Monday 29 April 2013

Sunday, April 14, 2013


Sunday, April 14, 2013:
Jesus said: “My people, I shine My Light of grace and love over all the people. It is unfortunate that all souls do not open their hearts to love Me because they have cold hearts. I cannot come into your heart unless you open the door from the inside. You know how much I love you, because you are witnesses of My death and Resurrection that I suffered for your sins. Just as I called out to St. Peter if he loved Me three times, so I ask all of you if you love Me as well. St. Peter denied Me three times, and I gave him an opportunity to repent and give his love to Me. So I realize in your weakened state that you have denied Me in your sins. I also give all people an opportunity to come to Me and have their sins forgiven in Confession. Once you repent, then you will be forgiven, and My grace will be restored to your soul. You can show your love for Me in your prayers, coming to Mass, and seeking forgiveness in Confession. When you love Me, you can also share your love with all of your neighbors in helping them with their needs. So let your cold hearts melt in My love, and greet Me with open arms into your heart and soul. Once My love permeates your life, and you allow Me to lead you, you will find all of your crosses will be lighter. As Simon helped Me to carry My cross, so I will be helping you in carrying your cross of life.”

Monday, April 15, 2013:
Jesus said: “My people, you are still celebrating My Easter feast of My glorious Resurrection. This ‘V’ in the vision is for My victory over sin and death. I know you are weak in your sins, and I have given you My sacrament of Penance so you can confess your sins in seeking My forgiveness. I have conquered the devil because I am more powerful than him. This is why you should not fear evil because when you are with Me, I can help defend you from the devil’s temptations. Do not endanger your souls in occasions of sin, but avoid such places that tempt you. I am asking you to live holy lives as you follow My direction. My ways are better than man’s ways. My victory over sin and death has also allowed souls, who are purified, to enter the gates of heaven for all eternity. I love all of My people, and this is why I have died for your sins, so you can have salvation from the evil of the world. With My help, you can save your soul from hell, and strive to be with Me in heaven one day. Heaven should be the goal of every soul. Heaven rejoices over every soul that converts its life to follow Me instead of the evil of the world. Then when you come to heaven, We can celebrate your victory of being crowned a saint in heaven.”

Jesus said: “My people, there are two paths in life. One road can lead you to heaven, while the other fork can lead to sin and hell. Following My path will be difficult for the body because I will lead you to holiness and a moral life. Leading a chaste life until marriage, may cause a restraint of your earthly desires, but you will be living in less occasion of sin. Those, who follow the path of their passions, are led to living together in the mortal sin of fornication. This lifestyle leads to continuous sin, and it will be hard to convert from an addiction to lust. If you truly love someone for who they are, you will not violate them with sex before marriage. You should be patient in your courtship. It is better that you get married in a relatively short time of a year or so because you will be tested with sinful desires. Do not follow other people who are living together just because they are living in sinful pleasures. Do not let people tell you that you are old-fashioned, because obeying My laws will reward you with My graces for a happy marriage. Those, who follow the path that I will lead you on, will be abiding in My love by their obedience. A good moral life will lead you to an eternal life with Me in heaven, but following your own ways could lead you on the wrong path to hell.”

Jesus said: “My people, this vision is showing you some of the details of the coming Warning or illumination of conscience that everyone will experience all over the earth at the same time. At that time people will see their soul bodies released outside of their physical bodies, and they will be outside of time. You could see how they were flying free into the clouds, and they shared an exhilarating feeling of freedom and joy. These souls were then drawn to My Light as they came before Me to receive their life review. After remembering their unforgiven sins, then they received their mini-judgment of either heaven, hell, or purgatory. These souls were told that if they did not change their lives, that this judgment would become their final judgment. This experience will cause many people to seek Confession for Catholics, or a need for repentance in others. This will be a glorious time to convert those souls, if they give Me their consent by changing their lives to follow Me. Rejoice that My mercy is being granted to every soul so each soul will be given an opportunity to save his or her soul from hell.”


Tuesday, April 16, 2013:
Jesus said: “My people, you have seen several provocative incidents in North Korea that have alarmed the countries around them. This vision shows a preparation for another missile launch that has shown their capability for launching warheads for some distance. They also have tested nuclear weapons, but it is not evident that they have the ability to put nuclear warheads on their missiles. Many of the war games and troop movements could threaten peace with South Korea. I have given you a message that a war could break out soon. Two potential areas of conflict could involve America either in Korea or in the Middle East. Keep praying that such a war does not start, so many people would not be killed or get injured.”

Friday 26 April 2013

Thursday, April 11, 2013


Thursday, April 11, 2013: (St. Stanislaus)
Jesus said: “My people, in your diocese and many others, there is a lack of bishops through retirements and other reasons. In the time of St. Stanislaus, he was martyred by the king as he was defending the Church. As you approach the time of the tribulation, you will be seeing more vacancies among the clergy as persecution of My Church will increase. You will first see a disruption from a division within My Church, as there will be a split between a schismatic church and My faithful remnant. Then you will see more persecution coming from your own government. Already you are seeing your Defense Department classifying Catholics and evangelicals as extremists or terrorists. This is just the beginning when those, who believe in Me, will be tested in their faith. Just as Hitler isolated the Jews from jobs and their civil rights, this will be happening also in America for Catholics and evangelists. The Antichrist will be coming into power, and all of My believers will be threatened by the one world people who are controlled by Satan. This is why I have inspired people to set up refuges for this time, so My faithful will be protected by My angels at these safe havens. Trust in Me when I warn My faithful that it is time to come to the safety of My refuges.”

Prayer Group:
Jesus said: “My people, almost all of your presidents were and are Masons, and they are among the one world people that control governments all over the world. It is the central bankers that control nations through their debts and debt based money. Once your money was taken off gold or silver backing, then the printing presses started spewing out more dollars so your government could continue its spending beyond your tax income. This fiat money is becoming less valuable with every year as you make Treasury Notes out of thin air. Your money system and your National Debt are about to crash because there is no way to continue paying the interest or the debt back. When this happens, My faithful will need to come to My refuges.”

Jesus said: “My people, as your current government wants to reduce your nuclear arsenal to zero, other nations as North Korea and Iran are building more nuclear weapons. The reduction in your defense is not the right thing to do when you are seeing more threats of war. The one world people want you to disarm so you would be a target for aggressor nations to take you over. Disarming your citizens of their guns is another part of their plan, but your people do not want to give up their weapons. Keep praying for peace, but you may need to be prepared for a civil war in America.”

Jesus said: “My people, with every new poll you are seeing the morals of America degrading. A recent poll has shown 48% of young women are having relations or fornication before marriage. Only 23% of young women are waiting until after marriage for lawful relations. You are also seeing more and more states accepting gay marriage, and even some are accepting lawful marijuana. A few states even accept mercy killing or euthanasia. Mothers are still killing millions of their babies by abortion every year. As these evils increase, you are having My blessings withdrawn from your protection.”

Jesus said: “My people, you have been watching this latest bird flu virus, H7N9, in China that has a 30% death rate for those who become infected. Many of these flu viruses have been created in the lab, and there is some suspicion with this new virus. I have warned you that the one world people have a desire to reduce the world’s population with a new bird flu virus that would be both contagious and deadly. There is some indication that this new virus is spreading between people in the same locations and not just from handling chickens. Beware if this virus becomes pandemic, because you may have to come to My refuges to be healed.”

Jesus said: “My people, you knew Theresa as a quiet and faithful lady for her many years at Holy Name Church. She was dedicated in her work at many organizations in your parish. She will be missed by many of you. I have taken her home to heaven for all that she had to suffer on earth. She will be praying for her family and friends. Pray for her family in all of their needs.”

Jesus said: “My people, you are seeing a little cooler weather this spring than last year, but the precipitation has still been lower than usual. Some drought conditions will continue, but not quite as severe as last year. There is still some concern over further man-made events from the HAARP machine that could bring more disasters. Pray that you will have better crops this year so there will be enough food for most people to survive.”

