Saturday 23 February 2013

Sunday, February 3, 2013


Sunday, February 3, 2013: (St. Blaise)
Jesus said: “My people, in today’s Gospel of Luke the people of Nazareth were surprised to hear Me tell them that I was fulfilling Isaiah’s prophecy of one who would come and heal the blind and the sick. They had heard of My miracles of healing, but they did not realize how I received such power because they knew My parents and that I lived there. Because of their lack of faith, I could not heal people there, but only foreigners. I told them that a prophet is rarely accepted in his hometown. Because I insulted them that they did not want to believe in My healing gifts, they even tried to kill Me, but I walked through their midst. Even in your own mission, it is not easy for your people to believe in My messages because many do not want to hear hard messages of preparing for the end times. Your prayer group members have supported you, but others find it hard to believe. Do not be concerned if some people do not want to hear My messages from private revelation, but carry on with your mission of evangelizing souls, and warning people of the evil of the coming Antichrist. I love all of My prophets and messengers who carry out My mission, and they will be blessed for their efforts in spreading My Word of love and life.”

Jesus said: “My people, I am showing you the young children who survived the gauntlet of your abortion society. Some of you remark how you do not see many babies and young people, but look at the millions of babies that are killed by abortion. I am showing you My little ones because they are precious in My sight, and they need to be protected from physical abuse and from all evil influences. You have heard of such abuse from parents and bullying of kids in school. If you notice unusual bruises on young children, you may need to notify the authorities. There are other evil influences from internet games, pornography, and even Harry Potter books and movies. Parents should be careful of what their children are watching on TV and on the internet. It is important to train your children in daily prayer so they have a spiritual support to get through life’s trials. Children look up to their parents or grandparents for good spiritual leadership in helping them. Your good example of Sunday Mass and monthly Confession can give children a model to follow. Even if your children or grandchildren see you praying a rosary, this can have a good influence on them. In this evil age you also need to have your children wear blessed sacramentals for protection from the demons. They could wear scapulars, carry rosaries, have blessed medals, and a Benedictine cross. Encourage the children to avoid drugs and drinking as they get older. Let them also see that abortions and living together without marriage are mortal sins to avoid. By training your children in the faith, you are preparing them for life and how to have Me as the center of their lives.”

Monday, February 4, 2013:
Jesus said: “My people, those, who are influenced by demons, are always performing their evil deeds in secret or in the dark. This is why I bring My Light into the world to shine light on these evil ones to catch them in their thefts and killings. Even some people, who have abortions, do not want to be seen, as they are covering up their affairs in how they became pregnant. The demons are very active in your world today as evidenced in your lifestyles of living together in fornication or as homosexual couples. You also are seeing many occult groups, pornography, some demon possessed people, and abuse of your women for sex. This evil is evident because people are choosing these sins of their own free will as they give in to the devil’s temptations. Your media is promoting promiscuous behavior on TV and in your movies. Your drug culture and alcohol addictions are ruining many homes, and they are a cause of thefts and killings. It is hard to avoid sin in your evil society, so you need to depend on Me and My sacraments to protect your souls. The demons shy away from My Name and My cross which is why wearing blessed sacramentals can protect you from the demons. Frequent Confession and a daily prayer life can also help keep your souls pure. Call on Me to send you angels of protection when you feel like you are being attacked by demons. Guard your soul from sin, and let Me be the Master of your life, then you will have peace with nothing to fear.”

Jesus said: “My people, you have read of two news reports where explosions occurred like the flames in the vision. The first report was an airplane attack by Israel on some trucks loaded with weapons in Syria. The purpose was to prevent arms from being delivered to Lebanon and Hezbollah. The report claimed secondary explosions from the bombs that were near stored chemical weapons. The second incident was an explosion in an Iranian bunker that stored a number of centrifuges to enrich uranium. It is hard to determine the source of this explosion, or if it was sabotage. This area is very volatile and Israel could get involved in a war with such attacks. Continue to pray for peace in this area where Syria’s leader is in danger of being ousted.”

Tuesday, February 5, 2013: (St. Agatha)
Jesus said: “My people, remember when I told the people that if they had faith the size of a mustard seed, that they could move mountains. Faith in My helping you in life can be found in many of your needs. Today’s Gospel was about a woman with hemorrhages, and she had enough faith in My healing power to touch My clothing. She was healed not only physically, but her faith helped her spiritually as well. Healing of souls from their sins is even more important to Me than healing the body of any trouble. The body will die and return to dust, but the soul lives on forever. This is why in many of My healings, I tell the people to go, your faith has saved you. So I heal the body and the soul at the same time because this is a healing of the whole person. This faith in Me is how many are healed. If I can heal any of your health problems, then if you have faith in Me, I can help you with anything that is troubling you in life. I know that you face many trials in life every day, so put your trust in Me, and ask Me to help you in all that you do each day. When you pray and fast for help, you know that I will be at your side to assist you in carrying your daily cross. Reach out to your neighbors to instill this faith in Me in their lives to ease their burdens as I ease yours.”

Friday 22 February 2013

Object of Interest As Seen From the Turrialba Volcano


A Special Report with Marshall Masters

turrialbaObject of Interest As Seen FromIn late December of last year Marshall Masters of was contacted by a site supporter regarding an unidentified object near the sun. These images are from the Volcan high altitude volcano surveillance camera feed in Costa Rica.

Located on the Eastern rim of the Turrialba volcano at nearly 11,000 ft the Volcan imagery is so compelling that it prompted Marshall to assemble a research team from the Planet X Town hall.

The team monitored the Volcan feed throughout January 2013, on a daily basis. In the process, hundreds of images were downloaded along with hours of feed capture video. This video presents the findings of this effort, along with several motion and still studies.

Overall, more than 540 images were captured by the team during this study and subscribers are welcome to download them from our study archive. GO

The post Object of Interest As Seen From the Turrialba Volcano appeared first on Planet X News Blog.

Thursday 21 February 2013

Friday, February 1, 2013


Friday, February 1, 2013:
Jesus said: “My people, I have told you many times that everything that I create is perfect, while everything that man makes is imperfect. Man in his ignorant pride thinks that he can make crops more perfect than Me which is already absurd, but it is even an insult to Me. All that I create is balanced with nature, but man’s crops, like your medicines, have side affects that do not balance with nature. Currently, most of your corn and soybeans crops are genetically modified, and this is causing an increase in cancer, allergies, and digestive tract problems. Your scientists have changed the DNA of corn by adding Roundup, a herbicide and bug killer. The DNA of Roundup is combined with the DNA of corn so when the corn grows, it produces Roundup that kills weeds and bugs. It kills bugs by exploding their stomachs. So when humans eat this corn, it makes small holes in their stomachs where undigested food escapes into your blood stream. This is what causes some of your allergies and digestive tract problems. Your body does not recognize this corn with a different DNA, so your body rejects it, and this can cause cancers. My faithful would be better off not eating these GMO (Genetically Modified Organism) crops, and instead they should eat more organic grown food. It is hard to avoid these artificial foods because they have been blended into many products that you use. Be aware of these adulterated foods, and try to eat fresh fruits and vegetables. This is also why you need to build up your immune systems with Hawthorn, herbs, and vitamins. Man should stop altering My perfect crops, or you will get worse diseases as a result.”

Jesus said: “My people, there are many beautiful processions that people take part in to celebrate My Blessed Mother’s feast days, and to celebrate blessings of My Blessed Sacrament. In the vision you celebrated the 70th Anniversary of Fatima in Portugal back in 1987. You have also celebrated St. Anne’s feast day on July 26, 2012 with a candlelight procession in Canada. The last procession is where your priest blessed all of your Adoration members with My Blessed Sacrament. Celebrations of My saints and My Blessed Sacrament keep you close to Me in your daily lives. I love My nightly adorers for all the times that they thought enough of Me to make their frequent visits. Many of My adorers gain extra graces for all the hours that they spent adoring My Eucharist. When you love someone so much, you want to be in that person’s presence as much as possible. Loving your Lord is so pleasing to Me that you are storing up graces as a heavenly treasure. I love everyone very much, but I have a soft spot in My Heart for those faithful who come frequently to My tabernacle in Adoration. Encourage people to visit Me in My tabernacle, and they too will receive many blessings.”

Saturday, February 2, 2013: (Presentation of Jesus in the Temple)
Jesus said: “My people, there is joy at first when the candles were blessed and gave their light after being lit. After My parents brought Me to the Temple, you read how Simeon and Anna had their patience rewarded in seeing their Savior. In the vision you saw the candles blown out to represent the lives of the Holy Innocents that were snuffed out by Herod in his attempt to kill Me. By the grace of My Father in heaven, St. Joseph received a dream by an angel that told him to take the Holy Family to Egypt to avoid Herod’s desire of killing Me. This snuffing out of life is continuing with all of the many abortions being committed even now because of your liberal death culture that is led by Satan. It is shameful that America has legalized the killing of babies in the womb. This continuous killing is why in My justice I will allow the one world people to take over America in punishment for killing My little ones. Some of My faithful have been fighting this evil decision for many years, and I thank all of you for your efforts on behalf of the unborn. Continue to pray for the stoppage of abortion, and keep protesting this injustice at your abortion clinics. In the end I will have My victory against these evil ones, and My faithful will be vindicated.”

