smoking cessation officers. Five-a-day coordinators. Whole departments making up figures on how much we are to be allowed to eat or drink, and deciding what we are to eat or drink. You're paying for that. Yes, you. You think there are research labs behind the scenes? There are offices where men in suits sit around inventing numbers to apply to your life. And you pay for them, but you have no influence at all on their decisions. None. You cannot sack them if you don't like paying them. You cannot ignore them because they come looking for you.
They are the real reason you get refused a bottle of wine in a supermarket because you have your child with you. Not the supermarket. They are just doing what they are told. The cause is deep in the bowels of the NHS where they have decided on the form and lifestyle of the British Standard Human and set about eliminating everyone who does not fit their ideal.
These suited monkeys are the reason the antismokers behave like modern-day Inquisitors, the reason for those videos depicting beaten-up smokers and exploding climate heretics. It's okay to beat them and blow them up because they aren't real people.
Neither are you, antismoker, antidrinker, Climatologist or fat berater. You are a useful unit at the moment but you're on the list too. You think they'll never come for your car? Really?
Don't just cut the NHS. Shut it down. Completely. With the money we save by not paying NI we can pay doctors and nurses ourselves and if we don't like their agenda, we can go elsewhere. No, the unemployed will not all be dropping dead in the streets. The NHS already gets its cut of the benefits bill because the unemployed are not exempted from NI payments. Those payments are made for them.
So all we have to do is supply the unemployed with those payments in the form of medical insurance vouchers and they can all choose for themselves which insurer to use. The choice part is the important part. Cost? Exactly the same as the current benefits system.
Overall it will cost far, far less to run this system because the privately run surgeries will not waste money on control freaks and pushy morons with their own little Puritan agendas. That only happens when income is guaranteed. Not when it has to be competed for. This new health system will not become the pompous behemoth that the NHS has become because any part that tries, dies. If we go to a doctor who starts telling us how to live, then we take our money/vouchers to another doctor.
The NHS has to go. It's the only way we can become people again.

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