Friday, April 12, 2013:
Jesus said: “My people, this Gospel of the multiplication of the bread and fish for the 5,000 men is closely associated with My sharing of My Body and Blood with My faithful at every Mass. You have just shared the words of My first Mass at My Last Supper on Holy Thursday. This miracle of the consecration of the bread and wine into My Body and Blood occurs at every Mass, and this is My gift to all of My faithful. In every tabernacle you have My Real Presence with you even to the end of this age. You always have a friend in Me when you visit My Blessed Sacrament. I will help you in all of your spiritual and physical needs if you just ask Me. Those, who receive Me in Holy Communion worthily, and visit Me frequently in My tabernacle, are My special adorers who have made Me the center of their lives. See this gift of My Eucharist as a sharing of My love with all of you. The Father, the Holy Spirit, and Myself love all of you, and We want you to love Us and worship Us as your God, Creator, and Savior. It is not easy, but I ask My faithful to give your will over to Our Divine Will. The first reading about Gamaliel’s advice to leave the apostles alone, was how My Church was allowed to thrive since I formed My Church on St. Peter, and the gates of hell will not prevail against it. This allowing of messages to be tested by time is the same way of seeing if the fruits are from Me. If good fruits result, then these messages will be confirmed. I have been giving you messages, My son, for twenty years to prepare for the end times. You have been allowed to continue, and you have seen good fruits come from them. Give praise and thanks to Me for all that I am doing through your ‘yes’.”


Saturday, April 13, 2013:
Jesus said: “My people, in the Gospel I appeared to My apostles walking on the water, and I calmed the stormy seas. They thought I was a ghost at first. I said to them ‘Do not be afraid, it is I.’ This image of calming the sea represents how I come to My faithful, and I can calm the troubles in your life. I ask My faithful to trust in My help with all the trials in your life. By faith I will give you the strength that you need in My sacraments to overcome any fears that you have. Remember that you will never be tested beyond what you can endure by My grace. When you have confidence in My help, you will always have peace in your soul, despite what goes on in the world. In the vision and in the first reading, you are seeing how by the laying on of hands, the deacons were chosen to help My apostles in My early Church. Many of the widows had to be served at table by the deacons. All of the early communities had to help one another in their daily needs. Even today your deacons help with the sick and other duties that your priests cannot attend. Rejoice in My help throughout your lives. You know that you can call on Me in any of your needs, and I will be with you.”

Wednesday 24 April 2013

Monday, April 8, 2013


Monday, April 8, 2013: (Annunciation)
Jesus said: “My people, this feast day of the Annunciation is normally celebrated on March 25th, nine months before the celebration of Christmas on December 25th. This feast was postponed because Holy Week superceded it. You have just celebrated My Resurrection on Easter Sunday, but the Annunciation is already looking forward to the next Church Year. You are seeing My Blessed Mother’s fiat as an important part of the salvation of all of mankind. My Blessed Mother was prepared for that moment of acceptance for a long time as she was sinless from her conception. She had to be the perfect covenant while she was pregnant with Me by the power of the Holy Spirit. All of you need to be thankful to her for accepting her mission as the Mother of God. She was the means of My becoming a man on earth, so I could offer My life up as a sacrifice for the sins of all of mankind. Rejoice in this Easter Season as you are witnesses of My victory over sin and death.”

Jesus said: “My people, in the spring you see violent weather, especially from tornadoes in the middle of your country. This vision is at an airport in your country when a strong wind shear will turn over a plane at night on landing. There will be some deaths, but there was no fire. It is hard to forecast sudden wind shear, and airplanes are vulnerable when landing and taking off. When you travel on airplanes frequently, you do not think that you could be in such an accident. Pray for those who are traveling on airplanes in places where they have violent winds.”

Tuesday, April 9, 2013:
Jesus said: “My people, ever since Adam and Eve were cast out of the Garden of Eden, people have had to work by the sweat of their brow to work for their food and shelter. I know all of your needs for water, food, and shelter, so I help each of you to have your bare necessities. Still there are some homeless people who still beg for a living without jobs or any welfare available. You work hard for your own family, but some need to rely on the help of others for their food. Pray for those people who go to bed hungry, that they may find something to eat. You can even make some donations to your local food shelf, or foreign aid as the Catholic Relief Fund, so people can have food to eat.”

Jesus said: “My people, you now have a National Health Care law that will be hard to manage and finance. Some states are fighting any changes in Medicaid or setting up health insurance exchanges. With many uncertainties in this program, some companies may stop supporting their employees’ health benefits to cut expenses. In some cases paying penalties may be cheaper. People may find it more expensive to pay premiums, while new patients may find it hard to have their own doctor. There are many hidden parts of this law that could cause problems for people. Many medical records have been digitized on the computer, but this could be a preparation to put this information on chips in the body. Getting people chipped has been a goal of the one world people so they could control people’s minds with the chips and voices. When your government makes it mandatory to have a chip in your body, this will be the time to leave for My refuges. The plan is to kill those people who refuse to take this chip. This will make My faithful outlaws because I am telling them not to take any chip in the body for any reason. These chips will control your free will with hypnotizing voices. Trust in Me that I will warn My faithful to go to My refuges before your lives will be in danger. I will have My angels protect you with an invisible shield as you travel to My refuges.”

Wednesday, April 10, 2013:
Jesus said: “My people, you are made in My image with a body and a soul. The body is the physical shell that contains the spirit of the soul. The desires of the body are always fighting against the desires of the soul. Your body is weak to sin because of the consequences of Adam’s sin against Me. This is why the body craves the comforts and pleasures of the flesh. The soul is the opposite because the spirit is in search of the peace of its Creator. The soul desires holiness and heavenly things. This is why suffering the human condition is a trial because of the battle between the body and the soul. You wonder why it is difficult to pray, but the body wants its own appetites satisfied instead of praying. You fast from food, and you work on self-control and self-denial to limit the body’s control over the soul. The soul strives to be with Me in heaven. If the soul is weak in striving for holiness, the body could lead that soul into sin toward judgment to hell. This is why the soul needs to assert its authority over the body to follow My Commandments and fulfill My mission for your life. Without a strong spiritual desire to love Me and serve Me, you could fall into the devil’s temptations. Keep close to Me in your daily prayers and frequent Confession of your sins, so you can strive to be with Me forever in heaven.”

Jesus said: “My people, there are some people who are so focused on money and wealth, that they have neglected to let Me into their lives. As long as they have wealth, they think that they do not need Me. If I did not maintain their lives with air to breathe and food and water to consume, they could not survive. Wealth is only a means of exchange, but it is not a god in itself. Many one world people have gold, silver, and real estate because they do not want paper money or anything on paper. These people protect themselves from any bankruptcy that could come from a crash of the dollar or the stock market. The one world people are able to control the stock market and interest rates as you are seeing. They have driven interest rates so low that people are being forced into the stock market. Then they can steal the money in a stock market crash when they short the market. The middle class is the target of the rich, so they can control everyone through cheap jobs and welfare handouts. The ultimate control will come through the chips in the body when the one world people will make you into slaves as robots. Pray for My help against these evil ones, and call on Me to lead you to My refuges when your lives will be in danger.”

Tuesday 23 April 2013

Friday, April 5, 2013


Friday, April 5, 2013:
Jesus said: “My people, I appeared for the third time after My Resurrection on the Sea of Galilee where My apostles were fishing. I called out to them if they had caught anything to eat, and they answered, ‘No’. I told them to cast their net on the right side for a catch. After not catching anything all night, the apostles were amazed to have a large catch of fish. The Gospel writer even mentions 153 large fish, indicating My apostles would go out to teach all the nations about My Good News. Then they realized that it was I calling them on the shore. I prepared breakfast for them as I broke bread with them, and gave them baked fish. This reminded them of both the Last Supper, and when I multiplied the bread and fish for the 5,000 and the 4,000. I told the women at the tomb to tell My apostles that I would meet them at the Sea of Galilee, and this event was a fulfillment of My words. I kept appearing to My apostles to confirm that I had risen in the flesh with My wounds from the nails.”