Jesus said: “My people, you have been seeing an unusual number of killings that were using assault rifles, and the shooters committed suicide when their killings were done. In the vision you are seeing microwaves and voices controlling a killer with a chip implanted in their body. This technology is already available, and it has been used by the military and secret agencies. Some assassins are purposely given two identities to hide their killing intentions. If some one world people want to create crimes against innocent children to get gun laws passed, this technology could be used on anyone that was chipped on purpose. Some of these crimes have been committed, and the killer was killed to hide any evidence. When you look at the eyes of these killers, you can see that they do not look normal. The one world people are known for their technique of create the problem, and then create their desired solution. By controlling people with chips, they can be used as robots to serve these evil masters. This is why these same evil people want to put chips in everyone to control them against their free will. This is why My faithful need to refuse any chip in the body, even if they threaten to kill you. I will warn My people when it is time to come to My refuges so the men in black cannot capture you. Rejoice that I am protecting you from the ruthless one world people who want to kill all Christians and patriots.”

Wednesday 20 February 2013

The Last Pope to Usher in Great Tribulation as The False Prophet?


Video and text excerpt below talking about the next Pope… although many believe the last Pope will be/or is the Antichrist, it is well known by bible prophecy understanding that the religious leader (aka the Pope) in the last days takes on the role of the False Prophet, during the Great Tribulation; whereas the governmental leader of the world is the Antichrist, which both work together as seen the Book of Revelation.

(I haven’t reviewed the information below, so I do not know of the biblical accuracy. The video talks about a 7 year tribulation, which is FALSE and a PRE-TRIB rapture which is FALSE)

The below is from Apocalypse Now? The Final Pope

According to Saint Malachy’s Prophecy of the Popes, the next pontiff will be the final pope and his anointment will usher in the end times. If you think the Mayan 2012 hysteria was crazy, you ain’t seen nothing yet!

Saint Malachy predicted that the final pope would be called ‘Peter the Roman’. Guess what the name is of one of the favorites to become the next pope?

Prophecy: Is the next pope the last pope? -…

Petrus Romanus: 900 Year Old Prophecy Says Next Pope Will Oversee End of Days -…

Prophecy of the Popes -…

Tuesday 19 February 2013

Thursday, January 31, 2013


Thursday, January 31, 2013: (St. John Bosco)
Jesus said: “My people, you are seeing a steady attack on all of your rights from gun ownership, legal voting, freedom of religion, and states rights over Health Care. The current debate over certain rifles and ammunition will only affect most of your law abiding citizens because thieves and drug runners will find weapons on the black market or steal them. Your Second Amendment is a right to bear arms not only from personal harm, but also from your own government. It is the intention of the one world people to take away all guns so they can easily take over America. This happened when Poland was disarmed, and it was taken over by Hitler. I do not want My people to kill others, but immediate self-defense of your family is recognized. Once your life is in danger, I will have My angels put an invisible shield over you on your way to My refuges. In this way you will be protected without using guns to defend yourselves. Keep praying for peace to avoid war.”

Prayer Group:
Jesus said: “My people, there has been questions raised on why your country is sending planes and tanks to Egypt that is under control of the Moslem Brotherhood which hates Israel. There are also plans by your Administration to get rid of most of your nuclear weapons. This goes along with taking away your guns so America can be easily taken over by the one world people. Those, who are heading your Defense Department, are determined to weaken your defenses as soon as possible. Be aware of these moves aimed at a takeover of your country.”

Jesus said: “My people, your liberal governors are pushing gay marriage laws, laws against guns, laws legalizing marijuana, and a few promoting euthanasia. Many of these issues are a sign of how America is becoming more corrupt in many areas. Abortion is another stain on your souls, and those favoring the death culture are continuing to try and kill babies and the elderly. Once your Health Care Law is mandated, you could see more mercy killing to save money over a certain age. The morals of your country are so low that your liberal legislators are able to pass more evil legislation. If My faithful do not fight these evil ones, then the evil ones will take away all of your rights.”

Jesus said: “My people, some of your states are resisting any expansion of Medicaid for the millions of poor who are not covered by a medical plan. There is also concern that current employers may try to drop their health plans to avoid paying these benefits. Benefits have been expanded so much for Social Security, Medicare, and Medicaid that these programs are costing much more than can be financed by your current taxes. Many doctors are concerned with being forced to take on more new patients than can be handled with the time and offices available. This will be just the beginning of rationed care where the elderly will have a harder time for their care to be handled. Not only are there problems with national health care, but the costs will be larger than planned.”

Jesus said: “My people, you have seen chips in the body as a mandate in the early drafts of this Health Care Law. It is a plan of the one world people to chip everyone, and the government may soon force mandatory chips on your citizens. These chips should be avoided at all costs because they could control your free will and turn you into robots. I have warned My faithful to refuse this mark of the beast being placed in your body. When your government makes chips in the body mandatory, then you are to call on Me, and I will have your guardian angels lead you to My refuges of protection.”

Jesus said: “My people, I have told you that many one world people worship Satan and are directly taking orders from him. This is why you are seeing every attempt to remove My Name and holy things out of your society. As the persecution of Christians worsens, there will be more attacks on your churches to close them with taxes and regulations. Forcing religious institutions to give out birth control devices is just the beginning. Eventually, My faithful will be forced to pray only at their homes. Christians will be singled out for ridicule for jobs, Federal aid, and no food or Social Security without a chip in the body. You will be coming to My refuges sooner than you think.”

Jesus said: “My people, once Christians are sought out for purging like the Jews were in Germany, My faithful will be forced to come to My refuges. Once I call you to My refuges, you are to take your things and leave before the evil ones try to kill you. Your angels will protect you with an invisible shield both on the way and at My refuges.”

Jesus said: “My people, do not be afraid of the coming tribulation because those, who are faithful, will be on their way to heaven. Some of you may be martyred, but I will lessen your pain and you will become instant saints in heaven. Those, who come to My refuges, will need to endure a rustic living for less than 3½ years. At the end of the tribulation I will bring My faithful into My Era of Peace, and later into heaven.”

Jesus said: “My people, you are in a battle to save as many souls from hell as you can. After My Warning, many souls will be seeking confession of their sins. Priests will be working overtime to give Confession to the people. This will be the best time to evangelize your family members who are away from the Church. Ask My help to convert them with persuasive arguments by the power of the Holy Spirit. Those, who refuse My help, could be lost. Pray for all souls to be open to conversion, especially after My Warning.”

Monday 18 February 2013

A short history of Our Lady's apparitions in Medjugorje


Other languages: English, Čeština, Deutsch, Español, Français, Hrvatski, Italiano, Polski

Date: June 14, 2004
Author: Dr. fra Ljudevit Rupcic, OFM

Content of the article

  1. A Short History
    1. The first day
    2. The second day
    3. The third day
    4. The fourth day
    5. The fifth day
    6. The sixth day
    7. The seventh day
  2. Messages - General overview of messages
  3. Other Messages

Dr. fra Ljudevit Rupcic, OFM ^

For quite a while now, in Medjugorje (ÄŒitluk, Bosnia-Herzegovina) six trustworthy witnesses, testify firmly under oath, that since the 24th of June 1981, the Blessed Virgin Mary, or the "Gospa", as she is affectionately known as here, appears to them every day up to the present.

A Short History

The first day

On the said date at approximately six o' clock in the evening, on the area of Crnica hill known as Podbrdo, the children, Ivanka Ivanković, Mirjana Dragićević, Vicka Ivanković,Ivan Dragićević, Ivan Ivanković and Milka Pavlović saw an incredibly beautiful young woman with a little child in her arms. She didn't say anything to them but indicated with gestures that they should come closer. Surprised and frightened they were afraid to come near, even though they immediately thought her to be Our Lady.

The second day

On the second day, the 25th of June 1981, the children agreed to meet once again at the same place that Our Lady had previously appeared, in the hope of seeing her again. All of a sudden there was a flash of light. The children looked up and saw Our Lady, this time without the child. She was smiling and joyful and was indescribably beautiful. With her hands she gestured to them to come closer. The children braced themselves and went up to her. They immediately fell to their knees and began to pray the "Our Father, Hail Mary and Glory Be". Our Lady prayed together with them except for when they prayed the "Hail Mary". After the prayer she began to speak with the children. Ivanka, first of all, asked her about her mother who had died two months previously. And Mirjana asked Our Lady for some sign to be given to show to the people that they were neither lying nor crazy, as some people had said.

Our Lady finally left the children with the words, "God be with you my angels!" Before that, when the children asked her if they would see her the following day, she replied by nodding her head.

According to the visionaries the whole encounter was indescribable. On that day two of the children, which made up the previous group were missing: Ivan Ivanković and Milka Pavlović. They were replaced by two others: Marija Pavlović and Jakov Čolo. And from that day onwards according to these six children, Our Lady regularly appears to them. Milka Pavlović and Ivan Ivanković, who were present on the first day of apparitions, did not see Our Lady again, even though they returned to the apparition site, in the hope of seeing her.

