Monday 26 November 2012

All Hail the Maya


“Mayan spirituality is based upon a deep love for Mother Earth”

I would like to take this moment to offer a sacred bow to the indigenous modern-day Maya of Belize, Guatemala, Mexico, El Salvador and Honduras who are alive to carry their divinely beautiful lineage. I ignite the sacred copal in all its varieties, offering up this hallowed tree resinous smoke to all ancestors of the Maya, those that lived and died in the last 500 hundred years under the conquerors genocidal expansion better known as colonization. I shake my venerable rattles, sanctified from the Shamans of Peru, as I call upon the Spirits of the indigenous ancient Mayan ancestors who kept the calendar, held the traditions and counted our galactic time…(til now, tic, tic, tic, tock!) I adorn my treatment room with flowers; roses, lilies, daisies, as I create sacred ceremonial space in an effort to declare “gracias a dios, gracias la diosa, gracias los espiritu del santo”. I spritz ruda, angelica, rose and honeysuckle sprays into the four directions to Sanctify my home, my mind, my family, and my community. I light the intention infused candles, I play the holy flute music. I kneel down to solemnly pray an invocation to the deities of the Maya… I conjure protection for those that I love at this time… simultaneously, I accept the Creators divine decree of this passing age.

I invite you to join me in this heartfelt endeavor on 12-12-2012 anytime from 11:11 am to 11:11 pm. Simply create a space from with you can turn your attention to prayer, worship, forgiveness, gratitude, sincerity, and a peace that passeth all understanding as WE, a species in deep crisis, prepare to make our much required critical evolutionary shift!

No-one summarizes our current predicament better, at the moment, than Daniel Pinchbeck as he writes an article entitled, Planetary Initiation.

This article is short, my words are few… because I have said it all before in
Be Aware: Our Nexus Approaches

which has been strangely reaffirmed by a Navajo elder…

thus, I leave you with much fodder for the mind!

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