Jesus said: “My people, when people have their Warning experience or when they die, their soul bodies are drawn to My Light. Once you come into My Light, you will face a life review where you cannot deny or rationalize your actions on earth because you are faced with the truth of what you did. You will see how I judged each one of your actions, both the good and the bad ones. At the end of your life review, you will be given a judgment of heaven, hell, or purgatory. Then you will have a taste of what your destination would be like. In the Warning you will be given a second chance to change your life. At your death I will ask you one last time if you love Me. Those, who refuse to love Me, will be sent to hell by their own choice. Those, who love Me, may require purification, but they will be with Me in heaven forever.”

Saturday, April 6, 2013:
Jesus said: “My people, in today’s readings you are seeing a summary of the recent events. St. Peter and St. John healed the lame beggar in My Name, and the Sanhedrin did not know what to do with them. The Sanhedrin attempted to tell the apostles not to speak or heal in My Name. This chastisement just strengthened the faith of My apostles, as they answered that they would rather obey God than men. Even in your own day, it is better for My faithful to proclaim My Good News of salvation, than worry about being criticized by the godless men of your society. In the Gospel, St. Mark shows how I was not happy with the apostles’ reception of the news of My Resurrection in their unbelief. Their hearts were not understanding of My mission on earth until they saw Me appear to them in the upper room. I showed them My wounds from the nails, and I ate fish in their presence to prove that I was in the flesh and not a ghost. It took several of My appearances for My apostles to finally understand that I truly rose from the dead. This was My victory over sin and death, and it truly is Good News. I also told My apostles that they believed because they saw Me in the flesh, but blessed are those people who have not seen Me, and still they believe in My death and Resurrection.”


Sunday, April 7, 2013: (Divine Mercy Sunday)
Jesus said: “My people, I know that you are all suffering through your daily trials of your human condition, because I suffered them as well. This is why you are seeing everyone carrying his or her cross in church. Even when you commit sins against Me, you know that I am willing to forgive you with My Divine Mercy in Confession. It is not easy to struggle through life, but with My peace in your heart and soul, you will have the grace to endure any hardship. You have prayed your Divine Mercy novena, and have made an attempt to get to Confession to meet the requirements for this plenary indulgence. This blessing atones for any reparation due for your sins. Remember to pray in front of My Divine Mercy image so you can receive the blessings I will give you. Rejoice in My Divine Mercy for all that I do for you.”

Jesus said: “My people, this vision of receiving water from the well reminds you of the account when I met the woman at the well. I told her about her life, and I told her that I wanted to give her My ‘Living Water’ so she would not thirst again. After I died for mankind on the cross, I have given you My sacraments. I gave you Baptism and Penance so I can forgive your sins out of My Divine Mercy, and cleanse them from your soul. I have given you My Eucharist when you receive Me in Holy Communion. In St. John’s Gospel I told the people that unless you eat My Body and drink My Blood, you cannot have eternal life. I give you Myself in the consecrated bread and wine that are transformed into My Body and Blood. Receive the peace of My grace into your souls so you will be strengthened to fight any temptations of the devil. My Eucharist will also help to heal any damage done to your soul from your sins. Even as you receive My grace, I ask you to share your faith in helping to evangelize people around you. Many of you are seeking healings of the body, but when I heal you, I heal the whole person in both body and soul. Rejoice in My Divine Mercy which by this plenary indulgence, you have all reparation due for your sins taken away.”

Saturday 20 April 2013

Wednesday, April 3, 2013


Wednesday, April 3, 2013:
Jesus said: “My people, you love looking at babbling brooks of water as spring water is fresh to drink. Right after Easter, you are celebrating the beautiful miracles that took place after My Resurrection. The first reading speaks of healing a cripple from birth in My Name. Even the Jewish leaders were perplexed that healing could come in My Name. These leaders later chastised My apostles for speaking in My Name. This was the beginning of the growth of My Church, and there were many miracles of conversion in addition to physical healings. My faithful also need to share their faith with others, especially with those who have fallen away from their original belief. The Gospel story of My sharing with My disciples on the road to Emmaus is a heart warming story. The two disciples were listening to Me explain all of the prophecies foretold about Me in the Scriptures. They exclaimed how their hearts were burning on the road as I spoke to them. Many of you would have been happy to hear these words as well. When I broke bread with them, as I did at the Last Supper, they were able to recognize Me as the risen Christ. Then I disappeared from their sight. This is a beautiful Gospel account after My Resurrection, but still many of the apostles did not believe until I came to them in the upper room. The water in the vision is how My ‘Living Water’ comes upon My faithful as you receive My graces through My Eucharist at Mass. Rejoice in My sacraments as you are My Easter people.”

Jesus said: “My people, one of the signs of the end days is how there will be an increase in evil all over the world. I have told you how more demons are being unleashed on the earth from the volcanoes. When you are being tested with addictions or anything that could control you, you need to call on My help and I will send you angels to defend you. Many people are addicted to drugs, alcohol, overeating, the internet, lust, gambling, and other addictions. There are demons connected to these addictions which is why it is so hard to break away from them. You need prayers, deliverance, exorcism, or a miracle conversion to break addictions. You first have to admit that you have an addiction, and that you want help to break it. There may be some treatment that you have to start that will help break your addiction. Addictions have a way of controlling your free will which is why you need to get rid of them, so you can have peace in your soul. Guard your peace, and do not let anything control you. By giving your will over to Me, I can lead you to follow your mission on earth. When I direct your life, you will follow a much better life than if you directed your own life.”

Thursday, April 4, 2013:
Jesus said: “My people, with My death and Resurrection I have made a new Covenant with man. Since the sin of Adam, a Savior has been promised to save all of mankind. With My coming as the Messiah, this promise has been realized. My sacrifice has freed everyone of their sins if they but come to Me for forgiveness. By repenting of your sins, you can receive Baptism and Penance which will cleanse your sins from your souls. Without taking this forward step of seeking your forgiveness, you will remain in your sins. You need to keep your soul pure by frequent Confession so you are always ready to face Me at your judgment when you die. Just as I called My apostles to be witnesses of My new Covenant in My Church, so I call all of My faithful to go out to all the nations, and spread My Good News of My salvation.”

Prayer Group:
Jesus said: “My people, this spinning object in a church reminds you of My Warning experience that everyone will have at the same time. You will have two things going on at about the time of My Warning. You will be seeing a time of a division in My Church between a schismatic church and the faithful remnant. This schismatic church will be teaching New Age principles that involve crystals. Avoid and leave any Catholic church that teaches New Age. This will also be time when microchips will become mandatory in the body. In your Warning experience you will be warned not to take the mark of the beast or a computer chip in your body, even if it is mandated. This chip could control your free will. Do not worship the beast or the Antichrist either. You will also be warned in the Warning not to follow New Age principles or a schismatic church, but you may need to leave quickly for My refuges of protection.”

Jesus said: “My people, you have two beautiful physical witnesses of My suffering on the cross. One was My radiated Image on the Shroud that is stored in Turin, Italy. The other is the image of My face that was left on the cloth that Veronica used to wipe My face. These images are treasures as the Shroud showed My five wounds, and even the whip marks on My flesh. These images have been copied for people to see how much I suffered.”

Jesus said: “My people, you are seeing two other treasures of the spear of Longinus and the wood of My cross that relics have been made with it. You, yourself, have this relic of My true cross that is powerful in healing people and protecting people from demons. These relics that have touched Me, are becoming rare to find, and again are witnesses of My death and Resurrection.”

Jesus said: “My people, these Stations that I walked with My cross are still seen on the Via Dolorosa as many processions commemorate My carrying of My cross during Holy Week. As you view these Stations, I also wanted you to pray My Stations of the Cross on the Lenten Fridays. You can also pray them on all Fridays of the year to honor My suffering.”