The third day

On the 26th of June 1981, the children full of anticipation waited at around six o' clock, which was when she previously appeared. They were going towards the same place, to meet her there. They were very happy, although their joy was mixed with fear wondering what would be the outcome of all this. Despite all this, the children could feel some sort of inner strength attracting them to meet with Our Lady.

Suddenly, while the children were still on their way a light flashed three times. To them and to those following them, it was a sign indicating Our Lady's whereabouts. On that third day Our Lady appeared even higher up than on the previous days. All at once Our Lady disappeared. But when the children began to pray, she reappeared. She was cheerful and smiling serenely and once again her beauty was overwhelming.

As they left their houses some older women advised them to carry holy water with them to make sure that it was not of Satan. When they were with Our Lady Vicka took the water and splashed it in the direction of the vision saying, "If you are Our Blessed Mother, please stay, and if you are not, go away from us". Our Lady smiled at this and remained with the children. Then Mirjana asked her name and she replied, "I am the Blessed Virgin Mary".

On the same day, coming down Podbrdo, Our Lady appeared one more time, this time however only to Maria saying, "Peace, peace, peace and only peace". Behind her, Maria could see a cross. After which Our Lady repeated, in tears, the following words, "Peace must reign between man and God, and between all people!" The area where this took place is about half way up to the Apparition Site.

The fourth day

On the 27th of June 1981, Our Lady appeared three times to the children. On that occasion the children asked all kinds of questions and Our Lady responded. For priests, she gave this message. "May the priests firmly believe and may they take care of the faith of the people!" Once again, Jakov and Mirjana asked for a sign, because the people had begun to accuse them of lying and of taking drugs. "Do not be afraid of anything", Our Lady replied.

Before parting, when asked if she would come again, she indicated that she would. On the way down Podbrdo, Our Lady appeared one more time to say goodbye with the words, "May God be with you my angels, go in peace!"

The fifth day

On the 28th of June 1981, big crowds were gathering from all parts even from the early hours of the morning. By noon there were about fifteen thousand people. On the same day, the Parish Priest, Fr. Jozo Zovko, examined the children on what they had seen and heard in the previous days.

At the usual time Our Lady appeared again. The children prayed with her, and afterwards they questioned her. Vicka, for example, asked "My dear Lady, what do you want from us and what do you want from our priests?" Our Lady replied, "The people should pray and firmly believe". Regarding priests, she replied that they should believe firmly and help others to do the same.

On that day Our Lady came and went many times. During one of these times the children asked her why she doesn't appear in the Parish Church for every-one to see. She replied, " Blessed are those who have not seen and yet believe".

Even though the crowds were pushing them with their questions and curiosities and the day was heavy and sultry, the children felt as though they were in heaven.

The sixth day

On the 29th of June 1981, the children were taken to Mostar for a medical examination after which they were proclaimed "healthy". The statement of the head doctor was: "The children aren't crazy, the person who brought them here must be though"....

The crowds on Apparition Hill that day were greater than ever. As soon as the children arrived at the usual place and began to pray, Our Lady appeared. On that occasion the Blessed Mother exhorted them to have faith saying, "The people should believe firmly and have no fear."

On that day, a doctoress who was following and observing them, during the apparition desired to touch Our Lady. The children guided her hand to the place where Our Lady's shoulder was, and she felt a tingling sensation. The doctor, even though an atheist had to admit that, "Here, something strange is happening!".

On that same day a child was miraculously healed by the name of Daniel Å etka. Her parents had brought her to Medjugorje, praying specifically for a healing. Our Lady had promised that this would come about if the parents prayed and fasted and strongly believed. The child thereupon was healed.

The seventh day

On the 30th of June 1981 two young girls suggested to the children to go by car further away to be able to stroll in peace. Really their intention was to bring them away from the area and keep them until after the normal apparition time had passed. However, even though the children were far away from Podbrdo, at the usual time of the apparition, it was as if an interior call prompted them to ask to be let out of the car. As soon as they did, and said a prayer, Our Lady drew near to them, from the direction of Podbrdo, which was now over a kilometre away. She prayed seven "Our Fathers" etc. And so the girl's trick had no effect. Soon after this the police began to hinder the children and the pilgrims going on Podbrdo, the site of apparitions. The children, and soon afterwards even the crowds were forbidden to go there. But Our Lady continued to appear to them in secret places, in their homes and in the fields. The children had already gained confidence, and openly spoke with Our Lady, eagerly seeking her advice, listening to her warnings and messages. The events of Medjugorje continued in this fashion up until the 15th of January 1982.

In the meantime, the Parish Priest began to host the pilgrims in the Church, enabling them to participate in the rosary and to celebrate the Eucharist. The children also gave out the rosary. Our Lady sometimes appeared to them in the church at that time. Even the Parish Priest himself once while praying the rosary, saw Our Lady. Immediately he broke off praying and spontaneously started to sing a popular hymn: "Lijepa si, lijepa, Djevo Marijo" - "O how beautiful you are, Most Blessed Virgin Mary". The whole church could see that something unusual was happening to him. Afterwards he stated that he had seen her. And so, he who up until then had not only been doubtful, but openly against even rumours of the apparitions, became their defender. He testified his support of the apparitions even to the point of serving a prison sentence.

From the 15th of January 1982 onwards the children saw Our Lady in a closed off area of the Parish Church. The Parish Priest arranged this because of the newly arisen difficulties and sometimes even dangers, which provided themselves for the visionaries. Previously the children had ensured that this was in accord with Our Lady's wishes. Because of the prohibitions of the Diocesan Bishop however, from April 1985 onwards the children ceased to use the area of the church as an apparition site. Instead, they went to a room in the Parish house.

All this time, from the beginning of the apparitions up until today, there have only been five days when none of the children saw Our Lady.

Our Lady didn't always appear in the same place either, nor to the same group, nor individuals, nor did her apparitions always last a specified period. Sometimes the apparitions lasted two minutes, sometimes an hour. Neither did Our Lady appear at the children's will. Sometimes they prayed and waited but Our Lady didn't appear until a little while afterwards, unexpectedly and unforewarned. And sometimes she appeared to one and not to the others. If she hadn't promised an appointed time, nobody knew when she would appear, or if she would appear. Neither did she appear always to just the aforesaid visionaries, but to others also of different age, stature, race, education and walks of life. All this suggests that the apparitions are not a product of the imagination. It depends neither on time nor place, nor desire nor the prayer of pilgrim or visionary, but moreover on the will of He who permits it.

    Sunday 17 February 2013

    March 2013 Events

    This is a compilation of ideas presented by numerous sources concerning March / Spring 2013 – decide for yourself their importance.

    Usually they are not very important…..

    • New 112th Pope Appointed - Between March 15 and 18
    • Spring Equinox - March 20
    • Precession Of The Equinoxes – Not Solstices – March 20
    • Obama First Time In Israel - March 20
    • Doomsday Alignment? - March 20
    • Planets Alignment – Same Special Alignment December-21-2012 and March 20, 2013
    • Impassable White Barrier on March 21, 2013 for Montauk Time Travelers
    • George Kavassilas - Half of the world will ascend on March 21
    • Abomination That Makes Desolate - March 21
    • Daniels TimeLine – Evidence Presented for March 21 - 22
    • Actual Mayan Calendar End is March 21
    • 3-22 Occult Date for Skull & Cross Bones - March 22
    • Superbowl lights went out with 13:22 left on the Third Quarter clock
    • Dark Knight – Shows 322 on Box of Seats at Football Game
    • Georgia Guidestones – 33 Years Old On March 22
    • Biblical Date Math Ideas Concerning Obama and Israel & March 22
    • Obama Peace Prize – October 9, 2009 Announcement to March 22, 2013 – 1,260 days
    • Obamacare RFID ? – March 23
    • Passover Date – March 25
    • Start Of The Mayan Sixth Sun – March 28
    • Easter Sunday – March 31
    • Don Alejandro Mayan Elder – 60-70 Hours Of Darkness – March

    Saturday 16 February 2013

    Signs in the Skies


    PROPHECY NEWS DAILY - Signs in the Skies in Bible Prophecy

    57 Related Articles 

    The Bible says in the last days there "signs in the sun, and in the moon, and in the stars" that would confuse and perplex those who looked upon them (Luke 21:25). Today there are so many unexplained things happening in the skies around the world and they appear to be increasing.
    Take a look around this page and draw your own conclusions. One thing is certain. There are a lot of perplexing thing things happening in the skies all over the world.

    LUKE 21:25

    25 And there shall be signs in the sun, and in the moon, and in the stars; and upon the earth distress of nations, with perplexity; the sea and the waves roaring;

    (*perplexity – bewilderment, confusion, something that is perplexed or complicated)


    12 And the fourth angel sounded, and the third part of the sun was smitten, and the third part of the moon, and the third part of the stars; so as the third part of them was darkened, and the day shone not for a third part of it, and the night likewise.

    REVELATION 13:13

    13 And he doeth great wonders, so that he maketh fire come down from heaven on the earth in the sight of men,

    REVELATION 16:8-9

    8 And the fourth angel poured out his vial upon the sun; and power was given unto him to scorch men with fire.

    9 And men were scorched with great heat, and blasphemed the name of God, which hath power over these plagues: and they repented not to give him glory.

