Sunday 18 September 2011

When idiots are proud to be idiots.


A couple of tipoffs in the Email recently:
Here is an idiot who actually believes that a few hotels having a few smoking rooms is causing deaths. He is too dim to realise that when almost all hotel rooms were smoking, when almost all pubs, clubs, restaurants and cafes allowed smoking... nobody died.
Yet now that it's banned, he actually believes that 50,000 Americans die of second hand smoke every year. Before it was banned, the figure was zero. The real figure is, of course, still zero. Even lower than an antismoker IQ, but not by very much.
What this has to do with a hotel being 'green' he does not say. What he does say is that he believes smoking causes deafness in non-smokers and he has 18 years' experience of writing about other people's real jobs to prove it. He has made his idiocy a matter of public record for the whole world to see and he is proud of it! This plumbs depths of stupid you'd get the bends coming up from. Even crustaceans can't get that far down.
I have 30 years' experience of smoking and of actual scientific research and I can hear perfectly well, thank you. Not the cheapskate second hand smoke either, the full-on proper smoking. If a smell can make an antismoker deaf, I'm going to smoke even more because if they turn deaf at least they can't hear any more of ASH's ridiculous indoctrination. I just hope it can make them mute too. And immobile. One thing's for sure, it will have no effect on their brains.
The idiot's best line has to be this one:
It is not surprising that cigarette smoke has been linked to yet another malady.
No, it is not surprising at all. It's been linked to everything from viral infections to climate change. Soon it will be linked to comets crashing into the Sun, the demotion of Pluto from planet status and the extinction of the dinosaurs. One of the best bits of recent lunacy is when some utter cretins masquerading as scientists claimed that one cigarette end in the sea would kill all the fish. Look, if your lab coat has long sleeves that tie together at the back, you are not really a scientist. They're just telling you that so you'll take the pills.
MJ McFadden did a calculation I hadn't thought to do. If every single cigarette end from every single smoker on the planet was dumped into the sea, how long would it be before the water fleas died, based on the playschool research carried out by overpaid and indoctrinated drones? Assuming that all those cigarette ends never decompose (another insane assertion made by morons) and that the effect is cumulative because plant material is, as every barely-evolved chimp clone knows, indestructible.
If every single cigarette ever smoked on the planet was dumped into the sea and none ever decomposed, the water fleas would start to die off in...
...twenty-five million years.
That's just the fleas. You'll still be waiting for the fish to start floating to the surface. Yet the idiots put this out as scientific research for all the world to see and were proud to have done so!
There are so many morons out there believing all this rubbish. There are over six hundred of them in highly paid jobs in Westminster! Another batch in Holyrood and even more in Cardiff. Mindless, every one of them. That's before we even start to look at the anencephalics employed by councils, fake charities, several universities and the BMA. How do these people remember to breathe? Which idiot keeps reminding them?
I will never employ, nor recommend for employment, an antismoker. Never. They are the dimmest people on the planet. They believe every piece of crap they are told and have absolutely no capacity for any analytical thought whatsoever. What use are they to any employer in any capacity?
I smoke, and have smoked for thirty years. I am not dead. I don't have cancer. I am not wheezing. I have nothing wrong with my lungs nor my heart. I have nothing wrong with my hearing. I have no infections and rarely even get a cold. I am not permanently terrified and am not (despite appearances here) permanently angry. I am able to think for myself.
If the antismokers want to believe they will die from a brief contact with a wisp of smoke from a tiny bit of burning leaf, so be it. Let them believe.
Psychosomiasis is a powerful thing. It can be a weapon. All you need to wield it are a few words. Convince them they will get sick and die. They are dim enough to do as you suggest.
It's not as if you'd be damaging a future Einstein, is it? Maybe a future council office seat-warmer or maybe a future politician. We already have far more than we need of both.

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