Jesus said: “My people, those people, who have visited the Holy Sepulcher Church, are grateful that they had a chance to see where I was crucified and where I was buried. Even if you had to wait in long lines, it was worth every moment to be in these holy places. This is where I brought salvation to all of the souls of mankind, and that is what makes these places special. Your pictures and movies bring back the memories of that moment when you were there.”

Jesus said: “My people, during the Holy Week services, the large Host was removed from your tabernacle, but a large Host was not returned. When you put the holder in your monstrance, you noticed that My Host was missing. There is a symbolism in this event that shows My Real Host of My Real Presence needs to be present for Adoration. Even when you put two smaller Hosts in the monstrance, you can see how badly I was missed in your service. Be thankful that you have My Real Presence in the Hosts consecrated by My priests. I am with you always, even to the end of this age.”

Jesus said: “My people, in the end times there are several images that will help protect and inspire My faithful. The picture of My Host that your friend made with jewels, and this picture will be helpful for you in the end days. You could look into the possibility of acquiring such a picture if it is available for your prayer group meetings. My Blessed Mother and I will be protecting you at My refuges.”

Thursday 18 April 2013

North Korea Threatens US: Korean War Armistice Ends, Kim Jong Un Targets America, Is War Next?



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North Korean boy-strongman Kim Jong Un has ordered his offensive missile batteries to target US bases in South Korea, Guam, Japan, and Hawaii in response to joint South Korean-US military maneuvers practicing a North Korean implosion scenario. The practice bomb runs yesterday of two nuclear-capable US B-2 Bomber flying over South Korean airspace prompted the North Korean leader to place his missile batteries at the highest level of alert. Rather than repelling an invasion into South Korea, US military thinking theorizes that North Korea has more rust and starving soldiers than a real offensive capability and that the regime’s level of crazy-talk and threats is a sign that the regime may be at last reaching a point of collapse requiring US and South Korean forces enter the North to feed its starving 24 millions and secure its nuclear and chemical weapons arsenals.

B2 Bomber.

Either way you shake No Dongs and aim these missiles at US and South Korean targets, it is war season under the stars. Since ancient times humans have been programmed to start their wars with the onset of spring and the Sun’s transit of Aries, ruled by Mars, God of War. I can predict with confidence that before the Sun transits out of Aries and later Taurus in May, a Korean military incident will take place that will mark the end of the Korean conflict and the Stalinist throw-back dictatorship of North Korea will likely implode, hopefully with a whimper and not a sudden, violent war that kills millions living in and around the Korean Peninsula.

Expect in the 13th year of the 21st century to wake up more than once in the morning to a world-changing event. Already a pope resigned, the first in nearly 600 years and changed the world for 1.3 billion Catholics. Then came a new Pope hailed by a name never granted a pope in a tradition that has not seen new names in the Papal list for 1,300 years: Pope Francis. (See also Prophecies of St. Malachy.)

Expect the world to change because of sudden surprises and upheavals coming to the northeastern corner of the Pacific Rim. Already, this week, the last hotline between North and South Korean governments has been severed. North Korean Kim Jong Un is the third Kim Stalinist dictator of the Marxist Leninist anachronism of a hermetically sealed, hermit commie kingdom. He is fresh on the job and like his grandfather Kim Il Sung and father Kim Jong Il before him, little Kim Jong Un, the 29 or 30-year-old boy baby-fat wonder of a dictator, the Young “Un” if you will, follows the tradition starting up his new regime with a bang. Moreover, unique to our unpredictable and dangerous times, he is doing the big bang bluff to a fault and perhaps might lead the United Nations, South Korea and North Korea, including its last friend in the world, China, back to the future that Un’s grandfather Kim Il Sung concocted when he was 38-years young and wished to sow his wild and apocalyptic oats.

Korea, a former colony of Imperial Japan was divided along the 38th parallel, the northern half occupied by Soviet forces, the southern half by US and allied forces when the Second World War ended in 1945. Five years and a new Cold War later the Korean people, though ethnically and culturally homogeneous, were divided by political and ideological lines into two separate nations at the onset of a growing East-West standoff: a communist “Democratic” People’s Republic of North Korea and a “democratic” Republic of South Korea. The North has never been “democratic”, and for much of the South’s history, it has been under the tyranny of Western-friendly dictators, the longest ruling of these being the late father of the current “democratically” elected leader of South Korea, the country’s first woman president, Park Geun-hye.

Kim Il Sung and his son and successor, Kim Jong Il.

Kim Il Sung became Soviet-style premier of North Korea and from Pyongyang planned and launched on 25 June 1950 a surprise invasion across the 38 parallel in hopes of rapidly overwhelming the ROK (Republic of Korea) rag-tag army with his own force loaded up to hunt for bear by the Russian Bear’s Second World War surplus cast offs. To make a long and bloody story short, Kim Il Sung nearly overwhelmed the ROK and later mostly US forces sent by the United Nations as a police action to stop the North Korean invasion. Then, UN forces under US General Douglas MacArthur cut Kim Il Sung’s Soviet new model army’s overstretched supply lines with a sea landing at Inchon precipitating a rout of North Korean forces sent reeling back into North Korea. The survivors were flung back to the Yalu River border with China as Christmas and the onset of a vicious Korean Peninsula winter approached.

The grandson, Kim Jong Un.

The new and Communist People’s Republic of China sent hordes or Chinese Red Army forces into North Korea by the hundreds of thousands to push the desperate and overextended Americans back over the 38th parallel. Thus the Korean war rumbled on in static warfare along the mountainous no-man’s land until an armistice was signed 27 July 1953 turned that area into DMZ (Demilitarized Zone), a no-man’s land cutting across the Korean Peninsula between two trench networks.

The Taepodong missile launched in a North Korean propaganda poster.

Kim Il Sung and his communist North Korea survived his great military adventure. He ruled on until death was near and a second Kim, as per tradition, Kim Jong Il, groomed to succeed his father, worked behind the scenes to show his military mettle and brinksmanship with the West starting with the world finding out in 1993 that North Korea, which had abandoned the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty was in fact producing radioactive materials with the intention of becoming a nuclear power. The price of this expensive adventure was a string of famines killing upwards of two million North Koreans. With the Soviet Union collapsing, the North lost its main socialistically failing patron. While the two Kims, father and son, played ballistic man’s bluff with America threatening to become a nuclear power, China, their last friend in the world was sending aid feeding 77 percent of a nation forced to field and feed the fourth largest army in the world.

Saturday 13 April 2013

Friday, March 29, 2013


Friday, March 29, 2013: (Good Friday)
Jesus said: “My people, once I died for all of mankind, I brought salvation to those who accepted Me. Everyone has an opportunity for eternal salvation because I conquered sin and death. Those, who follow My laws and accept Me in love, are My faithful that are on the path to heaven. Those, who refuse to follow My laws, and refuse to love Me, are on the path to hell unless they repent. Many souls have had to suffer a hell like existence until I opened the gates to heaven. Now souls are judged on their own merits, and their lives determine whether they are worthy of heaven. The people of today are fortunate to be born after My death and Resurrection. Original sin can be forgiven in Baptism, and your actual sins can be forgiven in Confession. You have plenty of opportunities to repent, confess your sins, and live a holy life. Take advantage of My graces and My forgiveness that souls born before My death did not have. You are faced with many earthly temptations from the devil, but call on My Name and I will come to your aid. When you are tested, call on Me to send you angels of protection.”