    Friday 15 February 2013

    The Resistance Begins: New York Gun Owners Refuse to Register; “Largest Act of Civil Disobedience in State History”


    Resistance Begins

    With emotions running high in the aftermath of the Newtown Sandy Hook shooting, politicians on the State and Federal level have begun introducing legislative actions to curtail access to firearms protected by the Second Amendment. In Missouri, parents may soon be forced to register firearms with their child’s school under threat of criminal penalties. In Massachusetts, another proposal would require storage of semi-automatic rifles at government approved storage depots. And, in the State of New York, congressional representatives have already passed legislation that requires registration of every semi-automatic rifle and reduces maximum magazine capacity to 7 rounds of ammunition, and Governor Cuomo has floated the idea of gun confiscation.

    Now, in what is sure to be a growing trend across the entire country, New York gun owners are organizing a resistance against what many believe to be the most, “brazen infringement on the right to keep and bear arms anywhere in the nation,” according to The New American:

    Preparations are already being made for mass resistance.

    “I’ve heard from hundreds of people that they’re prepared to defy the law, and that number will be magnified by the thousands, by the tens of thousands, when the registration deadline comes,’’ said President Brian Olesen with American Shooters Supply, among the biggest gun dealers in the state, in an interview with the New York Post.

    Even government officials admit that forcing New Yorkers to register their guns will be a tough sell, and they are apparently aware that massive non-compliance will be the order of the day. “Many of these assault-rifle owners aren’t going to register; we realize that,’’ a source in the Cuomo administration told the Post, adding that officials expect “widespread violations” of the new statute.

    Threats of imprisoning gun owners for up to a year and confiscating their weapons are already being issued by governor’s office, headed by a rabid anti-Second Amendment extremist who suggested before the bill passed that “confiscation” of all semi-automatic rifles was being considered. If tens or even hundreds of thousands of otherwise law-abiding citizens refuse to comply, however, analysts say New York would either have to start raising taxes and building a lot more prisons, or give up on the scheme that experts say will do nothing to reduce violence and that lawmakers say is aimed at eventual confiscation.

    Activists involved in the state-wide boycott against the unconstitutional statute who spoke to the Post almost taunted authorities, saying gun owners would essentially dare authorities to “come and take it away.”

    According to the paper, leaders of some of the state’s hundreds of gun clubs, dealers, and non-profit organizations, citing the New York Constitution’s guarantee that gun rights “cannot be infringed,” are currently involved in organizing the resistance. Among the primary concerns is that, with registration, authorities would know where to go for confiscation, an idea already proposed openly by Governor Cuomo himself.

    “They’re saying, ‘F— the governor! F— Cuomo! We’re not going to register our guns,’ and I think they’re serious. People are not going to do it. People are going to resist,” explained State Rifle and Pistol Association President Tom King, who also serves on the National Rifle Association board of directors. “They’re taking one of our guaranteed civil rights, and they’re taking it away.”

    Opponents of the right to bear arms, take heed. The American people know what you’re up to and they will not stand for it.

    The resistance has begun.

    Thursday 14 February 2013

    Social Decay + Illegal Immigration + Poverty = Open War On The Streets Of America


    Open War On The Streets Of America - Photo by Javier Ramirez

    What did you think was going to happen?  Moral standards have been falling for decades, we have allowed massive hordes of criminals, gang members and drug dealers to enter this country illegally, and thanks to our declining economy our inner cities are being absolutely ravaged by poverty.  Was such a combination really going to produce peace and prosperity?  Should we be so shocked that we now have open war on the streets of America?  In the United States today, there are millions upon millions of young people that can't find jobs, that are living in poverty, that have no hope for a better future, and that have been raised without any moral standards.  These young people are becoming increasingly desperate, and desperate people do desperate things.  As I wrote about the other day, for those under the age of 18 living in the city of Detroit the poverty rate is 60 percent.  Should we be surprised that Detroit police are now telling people to "enter Detroit at your own risk".  At this point, the FBI says that there are approximately 1.4 million gang members living in our cities.  That number has risen by an astounding 40 percent just since 2009.  Did we somehow delude ourselves into thinking that there would not be severe consequences for allowing that to happen?  Today,  Mexican drug cartels are active in more than 1,000 U.S. cities.  Are they selling drugs and committing crimes in the area where you live?  Well, don't be so shocked.  The federal government has left our border with Mexico wide open for decades even though the most violent drug war on the planet has been raging just across that border.  Stupid decisions produce stupid results.  Sadly, this is just the beginning.  When our economy fully crashes the open warfare on the streets of America is going to get much, much worse.

    Let's take a closer look at what is currently happening in a few of our largest cities...

    Los Angeles

    Did you know that Latino gangs are systematically pushing black families out of some areas of Los Angeles?

    For example, once upon a time Compton was a predominantly African-American area.  But now it is 65 percent Latino, and there is a relentless campaign of intimidation against many of the African-American families that remain.

    One of these incidents was recently profiled in the Los Angeles Times.  A black family moved into Compton near the end of December, and since that time they have been the victims of endless harassment by Latino gangs.  When a 19-year-old African-American friend came to visit the family one day, four thugs told him that blacks were barred from the neighborhood and they started beating him with metal pipes.  A story in the Los Angeles Times described what happened next...

    The 19-year-old family friend managed to break free that first day and run into the house, where the children were the only ones at home.

    The attackers left, but a half-hour later a crowd of as many as 20 people stood on the lawn yelling threats and epithets. A beer bottle crashed through the living room window as the youngsters watched in horror.

    "They were scared if they called the sheriff they'd be killed," Westin said. "So they called their mom, who called the Sheriff's Department."

    The gang members were gone by the time deputies arrived, but they kept coming back, almost daily, driving by slowly until they got someone's attention, then yelling racial insults and telling them to leave. The mother sent the children to live with relatives and is now packing up to leave herself.

    As horrifying as that sounds, the truth is that it is not an isolated incident.

    According to the Los Angeles Times, similar attacks "have taken place in Harbor Gateway, Highland Park, Pacoima, San Bernardino, Canoga Park and Wilmington, among other places."


    Up the coast in Oakland, a horribly violent gang war has gotten so out of hand that city officials are holding press conferences about it.

    Violent crime in the city of Oakland increased by 23 percent in 2012, and police say that gang members were responsible for most of the approximately 2,000 robberies and 65 homicides that took place in the second half of the year.

    As the San Francisco Chronicle recently explained, the violence continues to escalate and city officials don't know how to solve it...

    Nearly all the violent crimes in Oakland in the last few months, including two killings over the weekend, have been committed as part of a "war" between rival groups that was sparked by the slaying of a girl last summer, Police Chief Howard Jordan said Monday.

    Jordan said "about 90 percent" of the killings, robberies, shootings and other "senseless acts of violence" in the city since mid-2012 can be directly tied to the killing of a girlfriend of one of the combatants.

    Over time, the warring factions have become increasingly violent and have grown in number, sometimes by merging with other groups, Jordan said at a news conference called in response to an outbreak of gunfire over the weekend.


    Savage murders happen so regularly in Chicago at this point that very few people are even shocked by the headlines any longer.  The murder rate in the city increased by about 17 percent in 2012, and 2013 has already started with quite a bang.

    Just check out what happened on Saturday.  7 people were murdered and six others were left wounded.  The following is how the Chicago Tribune described one of the crime scenes...

    On West Van Buren Street, a body could be seen lying in the roadway, near the curb and a bus stop.

    A man who only identified himself as the teen victim's uncle said the boy, whose family lived nearby, had simply gone to run an errand.

    "He was just going to the store," the man said. "They just killed him just like that."

    Later, the man paced back and forth on the sidewalk, shaking his head in disbelief.

    So why has Chicago become such a violent city?

    It is because of the gangs.

    Today, approximately 80 percent of all murders that happen in the city of Chicago are gang-related.  And as I have written about previously, there are only about 200 police officers assigned to Chicago's Gang Enforcement Unit to handle the estimated 100,000 gang members living in the city.

    Perhaps Chicago could do more to handle all the crime if they had more money, but at this point they are flat broke and so is the entire state of Illinois.  In fact, the state of Illinois just had its credit rating downgraded once again.

    I picked out three examples to discuss above, but similar things could really be said about hundreds of U.S. cities from coast to coast.

    Once upon a time, gang activity was fairly limited to certain pockets of the country.  But now, it is more widespread than ever.

    According to the Justice Department’s National Drug Intelligence Center,  Mexican drug cartels were actively operating in 50 different U.S. cities in 2006.

    By 2010, that number had skyrocketed to 1,286.

    Are you starting to get the picture?

    So why doesn't the federal government secure the border and make sure that everyone that is coming into this country is doing so legally?

    That is a very good question.  For some reason, every single president that we have had in recent decades has chosen to leave the U.S. border with Mexico virtually wide open.

    And so millions of criminals, gang members, drug dealers and welfare parasites continue to pour into the country.  The following is what one local police chief down in Texas is saying about what he is seeing along the border...

    The problem is not going away.

    "Most of them have people here or they're just trying to make it over here so they can start making a better living for themselves," La Joya Police Chief Julian Gutierrez told Action 4 News.

    No matter how many miles of border fence is erected—it seems nothing will stop the thousands of immigrants, crossing our border illegally, from continuing their journey.

