Wednesday 30 August 2023

The fanatical crusade against CO2 – how the environment movement was hijacked and neutralised


The problem with the current “climate change” hysteria so heavily promoted by the corporate-controlled media is that it is a red herring and distraction.

Whilst the terrorised public’s attention is fixated upon a fictitious narrative and political power-grabs masquerade as “care for the environment”, the environment continues to deteriorate because  the real harm being done to it is hidden behind a “carbon-dioxide-is-the enemy” smoke screen.

Thus, a lot of noise is generated around carbon dioxide and its alleged impact upon the climate, a lot of fear implanted about a non-existent climate “emergency” and this channels the energies of many well-intentioned people into concerns for an incorrectly identified and analysed problem.

The real issue, the real drive behind the deterioration of our environment and the degeneration of eco-systems, is not “too much carbon dioxide” (at a time when CO2 levels are dangerously low) due to our use of fossil  fuels but our use of agrichemicals.

Our agricultural methods are the correct point of address if we wish to have a healthy  planet and whilst we do need to act on this with some urgency, it is entirely within our power as free people to do something about it and put things right. And on our own initiative and free will as rational beings without having “solutions” enforced on us by political dimwits.

Moreover, we are doubly  fortunate in that the changes we must make as individuals and communities in terms of bypassing the habits and routines that are getting us into trouble are of themselves enriching and rewarding.

But more on all this soon. For now let’s just take a look at how the environment movement has been hijacked by political parasites who feed off the sincere concerns of decent people.

The following article does a fine job of explaining it.

How The War on Climate Change Destroyed the Environmental Movement

The many overlaps between the military-industrial, medical-industrial, and climate-industrial complex.


This article was originally published on and has been slightly revised since its initial publication.

In the first part of this series (which must be read to understand many of the concepts here), I reviewed how many different industries are dominated by individuals who will put profits before human lives—and that this happens to a degree that is often difficult to even imagine. The military industrial complex, and the recent war in Ukraine best embody this grotesque facet of the human condition, but the same patterns are seen in many other fields as well.

As a longtime environmentalist, one of the most depressing things I have watched in my lifetime has been major polluters hijacking the environmental movement and transforming it from something that fought to against the destruction of our air and water to a fanatical crusade against (harmless) carbon dioxide. Sadder still, this crusade has gradually become a war and has adopted the same playbook used by the parties which lust for complete power over the citizenry.

 Disclaimer: some of what I will write here will likely raise strong disagreements with some of you. I am completely fine if you disagree with this piece, particularly since it is not my field of expertise, and I likely made some unintentional errors in writing this.

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