Saturday, March 30, 2013: (Easter Vigil)
Jesus said: “My people, Alleluia, and rejoice on this day that you commemorate My Resurrection. I told My apostles several times that I would rise in three days after My death. They had to be reminded by the angels, and the angels questioned why the apostles were looking for Me among the dead, when they should be looking for Me among the living. My Transfiguration was another prefigure of how I would appear in a glorified Body at My Resurrection. Even My faithful in heaven can look forward at the last judgment to being reunited with a glorified body. This life lasts only a short time, and it is a training ground for souls to come to heaven. You are here to know, love, and serve Me, and not just to serve yourself or accumulate a lot of wealth. What does it profit a man to gain the whole world, and lose his soul? Your soul is your most prized possession, and that is why I seek souls as well as Satan. This is why the destination of your soul should be focused on heaven as a better choice than rejecting Me for hell. I give all souls an opportunity to come to heaven, and a promise to be reunited with a glorified body. The devil can only offer an eternity of suffering in the flames of hell. So make the right choices in your life that will lead you on a path to heaven.”

Sunday, March 31, 2013: (Easter Sunday)
Jesus said: “My people, this is a glorious day as you commemorate My Resurrection from the dead. Just as your father-in-law mentioned, there is an extra celebration going on in all of heaven on this day. This is a day of salvation when My call goes out to all souls to come and share My peace and My graces. Even those Christians, who do not come much to church, should be coming to Mass today. This is the time of year in nature when the plants come to life from the sleep of winter. Rejoice, and be glad in My glory, as I conquered sin and death. I wish all people could accept My love into their hearts and souls, and there would be less war, and more of My peace. Reach out in faith to share My love and your faith with all of those around you. This is a glorious moment of My victory and salvation that needs to be shared with everyone. Rejoice, and keep praying for souls to be saved, especially in your own family.”


Monday, April 1, 2013:
Jesus said: “My people, I appeared first to the women at the tomb, but My apostles did not believe them, nor did they believe My disciples who met Me on the road to Emmaus. St. Peter and St. John saw the empty tomb, but they still did not understand what rising from the dead meant. It was only when I appeared to the apostles and showed them My wounds that they truly believed. They could see I was human and not a ghost. The Jews tried to cover up the reality of My Resurrection by bribing the guards so My following would not spread. There is also the Shroud of Turin which is a witness to My Resurrection. There is plenty of proof of My Resurrection by all the disciples who saw Me and wrote about it in the Scriptures. Believe that I rose from the dead with My victory over sin and death. My Resurrection is the core of your faith to show that I became a man so I could sacrifice My life for the salvation of all sinners. Believe in this Good News and shout it from the rooftops.”

Jesus said: “My people, I have given you many messages speaking of the storms and earthquakes that have been caused by the use of the HAARP machine in Alaska. This vision reaffirms that it is a black or secret operation of your government that is controlled by the one world people. I have told you how Satan is leading the one world people to reduce the population with disasters by the HAARP machine, wars, abortions, euthanasia, vaccines, and viruses. Killing people by man-made disasters is part of the death culture. This weapon has been used in the past to direct bad storms, droughts, enhanced tornadoes and hurricanes, and earthquakes. This machine can even be used as a means of blackmail for political and financial purposes. When your lives are threatened, I will warn My faithful when it is time to come to My refuges.”


Tuesday, April 2, 2013:
Jesus said: “My people, it was good that Mary Magdalene came to look for Me at My tomb so I could announce to her that I truly had risen from the dead in the flesh. This could give proof to My apostles that I had risen as well. Unfortunately, the apostles at first did not want to believe her. St. Peter and St. John went to the tomb and they did not find His body, but they believed. Even when I met some disciples on the road to Emmaus, some apostles did not believe them either. It took My physical appearance to them for them to believe. I even said to them that blessed are those who have not seen Me, and still they believe in My death and Resurrection. These events of Holy Week are a core belief in My coming upon the earth to show everyone that I love them enough to die for them. Your Lord is a loving God, and this is the most loving example of My love. I call all of you to love Me and follow My Commandments out of obedience to Me and out of love for Me. Those, who accept Me into their lives, are on the right road to heaven. There are some people who love their earthly pleasures, but they must be married as man and wife to have relations. Do not live together in the sins of fornication or in homosexual acts. Those, who refuse to obey My laws and refuse to repent, are on the road to hell.”

Thursday 11 April 2013

Monday, March 25, 2013


Monday, March 25, 2013:
Jesus said: “My people, at Bethany, where Lazarus lived, there was a woman who anointed Me with an expensive ointment. Judas complained that the ointment could have been sold to give the money to the poor, but he was only thinking of spending some of that money. I told them to leave her alone because she was preparing Me for My burial by anointing Me. Lazarus was the one whom I raised from the dead, and many people were following Me because of this miracle. I am the Resurrection and the Life is what I told Mary before I raised her brother from the dead. This was also a preview of My own death and Resurrection that would be the ultimate sacrifice and miracle for all to believe. Many of the Jews wanted to kill Lazarus because many believed in Me since I raised him from the dead. You are approaching the Triduum which are the most glorious days when you commemorate My death and Resurrection. Rejoice in My gift to all of mankind because at the last judgment all of My faithful will be resurrected with a glorified body rejoining your soul, and you will be whole again.”

Jesus said: “My people, you have seen several large earthquakes that have triggered tsunamis. Most of these earthquakes are underwater. Any earthquake close to land would not give much warning time for people to move to higher ground. You did see an 8.0 earthquake recently in the Pacific Ocean that caused a five foot tsunami. This vision locates a spot off the coast of Oregon that has seen some earthquake activity at a 4.0 level. The floor of the ocean dropped and it could send a large tsunami if there was a large enough earthquake. This area is prone to such activity, and people should be prepared to evacuate quickly if any alarm is given.”

Tuesday, March 26, 2013: (Day of Penance)
Jesus said: “ My people, today’s Gospel is focused on Judas and St. Peter at the Last Supper. I announced that one of the apostles would betray Me. So all of them started asking if it was them. Then I said it was the one who dipped the morsel into the dish with Me as Judas did. I asked Judas to do what he would do quickly, and at that moment, Satan entered him. It is then that the apostles announced their allegiance to Me, and that they would stand by Me. In the vision you saw St. Peter’s brown eyes up close as he said that he would protect Me. Then I told him that he would deny Me three times before the cock crowed. Judas was led by Satan in his betrayal of Me with a kiss. Later, Satan caused Judas to hang himself. St. Peter did deny Me, but he repented afterwards. There is a little of St. Peter in My faithful when in their weakness they sometimes deny Me in sin. You have a Day of Penance when priests will be available for confessions for over six hours. This would be an excellent time to cleanse your souls, and make your Easter duty at the same time. Take advantage of this opportunity for the grace of My sacrament of Penance.”

Jesus said: “My people, My ministry began with My Baptism in the Jordan River as I started gathering My apostles. This vision shows you a quick summary of My parables and My many miracles. The Jewish leaders felt threatened because many people were following Me, as I healed their ailments. The people also were attracted to My words that gave new meaning to love of God and love of neighbor. It was My claim to be God’s Son that truly drove them to want to kill Me. They heard testimony of My many miracles, especially raising Lazarus from the dead. They did not realize that only God could perform such miracles of healing and casting out demons. Even the demons knew that I was the Holy One of God. I was able to use My death by the Jews and Romans for a much larger purpose of bringing salvation to all of humanity. It was My plan to sacrifice My life as a sacrificial Lamb, so every soul would have the opportunity for the forgiveness of sin, and to enter heaven’s gates for those who accept Me. My death on the cross is the greatest gift of love and life that I could give all of you. I give you Myself in My Eucharist at every Mass so I could be with you intimately in your souls. Rejoice in all of My sacramental gifts, especially My Real Presence in My Blessed Sacrament.”

Wednesday, March 27, 2013:
Jesus said: “My people, in life the people saw Me dying on the cross and suffering intensely. This vision is not only of the event that happened almost 2,000 years ago, but it is also outside of time, and I am still suffering for your sins of today. This is why I have mentioned many times that you can offer up your pains and trials to Me, and join My suffering on My cross. My sacrifice is what is redeeming many souls because I am paying the price for all souls who accept Me, so they can be forgiven and eventually enter heaven’s gates. Many do not realize how fortunate they are that their God is so loving that I died for all of them. I took on a human nature so I could share your pain, and give you a model of holiness to follow. Please come to your Holy Week services to share the glory of My death and Resurrection, as I conquered sin and death.”