    "A lot of times we talk to them and ask them why they're coming here,” Gutierrez explained. “They say they're coming for the 'American Dream.' I always tell them that they're here illegally---how do they expect to find work? They always say it's a lot better than their country.”

    So what is the Obama administration doing about this?

    They don't consider it to be a problem.

    In fact, one of our stations along the border with Mexico will no longer be manned with real people at all.  The following is from a recent ABC News report...

    Get ready for the very first "unmanned" border station on the U.S.-Mexico border. Slated to open at the end of this month, the Big Bend National Park in Texas will be staffed by, you guessed it, computers.

    But what the Obama administration does seem to be concerned about is giving immigrants lots of "benefits" once they get here.

    For example, did you know that the federal government actually has a website that teaches immigrants how to sign up for welfare programs once they arrive in the United States?

    Meanwhile, we can't even come close to taking care of our own citizens.  According to the U.S. Census Bureau, there are more than 146 million Americans that are considered to be either "poor" or "low income" at this point.

    Poverty is absolutely exploding in this country, and the middle class gets smaller with each passing day.  When the next major economic downturn strikes, the unemployment numbers are going to start spiking again and millions of families are going to lose all hope that things will ever turn around for them.

    Meanwhile, the very foundations of our society continue to rot and decay right in front of our eyes.  At this point, approximately one out of every three children in the U.S. lives in a home without a father.  The U.S. has the highest divorce rate in the world, the highest rate of teen pregnancy in the world, and there are 19 million new STD infections in the United States every single year.

    Our nation is a complete and total mess, and many of our major cities are being transformed into gang-infested war zones that are on the verge of total meltdown.

    Is it any wonder that millions of American families have chosen to become preppers?

    Nothing is going to stop the societal meltdown that is coming.  That is especially true with Barack Obama running things.

    Sadly, most Americans still have their heads in the sand and are pretending that everything will be okay somehow.

    Sadly, most Americans still have a tremendous amount of faith in the system.

    But anyone with a brain should be able to see the storm clouds that are coming.

    So get prepared while you still can.

    Time is running out.

    1.4 Millions Gang Members And More Pour Into The United States Every Single Day


    Wednesday 13 February 2013

    Saturday, January 19, 2013


    Saturday, January 19, 2013:
    Jesus said: “My people, at the beginning of your ministry I asked you if you would do a mission for Me, just as I asked Levi to follow Me. You answered that you would do My will with your ‘yes’. You did not know what I would have you do at first, but when you followed Me in faith, I could use you to spread My Word. At each point along the way, I opened doors for you in writing My messages, and having them published in your books and on the internet. I gave you people to help you with the artwork in your book, and you have a good publisher who has helped you all of these years. I was also instrumental in giving you people that helped you with your website on the internet so you could share My messages. I have opened many doors for you so you would have places to give your talks. When you commit to helping Me save souls, you will have abundant graces and resources to help you.”

    Sunday, January 20, 2013:
    Jesus said: “My people, I told you that you would see some false flag terrorist disasters in several cities that would be staged to cause a martial law in your country. This vision is a massive explosion again in New York City that will be attacking your financial district. You have seen Hurricane Sandy strike this area also with the intention of damaging your Wall Street activity. Many incidents of disasters and a crash of your markets will precipitate a failure of the dollar. This has been planned for a long time to bring down your country so the one world people could take you over. I am allowing this punishment of your country as a judgment because of your many abortions, even as you celebrate the anniversary of your Supreme Court decision that allowed abortion. As chaos and a possible revolution will occur, you will be called to My refuges of protection. Rejoice in My protection as you will have to help each other, and I will multiply your food and fuel.”


    Monday, January 21, 2013: (St. Agnes)
    Jesus said: “My people, every day of your life is like one step closer to your judgment with Me. I want you to see this staircase that leads up to Me, as a chance to improve your spiritual life on your path to perfection so you can be worthy of entering heaven. Heaven should be your life’s goal, and you are being tested and purified in this life by all of your trials and tribulations. Enduring the human condition takes your personal commitment, and full faith in My helping you through life. Without My help you would be wanting, but with My help, you will have all that you need to succeed in your mission. Give praise and thanks to Me for all that I do for you.”

    Jesus said: “My people, your families today have a hard time getting together for supper and interacting with one another. You all have too many activities, electronic gadgets, and both parents are working which makes it hard for parents to show love for their children in doing things with them. You are relying on babysitters and schools to teach your children when you should be helping them with homework and personal time together. The more time that you could spend with your children, the closer they could bond with your love. Many of your children are not getting enough love because you are too focused on money and material possessions. Your children need your attention because you may have them in your house for only twenty years or so. Help them with their schoolwork and help direct them in their work careers. Also, you need to teach them faith in Me so they know their prayers and can come to receive My sacraments. Parents have heavy responsibilities in bringing up their children with love and faith. Call on My help to bring your children up properly.”

    Tuesday, January 22, 2013: (Anniversary of Rowe v Wade on abortion)
    Jesus said: “My people, this anniversary of a corrupt decision to allow abortion is the blood of innocent aborted babies on the hands of all Americans as a country. Why should these children have to pay a death penalty for the mother and father’s mistake? Many abortions are to cover up embarrassing affairs of fornication. Such sexual sins without marriage are mortal sins, and you should not compound one sin with another mortal sin of killing your baby. Killing a life is a serious sin, and it is the responsibility of the mother and the doctor who will answer for their sin. Your population is decreasing because you have allowed Satan to lead you into killing your children. You cannot put a price on life in money or convenience. You are not just putting tissue in your garbage, but it is a human life. Your abortion mentality is a result of your desire for birth control. Some women have their tubes tied, and some men have vasectomies which are mortal sins in the eyes of My Church. Some use all manners of birth control devices to avoid pregnancies. When women have abortions, this is the worst form of birth control. Married couples should use family planning methods instead of birth control devices or abortions. I abhor the killing of My little ones, and America will pay dearly for these millions of murders. Keep praying for the stoppage of abortion, and encourage these mothers to have their children. No one in My eyes has any right to kill their children.”

    Tuesday 12 February 2013

    Pope John XXIII’s prophecies


    Before the last light, the shepherd will recognise the sign. And the Mother shall has many fathers , all brothers and sisters.

    From the soil and water will bloom cathedrals and temples for ancient and new saints, which will have a everlasting name.

    But it's already the time for the saints. Everyone speaks the same language.

    And they speak to pray to the Virgin and the Saviour. The Kingdom of God comes to earth, he elevates His city, even for those who did not want him.

    The first sun lights up the scale of creation. Open your hearts to the lily. The voice will be powerful, as announced by trumpets.

    Light from the West, the last light before the eternal unknown. The truth is more simple than everyone has thought, has wrote. It will be a good judgment.

    Our Father who art in heaven, hallowed be thy name.Thy kingdom come.

    Twenty centuries plus the age of the Savior. Amen.




    Prima dell'ultima luce, i pastori avranno riconosciuto il segno. E tanti Padri avrà la Madre, tutti fratelli.

    Dalle zolle e dalle acque sbocceranno cattedrali e templi per santi antichi e santi nuovi, dal nome eterno.

    Ma è già tempo di santi. Ognuno parlerà la stessa lingua. E la parlerà per pregare la Vergine e il Salvatore.

    Il Regno di Dio arriva in terra, si eleva la sua città, anche per chi non l'ha voluto. Il primo sole illumina la bilancia del creato. Aprite il cuore al giglio. La voce sarà potente, annunciata dalle trombe.

    Luce da Occidente, ultima luce prima di quella eterna, sconosciuta. La verità sarà più, semplice di quanto tutti abbiano detto, abbiano scritto. Sarà un buon giudizio.

    Padre nostro, che sei nei deli, viene il tuo regno. È fatta la tua volontà, in cielo e in terra. Sono venti secoli più l'età del Salvatore. Amen.

    Monday 11 February 2013

    Last Pope


    Saint Malachy

    Malachy O Morgain(1094-1148)was an Irish priest and seer who foretold the identities of 112 Roman Catholic popes, from the reign of Celestine II in 1143 to the present time and beyond.
    The most famous and best known prophecies about the popes are those attributed to Saint Malachy. In 1139 he went to Rome to give an account of the affairs of his diocese to the pope, Innocent II, who promised him two palliums for the metropolitan Sees of Armagh and Cashel. While at Rome, he received (according to the Abbe Cucherat ) the strange vision of the future wherein was unfolded before his mind the long list of illustrious pontiffs who were to rule the Church until the end of time. The same author tells us the Saint Malachy gave his MS. to Innocent II to console him in the midst of his tribulations, and the document remained unknown in the Roman Archives until its discovery in 1590 ( Cucherat, "Proph. de la succession des papes" ). They were first published by Arnold de Wyon, and ever since there has been much discussion as to whether they are genuine predictions of St. Malachy or forgeries. The silence of 400 years on the part of so many learned authors who had written about the popes, and the silence of St. Bernard especially, who wrote the " Life Of St. Malachy ", is strong argument against their authenticity, but it is not conclusive if we adopt Cucherat's theory that they were hidden in the Archives during those 400 years. These short prophetical announcements in number 112, indicate some noticeable trait of all the future popes from Celestine II, who was elected in the year 1130, until the end of the world. They are enunciated under the mystical titles. Those who have undertaken to interpret and explain these symbolic prophecies have discovering some trait, allusion, point or similitude in their application to the individual popes, either as to their country, name, their coat of arms or insignia, their birth place, their talent or learning, the title of their cardinalate, the dignities which they held etc. But not far beyond. According to St. Malachy, whose predictions have proven amazingly accurate so far, only two popes will succeed the current supreme pontiff, John Paul II. The second of these will be "Petrus Romanus," or "Peter the Roman," of whom Malachy wrote:

    "In the final persecution of the Holy Roman Church there will be reign Peter the Roman, who will feed his flock among many tribulations; after which the seven-hilled city will be destroyed and the dreadful Judge will judge the people". The first formally canonized Irish saint, Malachy was born into a wealthy and learned family in Armagh. From early childhood he was drawn to the religious and mystical life, and while still a youth he apprenticed himself to St. Imar, a hermetic monk. In his 20s Malachy was made vicar of Amagh. During the ensuing years he embarked upon a program of church reform and is also credited with performing miracles of healing. Malachy succeeded to the archbishopric of Armagh in 1132, but desirous of a simpler existence, he gave up the post five years later.

    Malachy' s predictions reputedly were made in 1139 while he was on a pilgrimage to the Vatican, where he was appointed papal legate for Ireland.(On his last trek to the holy see, in 1148, Malachy accurately predicted the place and time of his own death: Clairvaux, France, on All Souls Day, November 2, of that same year).

    Malachy "saw" and committed to paper a series of Latin phrases describing the popes to come. Except for the final apocalyptic note about Petrus Romanus, these are brief lines of no more than four words. They usually refer to a pope's family name, birthplace, coat-of-arms, or office held before election to the papacy. Some of the phrases contain ingenious wordplay or even puns; some are multiple prophecies. Pius III, who reigned for only 26 days in 1503, was aptly described as "De Parvo Homine," or "from a little man. "Pius s family name was Piccolomini, Italian for "little man."

    Some Catholic scholars insist that St. Malachy never saw the prophecies, which bear his name, and the official Church attitude holds that they are a forgery dating from the 16th century. If hindsight was responsible for the early predictions, then the accuracy of the predictions should have decreased sharply after 1600, But consider what Malachy foresaw for some later profits-all of whom reigned during the 20th century.

    Benedict XV was given the chilling appellation "Religio Depopulata" (" Religion laid waste"). Unfortunately, it was accurate.

    Benedict XV served from 1914 to 1922, when World War I "laid waste" the religious populations of several continents.

    John XXXIII occupied the Vatican from 1958 to 1963. Malachy called him " Pastor et Nauta," or "Pastor and sailor" Certainly a great pastor to his own people, John "modernized" his Church and wrote one of the most brilliant papal documents in history, Pacem in Terris. He was also a true pastor of the world, loved and admired by millions of non-Catholics, from 1953 until he became pope in 195, John was the patriarch of Venice, a city full of sailors. When he convoked the Ecumenical Council in 1962, John chose two symbols for the council badge-a cross and a ship.

    "Flos Florum" represented his successor, Paul VI, in Malachy s vision: "flower of flowers." Paul's coat of arms depicted three fleurs-de -lis.

    John Paul I, who succeeded Paul in 1978 and held office for only 34 days, was referred to as "De Medietate Lanae," or "from the half moon. "John Paul's papal mission was undoubtedly less than " half" completed when he died. His given name was Albino Luciani, or "white light"- such as that given off by the half-moon in Malachy s prophecy.

    One of Malachy' s strangest predictions concerned the pope who would follow "De Medietate Lunae. "He is designated as "De Labore Solis,' or "from the toil of the sun." Applied to John Paul II, this phrase reveals nothing less than a double prophecy. The current pope, the first non-Italian elected 456 years, is a native of Krakow, Poland. Krakow is the city where, in the 15th and 16th centuries, Copernicus "toiled" for years to prove his heretical theory that the earth revolved around the sun. Many of Malachy s interpreters also suggested that the "sun" reference indicated a young pope. Fifty- eight years old at the time of his election, John Paul II is the youngest pope in over a century.

    John Paul II is successor is called " Gloria Olivae," or "glory of the olive. "traditionally, the olive branch has been associated with peace, but bit in both the Old and New Testaments it also serves as an emblem for the Jews. Putting the two together, some commentators believe that the reign of this pope will be a peaceful one during which the prophesied conversion of the Jews will take place.

    However , Malachy' s description may instead refer to St. Benedict's 6th century prophecy that a member of his order will lead the Church in its fight against evil just before the Apocalypse. The Benedictine Order is known by another name: Olivetans.1

    After Gloria Olivae comes Petrus Romanus, the final pope of Rome, during whose reign " the seven-hilled city will be destroyed. "The Church particularly, and understandably, repudiates St. Malachy's last, black prophecy. But it is striking that at least one pope had a similar mystical vision.

    In 1909, while granting an audience, pope Pius x leaned back and closed his eyes. Suddenly he "awoke" and ride out: "What I see is terrifying. Will it be myself? Will it be my successor? What is certain is that the pope will quit Rome, and in leaving the Vatican, he will have to walk over the dead bodies of his priests."

    Pius' s prophecy was fulfilled neither in his own time nor in that of the next pontiff. According to Malachy' s vision of the Church's "tribulation," it applies to the successor of Gloria Olivae the next pope but one.

    Could destruction of seven hilled city and as a result people get disappointed from present system and all attention be towards Baha'i faith and the leather ship of Universal House of Justice (the dreadful Judge as described by Malachy).

    1 This is a fulfilled prophecy, in fact the new Pope has been called "Benedict XVI"

    Copy extracted from the original « Lignum Vitae », published in Venice en 1595, in which the Prophecy appeared for the first time, under Arnoldus de Wion.

    ( thanks to Claude Latrémouille )


    De Labore solis
    Giovanni Paolo II
    Karol Wojtyla (1978-2005)

    De gloria olivae
    Benedetto XVI
    Joseph Ratzinger (2005-...)

    In persecutione extrema romanae ecclesiae sedebit Petrus Romanus, qui pascet oves in multis tribulationibus; quibus transactis, civitas septis-collis diruetur, et Judex tremendus judicabit populum suum. Amen.

    Saturday 9 February 2013

    Wednesday, January 16, 2013


    Wednesday, January 16, 2013: (Elizabeth T. Memorial Mass)
    Jesus said: “My people, it is difficult to see someone suffer for years with a terminal illness. Betty was graceful in accepting all that she had to deal with in life. She was a loving and kind lady with all of her adopted family. She still loves all of you, and she will be praying for you. It is even hard for her parents to bury their daughter at a relatively young age. Pray for her husband and step-children as they mourn Betty’s loss. It was good for the Parish people to support the parents and Betty’s family. Be grateful to have had the gift of her life to everyone.”

    Jesus said: “My people, you offer your prayers and deeds up to Me in your morning offering. Every day at Mass I offer Myself up to you by multiplying My very Presence in every consecrated Host. I am still suffering on the cross as I take on your pain, and the pain that I suffer for everyone’s sins. If you, who are imperfect, know how to give good gifts to your children, imagine how much more your Father in heaven knows how to share the best gift that He could give you in Me in My Eucharist. My Blessed Sacrament contains My very Presence, and you receive Me intimately into your soul every time you receive Me worthily in Holy Communion. So I ask you every day to pick up your cross of daily suffering, and share your pain with Me on My cross.”

    Jesus said: “My people, you may think that the evil ones are in control as they force their way against the people. I am only allowing them to control things so far because I am protecting your souls from this evil world. The Antichrist will have his short reign over the people, and there will be many evil injustices until I come on the clouds. When you see in the vision how this large machine crashes down the hill, this is when I will bring My Comet of Chastisement to destroy the evil beast’s empire. I will cast the evil ones into hell, and I will renew the earth so I can bring My people into My Era of Peace. Trust in Me that My victory will come after a short reign of the Antichrist. My faithful will have their reward in My Era of Peace and later in heaven.”

    Thursday, January 17, 2013: (St. Anthony, abbot)
    Jesus said: “My people, you are not here on this earth just to please yourself in your comforts, but you are here to know, love, and serve Me. It is hard to serve Me unless you give your will over to Me, and allow Me to be the Master of your life. When you truly believe in Me and are living a true Christian life, then you will not be afraid to go outside of your comfort zone to help people. It is somewhat easy to fulfill your Sunday Mass obligation and make a donation to the church. It takes spiritual fortitude to pray to Me every day, come to daily Mass, make an attempt to visit Me at Adoration, confess your sins at least once a month, and reach out to evangelize souls or help the poor. Those, who help evangelize souls to save them from hell, are providing a beautiful service for Me, because saving souls should be your highest calling as a Christian. Do not worry or be elated that you may be in a minority in helping Me, but remember that those, who labor to help souls, are storing treasure in heaven for their judgment.”