Jesus said: “My people, when you evangelize and preach My Word, I want you to put a little more emphasis on how important it is to love Me and your neighbor. I am ‘Love’ and My people can see in the vision that I love all of you enough to die for your souls. When you see how much I love you, you know that I want you to love Me as well. When you love Me, you love Me in your neighbor. It is a hard statement, but I want you to love everyone, even your enemies. The more that you can love Me and your neighbor, the closer you will be to Me. You see a model in the love of marriage, as you see Me as the Groom and My Church as the Bride. I do things out of love for man, and I want you to do things out of love for Me. By focusing on loving everyone, you can bring harmony into the world as the rest of My creation is in harmony. If true love was in everyone’s heart, you would not see fighting in wars, or greed for money. When you love someone, you reach out to help them with financial help and in sharing your faith.”

Thursday, March 28, 2013: (Holy Thursday)
Jesus said: “My people, you witnessed the washing of the feet at Mass when I gave My apostles a model to follow in helping each other. In the vision of My agony in the garden, I asked My apostles to watch and pray. I knew My hour had come, but I realized it was My place to do the Will of My Father. It is not easy to accept suffering as a human, but I had a world of souls to save, so I could not refuse to carry on. I call My faithful to commit to your daily prayers, even if your body complains of praying. It is your soul that benefits from your prayers, and they are needed for your many intentions. You have been suffering some penances during Lent, but they do not compare to My suffering on the cross. Follow Me in silence, and do not complain when you are offering up your penances to Me. Continue attending the rest of your Holy Week services.”

Friday 5 April 2013

Friday, March 15, 2013


Friday, March 15, 2013:
St. Therese said: “My dear son, you have been busy in praying my novenas both for your new DVD and for your friend’s request from the bishop. You also were proper in continuing your prayers of thanksgiving for prayers answered. I directed your prayer requests to Jesus, as I was your intercessor. I have helped you in many ways as your spiritual director. Keep attending Mass, your Adoration, and praying your daily prayers, and Our Lord will look kindly over your evangelization efforts. You also are watchful in your monthly Confessions and your almsgiving. I have heard your prayers for a successful sharing of Jesus’ messages at your talks. The Holy Spirit will give you what to say at your meetings. You are doing a beautiful work in sharing Jesus’ messages and warnings for these end times. Keep close to my Jesus in His Blessed Sacrament, and He will guide you in your work.”

Saturday, March 16, 2013:
Jesus said: “My people, in the first reading you read how the people plotted to kill Jeremiah because they did not want to hear his words of how I was displeased with their sins. They did not want to repent. In a similar way the Jews plotted to kill Me because I healed people on the Sabbath, and I told them that I was God’s Son. Also, today the one world people are plotting to kill all Christians for their new world order. This vision of an underground church is how My faithful will need to hide from the coming persecution. Eventually, you will need to come to My refuges of protection because of the evil ones who will be trying to kill you. Trust in Me and My angels to provide for your needs at My refuges during the tribulation of the Antichrist.”

To Margaret: Jesus said: “My dear daughter, thank you for being faithful to the mission that I have asked of you. There will be faithful people led to your dwelling so you can share a place of protection for them. I will send angels of protection to shield your home from the evil ones. The angels will give you Holy Communion every day and provide for your food and water. Keep trusting in My Word through the coming trial.”


Sunday, March 17, 2013: (St. Patrick’s Day)
St. Patrick said: “My dear son, I am happy to greet all of you on my feast day, but Sunday Mass has taken precedence over my celebration in church. A while ago, I invited you to Ireland, the land of your family’s heritage. You also saw your family briefly with your father, your grandfather, Adelaide, and the rest of your family. I was happy that you had two opportunities to visit Ireland. I came to Ireland as a foreigner so I could spread the Catholic faith there. Many Irish Catholics have immigrated to America, as your great grandfather. I only pray that my Irish adopted people can stay close to Jesus in their Christian beliefs. I know you like to wear green to honor me, but also remember the shamrock as a belief in the Three Persons of the Blessed Trinity. I love all of you, and I have a special love for the Irish people. America is a blend of many ethnic backgrounds, and it is blessed in many ways. The people of America need to repent of their sins, or they will lose their blessings. Keep faithful to Jesus, and keep remembering your family’s heritage in Ireland because it is who you are.”


Monday, March 18, 2013:
Jesus said: “My people, this shrine will be a refuge for the people to come, and My Blessed Mother and I will keep Gordon company for taking on watching over these grounds. The stream of water on these grounds will not go dry so the people will have water during the tribulation. You will have angels and My luminous cross here to provide for the people. They will provide bedding and multiply food for the people. The angels will bring you Holy Communion daily if you do not have a priest. Rejoice that My Blessed Mother and I are watching over this shrine with a mantle of invisibility to the evil ones.”

Jesus said: “My people, you are celebrating the feast of My foster father, St. Joseph, in how he was shown by an angel to lead the Holy Family to Egypt to avoid having Herod kill Me. Herod killed all the new born boys and they are called the Holy Innocents. In the vision you are seeing all the aborted babies, and how serious these killings are because you have killed more babies than all of those killed in your wars. Every country, like America, is responsible for all the babies who were killed because of your abortion decision in your Supreme Court. You need to keep praying and struggling to stop the abortions in America. You have tried to have the mothers at the abortion clinics change their minds, but such sidewalk counseling is difficult. America will suffer a punishment as a nation for all of these killings.”


Tuesday, March 19, 2013: (St. Joseph)
Jesus said: “My people, St. Joseph was a protector of the Holy Family as he led us to Egypt. You can also call on him to protect your family as well. He also was a good teacher, as he taught Me the carpenter trade. In the Gospel, St. Joseph was instructed by an angel to accept My Blessed Mother into his home, even though she was with child by the Holy Spirit. He was very trusting in God, no matter what difficulties he encountered. He had to take My Blessed Mother to Bethlehem to register, and he had to suffer the embarrassment of having Me born in a stable. Many of you can have trust in Me like St. Joseph did, by imitating his simple ways of faith. Keep your peace, despite all of the trials of life, and trust in Me for all of your needs.”


Sunday, March 24, 2013: (Palm Sunday or Passion Sunday)
Jesus said: “My people, you have two names for this Sunday because the people at first greeted Me into Jerusalem with palms. Then when evil had its hour, the Jewish leaders gave Me over to Pilate and the Romans, claiming I was a blasphemer. From then on, now you are reading about My passion, and how I was scourged and crucified on the cross. Passion Sunday is a long reading, but it is important to notice the details of how St. Peter denied Me three times, and how Judas betrayed Me with a kiss. Both were in remorse for their actions, but St. Peter repented, while Judas hung himself. My apostles were frightened by all of these events, and they hid in the upper room for fear of their lives. They did not realize how I would truly rise from the dead as I prophesied to them several times. Take time to come to the Holy Week services so you can walk with Me at the Stations on the way to Calvary.”

Wednesday 3 April 2013

Sunday, March 10, 2013


Sunday, March 10, 2013:
Jesus said: “My people, the parable of the Prodigal Son shows the wayward son as drawn to earthly pleasures with his father’s money. When the money was gone, then he became a beggar for something to eat. This is true of all earthly things and pleasures in that they pass away very quickly, and they leave people empty and wanting. Deep down the soul is constantly seeking a spiritual peace that can only be satisfied in Me. Just as the son was seeking something to eat physically, many people are seeking the spiritual peace that they find when they receive My Bread of life in My Eucharist. When you have sinned grievously, you also are seeking God’s forgiveness in Confession. When the son returned, he was lost and now is found by his father. When a soul returns by conversion or re-conversion, that soul finds Me in My sacraments, and the soul is found and is protected from being lost in hell.”

Monday, March 11, 2013:
Jesus said: “My people, just as you desire to save someone from a fire in a burning building, so you should also want to save someone’s soul from the flames of hell. You can see people’s behavior, especially if they are living together in sin, and they are not coming to Sunday Mass. You are not judging such people, but you know they are endangering their souls to judgment in hell. You need to reach out to such souls out of love, to warn them that they are risking their souls that could be judged by Me to hell. Even if you know they will not like you for telling them, you need to warn them about saving their souls because you love them. It is even harder to warn souls in your own family, but you do not want to see them go to hell. These souls will face a real wake-up call at the Warning, if they live that long. It is better to wake up souls now before it may be too late when they die.”

Jesus said: “My people, you are seeing these three ugly demons that are trying to affect the outcome of the election of a new Pope. I will have My angels and the Holy Spirit watch over this current election. Even though you have a human element in this decision, My Church will be protected. I keep telling you that you will see a division in My Church where some clergy will follow a New Age schismatic church, and some will follow My faithful remnant. It is My faithful remnant that will keep My apostolic teachings, and they will go underground to avoid persecution. This division in My Church is not an easy thing to explain, but My faithful need to be warned so that they are not misled by New Age teachings and demons trying to affect their minds. As the Antichrist comes to power, My faithful will need to leave for My refuges. Be ready to leave at a moment’s notice.”


Tuesday, March 12, 2013:
Jesus said: “My people, in today’s Gospel I healed a man at the pools of Bethesda on the Sabbath, and the Jews stirred up the people against Me for healing people on the Sabbath. Instead of rejoicing that someone was healed, the Jews were more interested in killing Me in order to stop My new teachings. This is just another instance that led up to My crucifixion on the cross. Healing water is an actual physical thing as at the grotto in Lourdes, France. There will also be healing spring water at all of My refuges. There were some healings at this pool in Israel when the angel stirred the water. Water is also a spiritual sacramental when it is blessed into holy water. You use water also in the rite of Baptism. Holy water and blessed salt can be used to fight off the demons. Water is an essential need for the body to survive, which is why fresh water is needed for everyone. Give praise to Me for all the people who are healed and blessed with holy water.”

Jesus said: “My people, you are quite comfortable in your present living conditions because you have control over your heating and cooling, and many other comforts. When you come to My refuges, you may have to bear some inconveniences for not enough heat in the winter, and little cooling in the summer heat. Your meals will be at different times, and you may have to eat different foods than you are used to. Even showers may not always be available, especially little hot water. Many of these things may not be hard to bear, given a danger to your life as an alternative. This penance of living a rustic life will only be for a short time of less than 3½ years. Those, who are faithful, will have their health restored, and a beautiful reward in My Era of Peace and in heaven. Keep following My Commandments, and keep your souls cleansed with frequent Confession. By letting Me run your life, you will have eternal life with Me in heaven. Your time in My Era of Peace and in heaven, will be more rewarding than any earthly comfort or pleasure.”


Wednesday, March 13, 2013:
God the Father said: “I AM who AM is here to describe My side of the Gospel for those who think I am a stern Father. I sent many prophets and leaders to Israel to lead them on the right path, but they refused to listen, and they killed many of the prophets. I did not condemn individuals, but the general people had to see some punishment because Israel kept falling into idolatry against Me. I am love and mercy as much as My Son, Jesus, and I did many things out of love for saving the souls of My people. The most loving act is that I sent My only Begotten Son to save the people from their sins through His sacrifice. Even in your evil society of today, My Son and I are warning your people to repent and stop your abortions. Our justice will again be called down in punishment for your sins. Evil will have its hour for a short time, but then the evil ones will be cast into hell when they face the Comet of Chastisement. My faithful will be protected, but a harsh punishment is coming because of your sins and a reluctance to repent of them. We love man, but the evil ones will meet Our justice.”

Jesus said: “My people, this scene shows a funeral procession of a head of state that died from an accident or an act of violence. You have seen several shooting incidents with various leaders, and even with Pope John Paul II. With so many recent gun incidents, it is possible that an assassin could be chipped to perform such a killing. Even when the Antichrist comes into power, he will do away with the current world leaders so he could put his own people in power. When leaders leave their office, the people usually have an election to replace them. Getting a fair election is becoming a difficulty in many countries. Pray for your leaders so they can be protected from any terrorist attack.”


Thursday, March 14, 2013:
Jesus said: “My people, in today’s Gospel of St. John, he speaks about My words as an extension of the law of Moses. My words of love of God and love of neighbor are a fulfillment of the Ten Commandments. Moses was with Me on Mt. Tabor in My Transfiguration to give witness to My words, but I am also a witness to God the Father because I am His only Begotten Son. I was sent to the earth to save the souls of mankind from their sins. In a few weeks you will read about My sacrifice on the cross in Holy Week. My sacrifice is the ultimate sacrifice of an unblemished Lamb, as I was sinless. St. John’s Gospel focuses more on My Divinity as the Second Person of the Blessed Trinity, and the Son of God. It was because I claimed to be God’s Son that the Jews wanted to kill Me for being a blasphemer, but in actuality I spoke the truth. Even so, the Jews did not believe Me because they thought that they knew My origins from Nazareth. They did not realize that I was born in Bethlehem, and that everything that I did was foretold in the Scriptures. Believe that I am truly God’s Son, for God has truly visited His people and has brought salvation to everyone who accepts Him.”

Prayer Group:
Jesus said: “My people, you are all happy to have a new Pope, and many were surprised by the election of a Cardinal from Argentina. Some were also amazed at his humility in having the people pray for him, and that he took local transportation. He also chose St. Francis of Assisi as his name for Pope. You are being blessed with someone who treasures the Eucharist and My Blessed Mother. He is outside the Vatican, and he will have a chance to heal any problems in My Church. My faithful need to pray for the success of his papacy.”

Jesus said: “My people, everyone cannot endure a true monastic life, but prayer and fasting is a Lenten style of life. During Lent it is good to think of repenting as you come to Confession. If everyone repented of their sins, America could be saved, much like Nineveh was spared. Keep praying for the conversion of sinners and the stoppage of abortion.”

Jesus said: “My people, one of your most important rights is to be able to worship Me freely in public. As many of your individual rights are being challenged, this right of freedom of religion is being harassed by atheists. The devil and his workers are doing everything to eliminate My Name in public prayer and the display of My Ten Commandments. As America turns its back on Me, My faithful will see an increase in persecution until you will need to have secret prayer meetings in the homes, and eventually at My refuges.”

Jesus said: “My people, the Warning will bring everyone before Me at the same time, so each person can focus on the unforgiven sins seen in that person’s life review. This will be a wake-up call to see the direction where each soul is headed. After your life review, each person will witness the destination of his or her judgment of heaven, hell, or purgatory, and see what it is like in that place. This will not only be a preparation to change one’s life, but it will be a preparation to endure the coming tribulation of the Antichrist. Avoid taking the mark of the beast and do not worship him. Call on My help to save your soul from hell and the demons.”

Jesus said: “My people, in the Bible it talks about not following false prophets, and to avoid those who are preaching heresies. My faithful need to be well read in the Scriptures by Bible study so you can recognize any false teachers who may mislead the people in the end times. Be especially watchful of anyone who teaches New Age principles who worships things and not Me. At times curiosity in New Age and the occult can mislead people away from Me. Stand your ground, and defend your faith in Me, regardless of how much you are criticized.”

Jesus said: “My people, I told you that Satan’s time is running out, so the evil people will be moving quickly to allow the Antichrist to have his hour. Events will be changing, and the persecution of Christians and patriots will be getting worse. When your very lives will be threatened, you will need to collect your things and allow My angels to lead you to My refuges of protection. You saw how quickly Hitler took over, and the Jews were quickly restricted of their rights and were systematically eliminated. You will see the same death threats in detention center death camps carried out against Christians, so be prepared to go into hiding at My refuges.”