    Prayer Group:
    Jesus said: “My people, you are seeing thieves becoming bold, and drug cartels using guns for revenge. This is why some Americans have guns for protection. Now with pending new gun laws, some are buying guns while they can. There is a new threat coming as the Second Amendment is under attack from your liberal leaders and media. This antagonizing of gun owners could create a revolution over the right to bear arms. I told you that the one world people’s agenda is to remove your guns, and they will use any means to get their way. If you see killing and chaos in the streets, then My faithful will need to leave for the safety of My refuges.”

    Jesus said: “My people, you have seen some record high temperatures right after some major snow storms. You also have seen tornadoes and violent storms in your Southern states during winter. All of these unusual jet stream movements have all the signatures of being manipulated by the HAARP machine. You are already on your ninth unusual snowstorm on the backside of violent weather. These storms are causing damage and disruptions to your infrastructures. It is hard to fight these storm creations when your media does not even recognize that a microwave machine can change your weather so drastically.”

    Jesus said: “My people, because of this inauguration ceremony, your Right to Life march had to be put off until Friday. It is a tragedy that this President even supports infanticide, and his swearing in ceremony is a day before the anniversary of the Supreme Court decision that legalized abortion. Even with all of the protests against abortion, there has been very little progress, as millions of babies are still being killed by abortion every year. Keep praying to stop abortion, as these killings are bringing My judgment against America.”

    Jesus said: “My people, I have told you that the battle between good and evil will become more apparent as time goes on. Persecution of Christians and patriots is getting worse as the one world people will be doing everything to single them out like the Germans persecuted the Jews. On one side you are seeing the government preparing more detention death camps for those who are against their new world order. Your leaders are also stocking underground cities for protection during the coming revolution. On the other side, I am leading many of My faithful to set up refuges of protection where I will protect the faithful and provide food and bedding for those who are called to My refuges. See this activity as a sign of the coming tribulation.”

    Jesus said: “My people, I have been giving you messages for many years to prepare My faithful for this coming trial led by the Antichrist. It is not easy to prepare to leave your homes for the protection of My refuges. I have also warned you that a time will come when the evil ones will try and force a mark of the beast on everyone as a computer chip in the body, just as in your Health Care law. You will also see a division in My Church between a schismatic church teaching New Age, and My faithful remnant. As you see mandatory chips in the body and martial law being enforced, I will warn My faithful that it is time to leave for My refuges by following your guardian angels. Fear not this time because My invisible shield will protect you.”

    Jesus said: “My people, I am the only source of peace for your hearts and souls. I give you this peace in the grace of My sacraments. Do not let anything in this world disturb this peace that I have given you. In this coming trial there will be some faithful who will be martyred for their faith in Me. I will lessen the pain that they will suffer, and they will become instant saints in heaven. The rest of My faithful will be protected at My refuges by My angels. At the end of the tribulation I will lift up My faithful into the air so they are not killed by My Comet of Chastisement. I will cast the evil ones into hell, and renew the earth. Then I will lead My faithful down into My Era of Peace.”

    Jesus said: “My people, the evil one world people and the Antichrist are forming their new world order in a ruthless manner. Just as all will seem hopeless before their power, I will then bring My victory that will end their reign by casting this whole evil lot into hell. These evil ones will suffer plagues of fire and scorpions on earth as a living hell before they are cast into the eternal flames of hell. Do not watch My judgment, but know that these evil ones will pay an eternal punishment for all their killings on earth.”


    Friday, January 18, 2013:
    Jesus said: “My people, in today’s Gospel I healed the paralytic man both in his sins and in his body. Some onlookers were thinking that only God could forgive sins. Little did they know that I truly am God, and I healed the whole man both body and soul. In order to receive a healing, the person to be healed needs to have faith that I could heal that person. Not only did this man have faith in My healing power, but so did the four men who were carrying their friend on a mat. They were so intent on seeing Me that they made an opening in the roof to let the paralytic down to Me because of a large crowd. I wish that everyone had this faith in My healing. This is why I healed only a few people in My hometown because they did not believe in Me. When the people saw the paralytic man get up and walk, they were astounded in what they saw. Even after seeing My miracles of healing, My calming of the storm, and My walking on water, still the people did not understand that I was the Son of God until My Resurrection. My apostles finally believed, but many Jews still do not accept My Divinity in their midst. All of the prophecies in the Old Testament were fulfilled in My first coming. All of the prophecies of the New Testament will be fulfilled when I return on the clouds.”

    Jesus said: “My people, in many cases where I healed people, I could feel their pain and I reached out to them. It is important that people have faith so I could heal them. You are seeing Me still suffer on My cross because I am making up for people’s sins, and I am joining their suffering with My own. It is not easy in life to suffer chronic bone or muscle aches. I ask people to offer up all of their pain and trials in life to Me so they can share it with My suffering on My cross. In a similar way I ask people to fast from food or something you like on Wednesdays and Fridays as a little penance for your sins or the sins of others. You will be starting your Lenten fasting soon. This is a good time in Lent to detach yourself from any earthly pleasures. The more you can die to self in your earthly desires, the closer you will come to Me in perfecting your spiritual life.”


    Tuesday 5 February 2013

    Sunday, January 13, 2013


    Sunday, January 13, 2013: (Baptism of Jesus)
    Jesus said: “My people, at times you see broken-hearted souls who have lost a loved one or had a broken love relationship. It is difficult to suffer these situations when you may feel alone for awhile. If you have a married partner or love relationships, you are fortunate to have someone who loves you. Of course you are always loved by Me, as I love all souls. I will not leave you by death or any other means, so you always have My loving friendship. It is unfortunate that not every soul loves Me in return. You know how hard it is with loving someone, and they do not love you in return. I desire to save all souls, but people need to accept Me and love Me, if they wish to be with Me in heaven. This is why evangelizing souls for Me is so gratefully appreciated so you can bring lost souls to love Me. So there should not be any broken-hearted souls because they can come to Me in love, and I will bring great joy into their lives both on earth and in heaven.”

    Jesus said: “My people, you have seen your President’s first term which leaned strongly to the left as a socialist government. He is working to control the people beyond what your Constitution of law stands for. He is a puppet for the one world people in bringing about a takeover of America. Their first step is to control gun ownership, and the second step is to expand government control over everyone. By running up huge deficits, your financial system will fail, and the dollar will become worthless. This bankruptcy will give reason for martial law along with mandatory chips in the body. When you see the dollar fall, mandatory chips in the body, or martial law, then My faithful need to call on Me to have your guardian angels lead you to My refuges. Once America becomes part of the North American Union, it will not be long until the Antichrist will declare himself ruler of the world. Some of My faithful will be martyred, but the rest will be protected by My angels at My refuges. My faithful will suffer during the tribulation, but they will have their reward in My Era of Peace and later in heaven.”

    Monday, January 14, 2013:
    Jesus said: “My people, you are starting a new season of Ordinary Time after celebrating the Christmas Season. In the Gospel I am continuing the plea of St. John the Baptist of ‘Repent for the Kingdom of God is at hand.’ I called Simon, Andrew, James, and John to follow Me, and they would be fishers of men instead of their profession of catching fish. It was easier for them to follow Me when they heard St. John the Baptist call Me the ‘Lamb of God.’ They knew of the Scriptures of a coming Redeemer, so they were eager to follow Me. As they saw My miracles, they came to believe in Me more. There is a fast transition from My birth to My starting ministry at thirty. There are few accounts of My early years except when I was found in the Temple teaching when I was twelve. I was with St. Joseph and My Blessed Mother in Nazareth, and I was subject to them in obedience. Today, I also call My faithful to be evangelists of souls to follow Me. Saving souls is the purpose of My mission on earth, and it is also the mission of My faithful as well.”

    Jesus said: “My people, the Kingdom of God is present in My Presence. I came onto the earth as a man so I could offer Myself up as an unblemished sacrifice for the sins of all of mankind. I became a man on earth, but without sin, and this is why I am a pure sacrifice. During My three years of ministry, I revealed through My life how I wanted My faithful to live without sin. I showed My love for the people in My cures, and I even multiplied the food in a deserted place so they would not starve on the way home. When I healed people on the Sabbath, and I criticized the Scribes and Pharisees, this is why they wanted to kill Me. These religious leaders finally tried Me for blasphemy when I truthfully declared that I was God’s Son. Everything, that was foretold about Me, was carried out to fulfill all of the Biblical prophecies. Even before I was crucified, I gave you Myself in the first Mass at the Last Supper of the Passover Meal. The bread and wine are consecrated by the priest into My Body and Blood. I am with you always in My tabernacle, where you can adore Me and worship your Lord. Give thanks to Me for offering My life so that all of My faithful could enter the gates of heaven.”

    Tuesday, January 15, 2013:
    Jesus said: “My people, you are seeing in the Gospel how I have authority over evil spirits, and they come out on My command. I gave this authority to My apostles to help in their work, but I also told them that some spirits or groups of demons require prayer and fasting to come out. Once the demons have made a conquest over a soul, they do not want to give up easily. Souls that are controlled by demons need a binding of the spirits prayer in My Name to the foot of My cross. Prayers to St. Michael and calling on Me to send angels of protection are also needed. Have such souls wear blessed sacramentals as scapulars, rosaries, Benedictine crosses, holy water, blessed salt, or blessed medals. These are the means of protection from the evil spirits. Use your weapons against evil, and pray for souls tormented with addictions of alcohol and drugs. My Name, Jesus, is powerful against evil spirits, so invite Me in helping you to get rid of these spirits in people and yourselves.”