Jesus said: “My people, you have just a week or so of Lent left, so keep praying and offering up your penances to Me on My cross. Prepare to attend the Holy Week services so you can fully appreciate how much I suffered for each soul out of love for you. This gift of My suffering is My gift to all souls, so accept Me into your lives so you can be saved from hell and be with Me in heaven.”

Monday 1 April 2013

The Constantine and Ashoka of Legend: A Study. III: The Conversion of Ashoka


Part I
Part II
Just like with Constantine, a legend developed about the conversion of Ashoka which was quite different from reality. Even though he had produced a great number of monuments which were placed throughout India with texts that provided a great amount of insight to his life, including his conversion, no one could read them.[1]Yet, the people remembered Ashoka had created them, and their presence encouraged scholars to tell andretell what they had heard about him, making his legend one of the most important ones to come out of Buddhist India. He was known to the Indians, and to the rest of the Buddhist world, as Ashoka the Great; after his conversion, he was to be seen as a devout follower of the Buddha, who, among other things, helped establish stupa to house the relics of the Buddha as pilgrimage sites throughout the region.[2]
The story of Ashoka’s conversion to Buddhism within the Asokavadanahas several layers to it. Some elements of his conversion are based upon factors from a previous life. In that life, he had met the Buddha when he (Ashoka) was a young child. Although he did not have much to give, he gave what he could: the boy placed a handful of dirt in the Buddha’s begging bowl, thinking he was giving a wonderful gift to the Enlightened One. The intention was pure, and so it was welcomed by the Buddha who smiled upon him. Because of this deed, the Buddha said that in another life Ashoka would become a great king, and as a king, he would establish the Buddhist faith within his kingdom. Despite the intention of the young child, dirt was not a fit gift for the Buddha. Thus, when he was born as Ashoka, he was born with a horrible skin condition making him hideous to look at.
Ashoka’s father disliked him. One of his brothers, Susima, was his father’s favorite and the heir apparent. Yet, as a prince, Ashoka certainly held a great amount of authority within the kingdom. Thus, when one part of the kingdom or another would revolt against the authority of the king, Ashoka would be sent to help take care of the situation. Accordingly, he was able to squash the rebellion peacefully, without having to resort to violence. His brother fared much worse. It was during such a time, when Ashoka’s brother was away trying to squash a rebellion, that his father lay dying. The king’s ministers, seeing the situation, and believing that Ashoka would be a more favorable successor than his brother, tried to have Ashoka declared king in his brother’s absence. Ashoka’s father would not have it. The gods, however, confirmed that Ashoka was to rule, and when they came down to announce it, Ashoka’s father coughed up blood and died.
As soon as Ashoka had taken the throne, his personality changed. The first thing he had to do was make sure his brother would not return and demand the kingdom from him. With the aid of his ministers, he prepared a trap for Susima at the entryway to the city: they place a pit full of fiery charcoal there, expecting Susima to rush in to the city without caution. The trap was a success. After Susiuma heard of his father’s death, he quickly returned home, and fell into the pit as expected.[3]Ashoka’s newfoundpower got the best of him. He ordered his ministers around, and when they would not obey to the letter, he had them killed. And, in one terrible incident, his rage led him to have five hundred of his concubines burned alive. From such actions, he was to become known throughout the land as “Ashoka the Fierce.”[4]
His prime minister noticed that he was out of control. He was not governing the land well. His primary focus was one which should have been secondary: judging people and acting as their executioner when needed. There was much more he should be doing, but he wasn’t. The prime minister suggested a solution: Ashoka should create the position of royal executioner, and let the judgment and punishment be put into that man’s hand. Agreeing to this, Ashoka found the most wretched of young men, a young boy named Girika (also known as Canagirika), and gave him the position of executioner. Under Girika’s guidance, Ashoka built a prison which was beautiful on the outside, but horrible within, a prison that became known as Ashoka’s hell.[5]Because Girika pleased Ashoka, he was able to make a rather unusual request and be granted it: anyone who came upon the prison grounds would not be allowed out alive.
One day a Buddhist monk, Samudra, while wandering throughout India happened to enter Girika’s prison. From the outside, he saw how beautiful it was, but once he entered the grounds he saw it was as hideous as any hell he had heard about, and quickly wanted to leave. Girikastopped him. Pleased to find another victim, Girika gave the monk seven days to prepare for his death. In that time, Samudra attained the level of arhatand was prepared to meet his end. Yet, when the time came, a miracle occurred. Girika had Samudra placed in a pot of boiling water, but after he was placed within it, Samudra did not suffer at all. “Straight-away, he [Girika] sent word to King Asoka. Asoka came to witness this marvel, and thousands of people gathered, and Samudra, seated in the cauldron, realized that the time for Asoka’s conversion was at hand.”[6]
Seeing that the monk in the cauldron was unaffected by the burning water or fire underneath, Ashoka asked him who he was, so that he could become the monk’s disciple. Seeing that Ashoka would indeed convert, Samudra related to him that he was a Buddhist monk, freed from “the bonds of being[7]- and that he had been released from them by the teachings of the Buddha. Then Samudra, able to see who Ashoka had been in a previous life, told him how who he was and the Buddha’s prophecy about him. It was now time for the prophecy to be fulfilled. Ashoka, upon hearing the tale, and seeing the monk before him, believed and confessed that he had indeed done evil, and that it was his intention to follow the Buddha’s teachings thereafter.[8]Samudra then “departed from that place by means of his supernatural powers.”[9]Despite what had occurred, Girika was unmoved, and he looked to Ashoka with the plan of having him killed (for Ashoka had come upon the prison grounds, and Girika believed that Ashoka’s promise included him as well). Seeing the wretched desire of his executioner, Ashoka had his guards take Girika and have him “burned to death.”[10]For, as Ashoka pointed out, if the promise must be kept, it would not do to exclude Girika from its dictates either. After his conversion, Ashoka’a character was reformed, and instead of being known as Ashoka the Fierce, he became known thereafter as Ashoka the Righteous.[11]
[1]According to the monuments Ashokaleft behind, it was the cruelty of war which motivated his conversion to Buddhism. He had undertaken a devastating war to annex  the Kingdom of the Three Kalingas.  Although that war ended in success, the cruelty he engaged for success left an impression on his conscience. Afterwards, he came to the conclusion that he could no longer live in such a violent kind of existence, and this led him to fully embrace Buddhist dharma. “When that edict, which expressly ascribes Asoka’s conversion to his remorse for the sufferings caused by the war in the ninth ‘regnal year’, is read together with the Minor Rock Edict [...] it seems to be a necessary inference that Asoka became a lay disciple under the Buddhist system in his ninth ‘regnal year,’ immediately after the conquest of Kalinga. . .” Vincent Smith, Asoka: The Buddhist Emperor of India. 2nd ed. (Delhi: S. Chand & Co., 1964), 27.
[2]Archeology has helped confirm that Ashoka had a role in establishing and enlarging several of the Buddhist stupas. “On the archeological side, Asoka may be considered responsible for the construction of the earliest stupas at Sanchi, Sarnath, Amaravati, and Taxila, and possible for the enlargement of the existing Lichchhavi midi-stupa at Vaisali.” Dilip K. Chakrabarti, “Buddhist Sites Across South Asia as Influenced by Political and Economic Forces,” in World Archeology 72, no.2 (1995): 196.
[3]Susima immediately rushed to the eastern gate, intending to do battle with his half-brother, but he fell into the ditch full of charcoal, and came to an untimely and painful end.” John S. Strong, The Legend of King Asoka, 210.
[4] Ibid., 210-11.
[5]Girika had heard Buddhist monks describe the five great kinds of suffering in hell. Devious as he was, he delighted in their descriptions and worked to recreate those sufferings within his prison.  “‘Such are the five great agonies,’ Canagirika reflected, and he began to inflict the same tortures on people in his prison.” Ibid., 213.
[6] Ibid., 216.
[7] Ibid., 217.
[8] See Ibid., 218.
[9] Ibid., 218.
[10] Ibid., 219.
[11] See Ibid., 17.