    Jesus said: “My people, I gave you a message recently that spoke about continuing droughts that will make it hard to find food and fresh water. I have also asked My faithful to stock up on food and water for at least a year’s supply for each person in your home. This vision of a skeleton sitting in a chair is a sign that you may die of starvation if you are lazy and do nothing. I mentioned about people dying of starvation in a world famine, but not just in Africa. Even in America you could see people die of starvation. If your government goes bankrupt or shuts down for a time, this will stop welfare, Social Security checks, and food stamps. There will be another reduction in America’s credit rating, and this could force higher interest rates. There will be political battles over gun control, health care, the National Debt limit, and budget deficits. If Executive Orders supercede Congressional authority, there could be more battles with your President. Many of these situations and possible mandatory chips in the body could trigger a martial law that will send My faithful fleeing to My refuges. Be prepared to leave for My refuges if there are any threats to your life.”

    Monday 4 February 2013

    2012, Hottest Year on Record, Frankenyear, Nostradamus – The End of End Times, Predictions for 2013, Israeli Election, China Airpocalypse and Comet ISON


    Click on this cover design and read more about the new eBook.

    21 January 2013

    Nostradamus 2012
    The End of End Times
    Downloading Now!

    My 21st book (11th eBook) is now being downloaded with a personal letter of thanks to all the advanced donators who made it, and the continuation of, possible with their help. The list of supporters is rather large so it will take until Monday at midnight (Pacific Time) to download the book to everyone who has been waiting.

    The years drew down to 2012. The anticipated – if flawed – belief intensified, that a great doomsday or bloomsday was imminent on 21 December 2012 when the Mayan Calendar purportedly shifted into a new great “Long Count” of 5,125 years. Over 3,000 books had been published about everything 2012-ish, even down to a book on Barack Obama and 2012! A lot of you began asking why I had not joined the “Photonic Band” wagon with either an argument that the Maya had more accurately dated the end of the world, or a tome that promised contact New Age, marijuana-high enlightenment when gamma rays from the center of the galaxy were anticipated to fry or photonically enlighten us.

    Well, my silence was deafening to many and some of you got the message that anticipation of 2012 was less important to me than commenting on its aftermath. I was not going to join the sheeple scribers who made a book writing industry out of this Chicken Little story. I planned to publish my book “after” all the acorns had bopped Chicken Little’s head thinking the sky or enlightenment was falling. This book, part serious, part satire and hopefully rife with a lot of divine comedy, is my answer. I would chime in the morning after the Mayan much ado about no-thing had happened any more or less significant than what many great time clocks and cycles of different prophetic traditions rebooting in our lifetime have forecast, and some visualized even clearer than the Maya.

    So then, here is Hogue book number “21” about 21 December 2012 that separates the silly from the sincere message of the Maya, their calendar and puts it in its proper place among other prophetic time clocks sounding the alarm about and chiming in hope for the 21stcentury. Read more about the book and how you can receive a gift copy by clicking on Nostradamus.

    And now, a little excerpt. Here then is a unique definition of what 2012 as a year of bloom or glooms-day means to me. Cue the Proph-arazzi!:


    2012 is the "Lindsay Lohan" of doomsday dates. More Hollywood than wholly holy.

    2012 is the Lindsay Lohan of End Time dates. She’s the Hollywood starlet of stargazing ancients… [The other “end time” girls are] too broad and operatic [some] taking a cosmic year to come. Hollywood likes a quickie “it” girl. End timers like a snappy and uncomplicated calendar pin-up call girl to rock their world…

    I mean, look who starred in her own major motion picture?

    2012 of course.

    Did you bijou a flick recently called Stop my Wheel of Dharma I want to get off! or The Hopi Hangover – Final Warning? Did that Hollywood version of CNN called Entertainment Tonight wolf-blitzer down a high heeled, silicone-heaving movie trailer for end time epics called Yabba Dabba Kali Yuga or Catch Me if you can Jupiter-Saturn Cycle?

    There was no Oceans 11-Year Pleiadian UFO Return. Jodie Foster dove buck naked backwards in Nell. Who can play supersized, buxom Nibiru flopping her vast planetary curves into the inner solar system? And who can Angelina Jolie that action figure to Van Allen Belt [whip] the Solaris Maximum?

    Popularized “paparazzified” prophecy needs something simple, a one-liner star whose number everyone gets without complications of reflection. Take a real drama queen in and out of interpretive rehab. A date diva doomsday that everyone wants to vote in favor for on his or her craven American Idol show and naughty tell.

    Dumb the doom down, baby.

    Let her wrap her Daisy Duck collagen lips around my Mayan solstice. Give her that big boob tube job. You’ll sell a lot more ad time! She’ll fill out the cover of an autobiographical confessional every New Age publisher will print, crowding out and rejecting all other doom-dreamy dates and cycle sirens of prophecy because, really now, they’re tooooo complicated.


    There is much more where that came from. There is the film shoot for a celebrity doomsday dame, two guys playing Gilligan on History Channel’s Apocalypse Island. A Vincent Bridges going far off the deep end of plausible prophetic interpretation. And there is Nostradamus.

    Nostradamus near the end of his life famously and accurately forecasting by reading his moles that Henry of Navarre would become a King of France. Observing from the left is CHarles IX and the Queen Regent Catherine de' Medici (the latter a disciple of the prophet).

    These Twenty-Twelvers dragged the poor 16th-century seer of Provence, France, out of his peaceful wall tomb and tried for 25 years to “make” him bone up as a part of their “make” – that he foresaw 2012 and predicted it. Someone has to straighten all this stupid axis “shift” out. I guess it had to be me. When I look at some of the books out there putting 2012 in Nostradamus’ mouth, I had to wonder if the authors based their research on pure imagination built upon a foundation of third-rate English translations of the original Renaissance French material.

    How could they get it so wrong about Nostradamus’ connection to the Maya? How could they overlook a man who is on record making the most accurate forecasts of dates, years, periods of time of any prophet in recorded history not mentioning 2012? Moreover, Nostradamus “HAD” a year “2012” to proclaim and he did so in the clear, for all those who actually READ Nostradamus before they tie strings on him like Pinocchio and try to wood-chuckster hustle a long woody of wife-tale lies with his lengthening nose?

    Nostradamus 2012 – the End of End Times, clears the air with insights and laughter. It will often playfully expose the 2012 forecasters as being a bit “Too Chicken Little too late” to the era changing prophecy party.

    Map of US Drought as of December 2012.

    21 January 2013

    The Hottest Year
    Ever Recorded

    The most obvious sign of epochal shift changed did not happen in 2012. They began in 1998 when climatologists chronicled a spike in global temperatures making it the hottest year in history at that time. Since 1998, EVERY year has been a little hotter than the last, as if 1998 was the first of many years to come that belong to a kind of temperature tsunami of rising aggregate record breaking temperatures around the world.

    Then came 2012… OK, maybe it has some significance, not as the start of something big, but a new magnification of the new “abnormal” in Climate Change.

    It saw a significant spike in global temperatures never before recorded, even dwarfing the breakout heat funk from normal that was 1998!

    NOAA (The National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration) reported that: “2012 marked the warmest year on record for the contiguous United States with the year consisting of a record warm spring, second warmest summer, fourth warmest winter and a warmer-than-average autumn. The average temperature for 2012 was 55.3°F, 3.2°F above the 20th century average, and 1.0°F above 1998, the previous warmest year.”

    The following are not forecasts from New Age Sewage peddlers, channeled Mayan Gods, dolphins. Fact is fact about the changing weather, whether it is fairies or unfairies to our expectations and what we deny.

    The NOAA reports that 19 US states out of the lower 48 were all warmer than average in 2012. What reporters now like to coin as “Frankenyear” was the second most devastating on record, clocking in 11 catastrophes that cost $1 billion or more in the United States alone. That makes 2012 just one natural disaster less destructive than the tornadoes, hurricanes, floods and droughts hitting the US in the year 2011. Maybe lucky numbered 2013 will send a “13” billion-dollar plus pummeling of the United States.

    The average surface temperature of the Earth has increased one-Centigrade degree (1.8 Fahrenheit degrees) in the past century, and is heading for a calamitous 4 C. degrees increase in this century.

    2012 was not the end of the world, but maybe the beginning of the end of a world of balanced and relatively mild weather as we have known it – as it helped aid with its mellifluous 10,000 years of relative climate stability our evolution to civilization.

    2012 was the 15th driest year on record.

    The Great Drought of 2011 became the Great Drought of 2012 attacking 62% of the nation. We are talking in 2012 about record braking temperatures such as Nashville; Athens, Ga.; and Cairo, Ill., all hitting 109 degrees on June 29; Greenville, S.C., which hit 107 degrees on July 1; and Lamar, Colorado, which hit 112 degrees on June 27. One third of America’s 300 million people experienced 10 or more days of summer temperatures exceeding 100 degrees Fahrenheit!

    Even Hawaii, which in some places marks some of the wettest rainfall records is now 63.3% drought stricken.

    The 2012 fire season in the other 49 states scorched 9.2 million acres of forest, the third highest on record.

    Keep reading: