Monday 25 March 2013

Global SITREP A2-13


"Behold, Damascus will cease from being a city,
And it will be a ruinous heap."

22 March 2013: There are ever increasing indications that the literal fulfillment of Isaiah 17 may well be on the proverbial 'fast track' to prophetic fulfillment.
My assessment in Global SITREP A1-13 reflected two types of known chemical agents, PCl3 and BZ, that were initially suspected in that attack according to most MSM reports. Those chemical compounds led to an early and possibly pre-mature accusatory finger being pointed at the al-Assad regime by the Obama Administration and the European allies. However, what is coming from our intelligence services now is that there was no WMD chemical attack per se, that what occurred in the Khan al'Asal district on the western approaches to the city of Aleppo appears to have been a chlorine IED attack that bears extremely similar fingerprints to the early Al Qaeda chlorine IED attacks that occurred in the Al Anbar Province of western Iraq during 2007, and which re-directs the accusatory finger on the Al Qaida elements within the rebel forces.  It goes without saying that the first casualty in any war is the truth, but if this was Al Qaida then there will be more attacks like it in the very near future and they will mirror those that occurred in Iraq with increasing sophistication and body count. It may be that Al Qaida would like nothing better than for the Al-Assad regime eventually to retaliate with a WMD chemical assault of its own. They may yet get their wish.
This brings us to a report published in the first week of February 2013 by retired Army intelligence officer LTC Rick Francona entitled "The Coming Battle for Damascus" and "The Coming Battle for Damascus - Addendum" published on 9 March, 2013. Look at the title carefully and consider it... not the battle of Damascus, but rather the battle for Damascus. The thinking goes that whoever control Damascus controls all of Syria. Now reflect on Isaiah 17 and the image above which is not of Damascus. It is actually an image taken of a section of Aleppo already reduced to ruins by rebel versus government civil warfare. Here we have another possible avenue to the destruction of Damascus, and indeed the entire country. The analysis continues by noting the the FSA has determined that Al-Assad intends to defend Damascus with  four combat divisions all led by loyal officers of Al-Assad's own Alawi sect, the 1st Armored, 5th Armored, 7th Mechanized and 9th Armored, which have been pulled back from their normal positions facing Israel across the Golan. In addition to these four there are also the two most elite divisions of Al-Assad's army, all of whom are loyal Alawis, the 4th Armored Division and the Republican Guard Division. Damascus is now surrounded by and filled to its gills with six of the Syrian army's best divisions. It would not take long for a two or three pronged rebel offensive to take Damascus to actually reduce the city to something far worse than the image above. Add in the significant potential on this urban battlefield for the use of persistent chemical weapons should the regime's fortunes in war come to the point of collapse and the situation could well turn out to effect a literal fulfillment of Isaiah 17.
The point of this is that while most eschatological views currently hold that Israel will be involved in the fulfillment of Isaiah 17, there are now in place around Damascus the right military forces with the right capabilities to turn this most ancient city to the ruinous heap as foretold by Isaiah in very short order and possibly within a very short span of time from today.

Saturday 23 March 2013

Pope Francis, Nostradamus, St. Malachy, Prophecies and Predictions: Is he Peter of Rome the Last Pope of the Apostasy, Tribulation and the Apocalypse? Iraq War Anniversary Prediction


Pope Francis.


North Korea Threat
Hugo Chavez Dead
Stock Market Beyond 14,000
Prophecies St. Malachy Explained

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Read my predictions made in November 2000 about the Bush Administration invading and occupying Iraq in the middle of his first term in office. Click on Nostradamus and Iraq. It’s Today’s News Flash (19 March 2013) written 31 months ago!

Click on this picture and read about the future of Iraq, Syria and when Nostradamus dated and described the next great Middle Eastern War.

18 March 2013

Pope Francis (The Last Pope)
Takes Charge
Of an Imperial
Roman Catholic Church

The pomp and circumstance, the bejeweled and frescoed grandeur, the epic opulence of the great and cavernous-domed church, the broad and pillar-ringed piazza guarded by the mute stone sentries of statue saints with iron crosses and swords. This magnificent pile of man-made monument that is the network of palaces, churches, and walled gardens of the 108 acres of the Vatican City State. To me, all of this is everything Yeshua is not.

Yeshua. The man from Galilee. The Jewish mystic, otherwise called by his Romanized name, like any other Sun God or Son of God born of a virgin birth so popularized in mainstream religions that the Ancient Roman Empire absorbed, Latinized, Romanized, like Greek Zeus becoming “Jupiter”.

That is how Yeshua unto the present day became Rome’s Jesus Christos (Christ).

Ancient Rome breathed pagan pageant and customs into Yeshua’s modest and impoverished Semitic ministry. It gave it celibate priestesses – Vestal Virgins, who became the source idea for orders of celibate nuns. Rome also planted in what was a Jewish movement of family men and householder prophets and disciples a pagan Roman-style cult of celibate monks and priests.

Rome gave Jesus a high pagan pope for his number one priest, adopting the name Pontifex Maximus directly from the popular monotheistic mainstream pagan religion known as Sol Invictus. Pagans gave the sign of Sol Invictus, the nimbus of light or the gold halo rings of light around the hairy heads of its saints. Rome gradually erased the sign of the Jewish fisherman, replacing it with a cross.

Sol Invictus, the Pagan Model used to Romanize Christianity.

It gave Yeshua-cum-Jesus a cult of “little christs” that you call it today: Christians, Christianity. It gave Christ “Christ”-mas, taking hostage the pagan holiday of the Yule Tide. Rome made his resurrection a variation on the pagan New Year fertility rite when spring comes and the grass grows by its divine self.

Pagan Rome gave Jesus Easter.

It may have given Christ even his death and resurrection story. The text of the Holy Eucharist, reads almost verbatim from the text of the Persian Mythraic religion, so widely popular in Rome the time Yeshua walked and bled (maybe not bled) on this Earth. Yes, as the religiously provocative vaudeville joke goes, they may not have used Eisenstein’s nails, Henny Youngman. Or a wooden cross, already!

The death and resurrection of the Christ story might have been plagiarized, like Easter, like Christmas. Stolen from the Persian Mithras messiah tale. Mithras also was a Son of God, born of a virgin, also killed and resurrected!

The “Roman” Catholic religion took up the power of the pagan custom of celibate priests because denying and suppressing sexuality gave them a power over their sinfully copulating laity no less than it did for Roman pagan religious hierarchies dating all the way back and beyond the celibate seeress and attendant celibate priests known as the Pythia of Delphi.

The papyrus mentioning Jesus was with wife, as it were.

Celibacy is NOT a Jewish custom and Yeshua (I mean Jesus) at 33 years old when he began his ministry, was no longer judged by the span of life in those days a young bachelor. By 33, any respectable Jewish mother, like Mariam (Romanized as “Mary”) ought to have nagged him and nabbed for him a wife to marry and Yeshua by 33 must have given her grandchildren.

References recently uncovered in papyrus and belittled by the celibate priests of the Church that indicate Jesus had a wife, has precedent in Judea, because no mature and adult Jewish prophet worth his channel to Yehovah, went around unmarried without children. Indeed the early Romanized versions of Jesus pictured him “without” a beard at all, as would be the customary appearance of an unmarried and otherwise celibate Jew, yet to be initiated into sex in socially acceptable Judean wedlock. The mistake of sculpting or painting images of Jesus bearded is purely a hairy Gentile medieval cultural oversight. After everything that was ancient Rome fell, except the Roman Church, the artists from the Dark Ages onwards lost touch with the Mediterranean world and First Century Jewish custom of growing beards on your wife seed-planting husbands.

Vestal Virgin, looking a bit like a celibate Nun, hmm?

The magnificence of the Vatican, most ancient (pagan) source of Western and Latin Christianity, has been before our eyes in person or on television and Internet in these heady – stormy and even lightning struck – weeks. The lightning began to crack and roar after the uncustomary resignation of Pope Benedict XVI on 11 February and struck again at the onset of the Conclave election of the new Pope Francis. Then, the day after, on the thirteenth day of the third month of the thirteenth year of this century thirteen minutes into the eight-o’clock hour, Roman time, the stove pipe that had been the resting place for a seagull a short while before blossomed white billowing smoke, declaring that a new pontiff had been elected by the Papal Conclave.

I do not know if you share the same dilemma of perception about this munificent magnificence, this operatic show of ornate and epic wealth of the august cardinals strutting like bejeweled great geese into Michelangelo’s fresco-covered Sistine Chapel, to then see the great wooden doors locked behind them and the sound of sacred homilies silenced, thus.

What show biz! I love it! Like I love the dazzling surface of the ocean. So entertaining! So thrilling! And yet, the immaculately dressed and gilded surface of cardinals, like the allure of sunlight reflected in glory on the rolling coat of ocean waves, distracts me from perceiving the vast and profoundly silent ocean depths. The cardinal’s bling, the gilded ornamentation of churches, the frescoes surfacing them distracts me with a glittering shallowness. These are mind barriers. They are set to block my journey inward, through the fancy barriers to plumb the silent, unfathomable mystery that is spiritual beyond the bishop’s bling.

The great serried ranks of the Princes of the Church. Ah! Never have I seen “holy” men so richly attired and attended, bejeweled crucifixes, rings…

Keep Reading:

Friday 22 March 2013

The Day When The Earth Will Stand Still


26 February 2013: There is a specific event and a sign that will occur before the Day of the Lord and it is virtually never, ever referenced in Bible prophecy articles about the 70th Week.
This sign will occur at the relative beginning of the 70th Week, concurrent with the sealing of the 144,000 of every tribe of Israel. This sign is a physical manifestation that every living soul on the earth on that day will experience. For the left behind potential gentile Tribulation Saints this sign needs to be made known to them so that when it does occur it will be an important indicator that their salvation draweth nigh also. That is the ultimate purpose of this blog item.
To contemplate what incredible yet largely ignored global dynamic forces will be withheld from occurring by angelic power should absolutely boggle your mind.
On the day as the 144,000 are being sealed the prophecy of Revelation 7:1 occurs:

"After these things I saw four angels standing at the four corners of the earth, holding the four winds of the earth, that the wind should not blow on the earth, on the sea, or on any tree."

Nowhere on planet earth will there be even the slightest breeze as the atmosphere of the entire planet will be brought to a stand still. There will be no wind pressure gradients whatsoever. The barometric pressures from the ground to the edge of space will be thoroughly equalized. Every last one of the world's ocean currents, from the surface to abyssal depths, are a driving force behind atmospheric movement and will be brought to a standstill. The Corolis force at this time will cease to exist. The climate for the entire planet will suddenly cease to exist. And the clouds in the sky, what is to become of them?
And then an angel will rise from the east and the sealing of the 144,000 will commence and so will their ministry.

This prophecy occurs immediately after the 6th Seal (Revelation 6:12-17 'Cosmic Disturbances') has been opened by Jesus, but just prior to the 7th Seal (Revelation 8 - 'Prelude to the 7 Trumpets') being opened. Check out what occurs in those Seals and one of the unique powers the Two Witnesses will possess - to stop any rain from falling. Spiritual actions by the various angels will have very consequential and direct effects on the earth, and which makes very clear that the LORD's power is being manifest all over the earth during that 70th Week.

Wednesday 20 March 2013

Monday, February 18, 2013


Monday, February 18, 2013:
Jesus said: “My people, you have read many Scriptures about the people of Israel being called My ‘chosen people’ because I am the Son of David. Now in today’s politics you are seeing America’s President visiting the leader of Israel. These people are still precious to Me, and they are being protected. America contributes several billion dollars in aid to Israel each year, and you have commitments to protect Israel from its Arab neighbors. There are some suspicions of your President’s true feelings for Israel because he appears to support Muslim nations. Supporting Israel as God’s people is commendable for America, but it could draw you into any major conflict between the Jews and the Arabs. Keep praying for peace in this area that has seen many conflicts in the past.”

Jesus said: “My people, I have given you many messages on how important it is to come to My refuges when I warn you to leave your homes. The reason for leaving is to avoid being captured by the men in black who will be coming to your house to try and carry out an order for mandatory chips in the body. If you refuse to take the chip in the body, they will send you to the detention center death camps, and you will never be seen again. I honor those who would be willing to be martyred for their faith, but some people do not understand the danger of remaining in their homes. Some people are familiar with how Hitler killed the Jews and others in his death camps. You have shown people the names of these camps in the various states. You need to show some pictures or a little more research on what these camps look like. People need to understand how the one world people want to eliminate all Christians and patriots who will not go along with their new world order. When you call on Me to bring you to My refuges, I will have your guardian angel lead you with a small flame to the nearest refuge, if you do not know where it is. My angels will put an invisible shield around you on your way to My refuges so the evil ones will not see you. Trust in Me to protect you from the evil ones.”

Tuesday, February 19, 2013:
Jesus said: “My people, I am LOVE, and I want My followers to love Me and their neighbors as themselves. Part of this love is being able to ask Me for the forgiveness of your sins, as in Confession. You also need to ask for forgiveness from those who you may have hurt in any way. You should also be generous in accepting anyone’s plea for forgiveness of anything that someone may have done to you. This means not holding grudges nor looking for revenge. You even should forgive yourself of any of your failings, and let go of past sins so you can move forward. Forgiveness can be hard to accept, but when you consider this a part of loving people, it should come without any difficulty. You need to reach out to people to heal their hurts and their needs. By having sympathy and empathy with others, they can see that you are sincere in all that you do. These thoughts of being a loving and forgiving person can improve your spiritual life.”

Saturday 16 March 2013

Thursday, February 14, 2013


Thursday, February 14, 2013:(St. Cyril & Sts. Methodius, Valentine)
Jesus said: “My people, this vision of ever flowing water represents how I am constantly pouring out My graces on My people to help them in life. The millstone grinds the wheat into flour which is used to make the bread that the priest consecrates into My Body and Blood at the Mass. My Eucharist is also shared with My people at every Mass. In My tabernacle I am always available to you both to worship and console you in your daily trials. Coming to daily Mass could be a nice addition to your Lenten devotions. Remember to make a little extra time for Me in your days of Lent by praying your ‘Imitations of Christ’, your Lenten books, Pieta prayers, or your Liturgy of the Hours. Fasting and offering up some penances can help you make this Lent fruitful for your spiritual life. Also make an attempt to help people around you who are in need of your assistance. All of your good works will store up treasure for you in heaven.”

Prayer Group:
Jesus said: “My people, you have been watching the drama going on with over 3,000 people on a cruise ship where the engines stopped and there was no electricity. The people had no lights but emergency lights, food and water were scarce, and the bathrooms were not working. My people on land have experienced power outages when many of your comforts were not working. You have had to use wood fireplaces and kerosene burners for heat. These experiences are preparing you for your time at My refuges when you may have little heat in the winter and no air conditioning in the summer. Most refuges will not have electricity, and all of your needs will be more difficult to find. You may have lamp light, deer for meat, and daily Communion from My angels. The refuge time will be your purgatory suffering on earth.”

Jesus said: “My people, you are now seeing the beginning of a battle in Congress over carrying out the cuts that were voted on last year. One side is pushing legislation to stop the cuts, while the other side wants the cuts to go through. While the sequester cuts are being blamed for possibly causing a recession, there is an exaggeration of these effects when budgets have risen 30% in the last several years. Without some cuts and reform, America’s deficits will continue to increase your National Debt. Pray that your Congress will make the right choices for your country.”

Jesus said: “My people, this election of another Pope is an unusual event in My Church since most Popes have not resigned. Pray for the Holy Spirit to guide the Cardinals in their choice of another Pope.”

Jesus said: “My people, many of you viewed the two lightning strikes on the dome of the Vatican hours after Pope Benedict announced his coming resignation. Tomorrow there is an asteroid that will come within 17,000 miles of the earth. Comets will come by the earth in March and December of this year. All of these events could be taken as omens of things to come. I have warned My faithful to have some food on hand for any shortages, and to have a backpack ready to leave for My refuges.”

Jesus said: “My son, keep working on the preparations for your DVD and continue praying your novena prayers to St. Therese for help in protecting you from any demon attacks. Time is growing short for your evangelization efforts, and you need to work on converting souls as much as you can. Lent is a good time to encourage people to repent of their sins in Confession. Once your DVD is ready, you could start spreading copies to all the people who will accept them.”

Jesus said: “My people, this Scripture of Jonah is a good lesson for Lent. Jonah was given a mission to warn Nineveh that in forty days that town would be destroyed if it did not repent. Once he delivered God’s message, the ruler of that town relented, and everyone had to put on sackcloth and ashes to show God that they were changing their lives. Once I saw that the people were truly repenting of their sins, I discontinued My plan to destroy Nineveh. This is a good lesson for America and other countries where the people also need to repent and stop their abortions and sexual sins. If America does not repent, the one world people will be allowed to take over your country. Pray for sinners and for your country to turn away from its sins.”

Jesus said: “My people, you are just getting used to your fasting and Lenten devotions that can help you spiritually to change your life’s habits. By making acts of self-denial, and truly making Me the Master of your lives, you can make strides to improve your holiness. It is your soul that lives on past this life on earth. It is important to keep your soul pure so you are always ready to meet Me at your judgment. Use this Lenten time to change your lives of sin back to lives of holiness so you can be closer to Me.”

Friday, February 15, 2013:
Jesus said: “My people, all over the world My Church is in more of a prayerful mode in keeping with the fasting and prayers of Lent. In this Lenten Season there is more concern as well in the resigning of Pope Benedict. At the end of the month when he resigns, the Cardinals will be called on to choose another Pope for this time. The vision of the clergy dressed in gold represents when there will be a celebration of electing a new Pope. This celebration will be short lived because there will be some world wide concerns over the stability of the finances in many countries. Be prepared for some major events this year that could shake the faith of many people. Trust in Me and have no fear of these events because if your lives are in danger, I will tell you when it is time to come to My refuges.”

Jesus said: “My people, I am reminding you of a strange light that occurred before the start of World War II that was foretold by My Blessed Mother. You could do some research to validate the explanation of this prophecy. The reason that I am bringing this example up, is because this recent meteor, hitting in Russia, is another sign of another war that has the potential to involve several nations. Your country has many nuclear weapons and a considerable Navy of aircraft carriers and submarines. America spends more money on defense than any other nation, and any major war could include your involvement. There are many possible problems with Iran and North Korea. Defending Israel from its neighbors could be another problem. If the evil ones want to reduce the population, a major war could kill many people, especially if Israel defended itself with nuclear weapons. Pray for peace, but war could happen at any time.”

Saturday, February 16, 2013: (Memorial Mass for Tony Cubello)
Tony said: “My dear friends, I am happy to be with all of you in spirit, and I love all of you so much. I am giving you my last blessing for all of your needs. I will be watching over you and praying for you from heaven. The Lord has taken me to heaven as I had to endure this cancer as my purgatory on earth. I am praying over you, John and Carol, that your ministry will continue in your own healing and evangelization mission. I want to thank Char, Joann, Maria, Angie, and Kelly for all of their help with my mission, and for taking care of me in my last days. I will always be with you praying to continue this work of sharing the Lord’s Word with everyone. I love all of you so much, and keep a picture of me with you in your work.”

I was focused on the latest research on Our Lady of Fatima’s prophecy concerning the start of World War II. This was of concern because it was linked with a meteor that was an omen pointing toward a new war. This is the prophecy: Mary had also foretold at Fatima, Portugal of the coming of World War II. “The war (World War I) is going to end: but if people do not cease offending God, a worse one will break out during the Pontificate of Pius XI. When you see a night illumined by an unknown light, know that this is the great sign given you by God that He is about to punish the world for its crimes, by means of war, famine, and persecutions of the Church and of the Holy Father.” The prophecy about the sign of another war was fulfilled on January 25, 1938. The night was illumined by a strange light that stretched from the North Pole to as far south as the Adriatic Sea. Jesus said: “My people, this prophecy by My Blessed Mother of another war was given a sign by this unknown light the people could see. This war (World War II) was also a punishment for the crimes of the world in the people’s sins, and they did not repent. Now you are seeing another unusual light from a meteor that lit up the sky with a huge explosion in Russia. On February 15, 2013 I gave a message that this light from the meteor is a sign of a new war involving several nations that will also be a punishment for the sins of man, and his reluctance to repent of his sins. This prophecy of My Blessed Mother is showing you how man has not changed from World War II, and these sins will be causing another war.”

Sunday, February 17, 2013: (First Sunday of Lent)
Jesus said: “My people, during Lent you could take a lesson in fighting off the devil’s temptations by My example when I was tested in the desert. I fasted from eating for forty days, just as you have a Lenten Season of forty days of fasting. The first temptation was to produce bread to eat after My fasting. The devil will attack you most when you are in a weakened state as I was after not eating for so long. The devil also attacks you through your desires for earthly things, but man does not live on bread alone. The second temptation is for fame and glory as the devil offered Me all the kingdoms of the earth if I would bow down and worship him. Man is also tempted with fame and fortune, but do not strive for wealth and fame because these things will quickly fade away. I ask everyone to worship Me only according to the First Commandment, and do not let fame, money, or possessions become your idols or gods. The third temptation was to throw Myself off of a cliff so the angels would protect Me. I told the devil that he was not to tempt the Lord, thy God. You may have your faith tested, but do not have any doubts, and trust in Me to help you through all of your trials. If you know how the devil is going to attack you, then you can be ready with My grace to fight him, and do not succumb to his temptations. Even if you falter in sin, you know I will forgive you when you confess your sins in frequent Confession at least once a month. Lent is all about seeking My forgiveness of your sins, and avoiding temptations as much as possible. Work on your bad habits in order to improve your spiritual life.”

Monday 11 March 2013

Monday, February 11, 2013


Monday, February 11, 2013: (Our Lady of Lourdes)
Jesus said: “My people, this vision of lions is how Christians were killed for sport by the Romans. You also remember how many Jews and Catholic priests were
killed by Hitler in World War II. I am reminding you of these previous persecutions because Christians and patriots will be killed with a new persecution by the one world people who control your government. These evil ones have prepared detention center death camps across your country where they have gas chambers, crematoriums, and guillotines. When the lives of My faithful are in danger, I will warn them when it is time to leave for the safety of My refuges. Some will heed My warning, and they will be protected. Those, who do not leave their homes in time, are risking martyrdom. The men in black from the foreign UN troops will try to force everyone to take a chip in the body at their homes. If they are caught and refuse the chip, then they will be killed in the death camps. Those, who follow My directions, will be led by their guardian angels to the safety of My refuges. At My refuges you will be made invisible to those who want to kill you. Trust in My promise of protection during the coming tribulation.”

Tuesday, February 12, 2013:
Jesus said: “My people, you have been reading the accounts of My creation in the Book of Genesis. When I finished My work of creation, I rested on the seventh day. I ask My people to give Me worship on Sunday, and to avoid any unnecessary work on Sunday to honor My day of rest. For a while you had laws that discouraged businesses from forcing their workers to work on Sunday. Now the greed to make more money has made Sunday just another work day for some people. Here again you are seeing the worship of money becoming more important than worshiping Me. Even despite your society’s disregard for keeping Sunday holy, My faithful should still try to avoid working and buying things on Sunday. This account of My creation should remind you to give more reverence to Me on Sunday.”

Jesus said: “My people, your government is facing some hard decisions concerning putting forth a budget, the sequestration, and the next battle over raising the National Debt. Your President has tried to avoid any cuts to entitlements, but the sequestration threatens to cut everything, but only by $85 billion. This is a very little cut of a $3 trillion budget. If your President cannot get what he wants from Congress, there is a fear that he will start writing more Executive Orders to go around Congress. This could cause a call for impeachment by some who think he is acting more like a dictator if he violates the Constitution. The one world people want total control of your economy, and they could precipitate another 2008 financial disaster. They also are planning to bring down the dollar so they can declare martial law against any revolution against the government or the Federal Reserve. This year could see some drastic changes in who controls your finances. If chaos and revolution break out, My faithful will need to leave for My refuges to protect your body and your soul. Trust that I will watch over you and protect you from these evil ones.”

Wednesday, February 13, 2013: (Ash Wednesday)
Jesus said: “My people, as you receive your ashes on your forehead, this reminds you of your body’s mortality, but it has a deeper spiritual meaning. The beginning of Lent should focus more on your death to sin and your denial of self to all of those earthly desires that lead to sin. There are many addictions to drink, to drugs, to cigarettes, to overeating, and in lust for sex in sinful situations. Lent is a time to examine if you are being controlled by anything that leads you into sin or near occasions of sin. It is also a time to do some soul searching so you can work on preventing the sins that you commit most often. This may start with having a properly formed conscience so you do not rationalize your actions into not being sinful, or minimizing any mortal sins as being venial sins. You should make a plan, as I have been suggesting, so you can offer up a penance as you do with avoiding sweets and desserts. You could give up anything else that you enjoy, just so that desire does not control you. You could do some extra spiritual reading, some extra prayers, daily Mass, or more visits to My tabernacle. The point of your efforts is to put more of your focus on Me than on your earthly things. As you think of the day of your own passing, you should think of how you are going to answer for your life at your particular judgment. Now is an acceptable time to improve your spiritual life so you will be more pleasing to Me with a pure soul as when you come to Me in Confession.”

Jesus said: “My people, your country imports a large amount of oil from various countries that provide crude oil for your refineries to make your gasoline. Occasionally, you see oil spills from oil tankers or ships that run aground. You could even see spills from refinery fires or sabotaged oil lines. You have seen an increase in your natural gas supplies with your latest fracking of your oil shale. This is why your natural gas price has declined. Your country could be energy independent with your current technology. Be thankful that your oil and gas providers have been successful in providing for your needs. A cheap supply of energy can help America in restoring some of its foreign job losses. Pray that your country can manage these new supplies of energy so everyone can benefit from this new found wealth.”

Friday 8 March 2013

February News letter


Babylon Religion


Why Muslim Demographics are in decline

David P. Goldman has written about Islamic population decline in "How Civilizations die: and why Islam is dying too" this book was reviewed by Clair Berlinski in National Review. Berlinski was incredulous but then did the research and says, "The Islamic world, too, is on the fast track to demographic senility. To my surprise, it seems he is quite right: All the studies confirm it. Muslim-majority countries are now exhibiting significantly lower fertility levels than non-Muslim ones." She can't understand exactly how Muslim women are managing to avoid pregnancy.

Basically, Muslims are being forced to post-pone marriage mostly for economic reasons until they are almost thirty or even forty years old. So, due to this fact, they are missing out on prime child-bearing years. This means that they are having no children or only one.

Islamists for Secretary of Defense and CIA director

Obama has appointed two Jihadists and anti-Semites to important government positions. These villains are Chuck Hagel and John Brennan. (The following is by Pam Gellar) Could you imagine an even more dangerous pick than Chuck Hagel for secretary of defense? Under Obama, yes. Worse is always what's next. President Barack Obama said Monday that he would nominate former Nebraska Sen. Hagel, a Republican, to be secretary of defense, and his top counterterrorism adviser, John Brennan, to head the Central Intelligence Agency. Astonishing. Obama is doing the full monty. The president's CIA pick has called jihad a "legitimate tenet of Islam," arguing that the term "jihadists" should not be used to describe America's enemies. During a speech at the Center for Strategic and International Studies, John Brennan described violent extremists as victims of "political, economic and social forces," but said that those plotting attacks on the United States should not be described in "religious terms." Brennan speechifies in Arabic and has equated Muslim terrorists with shoplifters. Lawmakers have called for his firing. Readers of my website are long familiar with the pro-jihadi thug Brennan. If you recall, during the 2008 presidential election, I ran a number of stories on the breach of Obama's passport at the Department of State. It bears noting that Brennan – whom Obama first appointed to be assistant to the president and deputy national security adviser for homeland security and counterterrorism, in which capacity he made his notorious and incredible pro-terror remarks, some in Arabic no less, about the beauty of jihad – was connected with the tampering with Obama's passport. He led the investigation into the breach of Obama's passport records – the mysterious passport Obama traveled to Pakistan on in 1981.

Another Iranian pastor in prison

Heb 13:3 Remember them that are in bonds, as bound with them; and them which suffer adversity, as being yourselves also in the body. Christians need to hold this brother up in prayer. Show mercy by praying for him. The Lord will repay you with mercy also, and maybe when you need help and strength in time of trouble, the Lord will move people to pray for you. Jesus commanded that we are to love one another, even as He loved us. He also commanded us to share in the sufferings of all the members of His Body: "And if one member suffers, all the members suffer with it..."(1 Corinthians 12:26). Also St Paul commands (more than once) "Join me in suffering for the gospel according to the power of God." (2 Tim 1:8).

( – Imprisoned American pastor Saeed Abedini wrote of what he called "horrific" and "unbearable" conditions in the Iranian prison where he is held after being convicted in January for being a Christian. "They are trying to put me under such horrific pressures (that are sometimes unbearable) so that they can show me that my faith is empty and not real," Saeed wrote in a letter obtained by the American Center for Law and Justice (ACLJ). Saeed wrote that his Iranian jailors subjected him to "psychological warfare" and that one of his guards had "attacked me" while he was singing worship songs in his cell. He also wrote that "my body does not have the strength to walk" due to the conditions of his imprisonment. Saeed is in Iran's Evin prison, sentenced there by Iranian Judge Pir-Abassi, whom ACLJ says is known as the "hanging judge, serving an eight-year term for threatening the national security of Iran by leading Christian services in Iranian households. Saeed and his Iranian lawyers were allowed to attend only one day of his trial, according to the ACLJ, which represents his wife and children still in the United States. This is the first letter the 32-yeard-old Saeed has written since his imprisonment began in January. The pastor writes of enduring "physical violence, actions committed to humiliate me, insults," and "being confronted [by] extremists in the prison who create another prison within the prison walls, and death threats." His wife, Naghmeh, said in a statement released by the ACLJ: "The most important thing we can do is pray, continue to raise awareness of his case and continue to work for his freedom." Jordan Sekulow, executive director of the ACLJ, said in a press release accompanying the letter that the account of Pastor Saeed underscores the need for the U.S. government to do "all that can be done" to secure his freedom. "The letter also underscores the need to move quickly. A U.S. citizen is in failing health from beatings and abuse – a menacing scenario that should command the full attention and engagement of the U.S. government. It's our hope that Secretary Kerry will act without delay – doing all that can be done by the State Department to save this U.S. citizen." The ACLJ told that the letter was released to family in Iran and was then sent to Saeed's wife, who provided a typed copy of the missive to the ACLJ.

There are also reports of him having nails driven through his palms and his feet. I'm sure the government will leave him out to dry. Obama, Kerry and the left wing media are more worried about Sandra Fluke getting her birth control paid for by our tax dollars than the release of a Christian by Iranian Muslims.

Babylon Religion Revealed!

There is a lot of pseudo-science that uses ancient Babylonian terminology-such as the planet Ninurta-which is going to collide with earth any day now and the alien language in "the Fourth Kind" being Sumerian. The reason is to give it some credibility or to make it seem plausible and to exploit the general lack of knowledge among the public about ancient Mesopotamia. Even in Evangelical circles, fraudulent information about Babylonia is often put out. (I call this false information the Hislop Cult or the Two Babylons Cult-which I will examine later.) I believe that this fraudulent information is very damaging and it is important for us to have accurate information about ancient Babylon-partly to help us to understand the story of the Bible better.

General information about the Background of Babylonia The ancient inhabitants in Babylonia were the Sumerians. So the region is called ancient Sumer. Apparently, there was a group settled there even earlier than the Sumerians-because there are some words in Sumerian which are derived from an even earlier language. The Sumerian language is a language isolate. This means that there are no languages known to be related to it. This makes it similar to Basque, which also has no known related language, but also makes it mysterious and alien, which is why it is used as an alien language in "the Fourth Kind." However, in our age there are dominate language groups-such as Semitic languages, Indo-European languages, and Bantu languages. In ancient times there were many "language isolates" that have vanished. Sumerian is also the most ancient written language. Later, the Akkadians conquered the Sumerians and after centuries eventually assimilated. The Akkadians did use Sumerian as a type of official or sacred language (classical and liturgical language), similar to how Latin was used in the Middle Ages and how Hebrew has been used by the Jewish people.

The mythologies of the Sumerians and the Akkadians became related in a similar way that Greek and Roman Mythology is related. (There are some differences between Greek and Roman Mythology-but most often, the Romans adopted the Greek gods and gave them Roman names-Zeus became Jupiter, Hermes became Mercury, Hera became Juno, and ect.)

Akkadian was the language spoken by the Assyrians and Babylonians. Assyrians and Babylonians were distinct peoples-although they spoke the same language. For instance, the Scots and the English both speak the English language, but are distinct peoples, although they live very close to each other.

(Modern Aramaic speakers identify themselves as Assyrians-and Roman Catholic speakers of Eastern Aramaic dialects call themselves Chaldeans and Babylonians.)

Akkadian is a Semitic language. This means that it is closely related to Hebrew. In fact, Akkadian is the earliest attested Semitic language. Akkadian is an extinct language. By investigating Semitic languages, comparing and contrasting the living Semitic languages (Arabic, Aramaic, Maltese, Socroti, ect.) we can trace the origins and development of the Semitic languages. All Semitic languages, including Hebrew, evolved out of an extinct pre-historic language called Proto-Semitic. The scientific study of ancient Mesopotamia is called Assyriology because Assyria was the first of the ancient Mesopotamian cities to be scientifically excavated. Now, I want to mention that, in 2003-when I was serving with the military in Iraq, I was able to go to the ruins of ancient Babylon. The Assyrians were able to establish a great empire with their powerful and advanced military. Unfortunately for the Assyrians, due to their conquests, they made a number of enemies and finally Assyria, and it's capital city of Nineveh, was destroyed by the Babylonians. Then the Babylonian Empire can to power. Babylon was conquered by the Persians and in turn the Persians were conquered by Alexander the Greats Hellenistic (or Greek) Empire. Late in the Greek period, Babylon (a city that Alexander had used as a capital and where he had died) fell into decline and was eventually abandoned. It became a heap of ruins that the Muslims often quarried for building supplies. Historians believe that Human Civilization (which refers to humans living in cities) began in Mesopotamia-which is attested in the Bible in the Tower of Babel story.

Mesopotamia and the Bible

1. The garden of Eden was in Iraq. Eden was in Iraq -- Genesis 2:10-14. (There are different theories concerning the location of the Garden of Eden, the most plausible is southern Iraq-but the region southern Turkey/northern Iraq is also a likely location.)

2. Mesopotamia which is now Iraq was the cradle of civilization! Adam & Eve were created in Iraq -- Genesis 2:7-8.

3. Noah built the ark in Iraq.

4. The Tower of Babel was in Iraq. Nimrod established Babylon & theTower of Babel was built in Iraq -- Genesis 10:8-97 & 11:1-4. The confusion of the languages took place in Iraq -- Genesis 11:5-11.

5. Abraham was from Ur, which is in Southern Iraq! Abraham came from a city in Iraq -- Genesis 11:31 & Acts 7:2-4.

6. Isaac's wife Rebekah is from Nahor which is in Iraq. Isaac's bride came from Iraq -- Genesis 24:3-4 &10.

7. Jacob met Rachel in Iraq. Jacob spent 20 years in Iraq -- Genesis 27:42-45 & 31:38.

8. Jonah preached in Nineveh - which is in Iraq.

9. Assyria which is in Iraq conquered the ten tribes of Israel. (This is the story of the "Ten Lost Tribes." It is likely that the Ten Lost Tribes were assimilated into the Assyrians. The Samaritans also claim to be descended from the Ten northern Tribes of Israel. They claim to be Ephraimites and Levites.)

10. The Book of Nahum is written about the fall of Assyria

11. Babylon which is in Iraq destroyed Jerusalem and the Temple-fulfilling the prophecies of Jeremiah.

12. Nebuchadnezzar, King of Babylon, carried the Jews captive into Iraq.

13. Ezekiel preached in Iraq.

14. Daniel was in the lion's den in Iraq! The Book of Daniel is also set in Iraq

15. The 3 Hebrew children were in the fire in Iraq (that's good news to know that JESUS has been in Iraq too as the 4th person in the fiery furnace!).

16. Belshazzar, the King of Babylon saw the "writing on the wall" in Iraq.

17. Nehemiah and Ezra were Persian dignitaries and part of these books are set in Iran and Iraq.

18. The book of Esther is set in Iraq and Iran

19. The wise men were from Iraq. (From the Gospel of Matthew)

20. Peter may have preached in Iraq. (But it is uncertain what "Babylon" Peter preached at-it may have been Babylon in Iraq, or the Fortress of Babylon in Egypt, or perhaps Peter uses "Babylon" as a euphemism for Rome.)

Now we have seen the pivotal role that ancient Mesopotamia plays in the Bible story. That being so-why is there so much gross ignorance of Babylonia among Christians?

The book or Revelation has prophecies against Babylon, which was the old name for the nation of Iraq -- Revelation 17 &18. No other nation, except Israel, has more history and prophecy associated with it than Iraq. (Some misunderstandings about Babylonia are due to people taking prophetic typology regarding Babylon and using that typology to interpret history.) Another problem is that Babylon has not been able to capture the imagination of the public the way that Egypt has. In the 1920s, Sir Wooley excavated "Ur of the Chaldees" and there was much excitement regarding his excavating of the "City of Abraham." However, his discoveries were soon eclipsed among the public by Howard Carter's excavations of King Tutankhamen's tomb. Hollywood continued to capture the imagination of the public with ancient Egypt with Mummy movies. Mesopotamia is referred to in "True Lies" and "Ghostbusters." In the silent era, there was a movie that featured Babylonia that was entitled "Intolerance." These are rare exceptions to the Hollywood blackout of ancient Mesopotamia. (The Scorpion King is said to be an "Akkadian" in the film-but the filmmakers have no interest in imparting anything historical in that movie.) So, ancient Babylon and Assyria hasn't made much of a pop cultural impact the way Egypt had.

Babylonian Religion

In times past, there was a lot of conjectural information about ancient Babylonia, mostly because at the time, we didn't have hard evidence to go on. (Unfortunately, most of these conjectures have been shown to be false by hard archeological evidence-but inaccurate information is still out there-and there are people who tirelessly put out so-called "facts" that have been shown to be fraudulent.)


The problem is that it seems that the general public is more interested in sensational claims that historical truth. People are more curious and interested in non-sense than in the facts. But the fraudulent information is VERY harmful-as we will see below when we examine the Two Babylons cult.

In the late 1800s, the CUNIFORM script was deciphered and now we have direct information from the Babylonians about what their religious beliefs were.

Babylonian Gods:

Asshur: (Actually, an Assyrian god). As the deified city Assur (pronounced Ashur), which dates from the 3rd millennium BC and was the capital of the Old Assyriankingdom. As such, Ashur did not originally have a family, but as the cult came under southern Mesopotamian influence he came to be regarded as the Assyrian equivalent of Enlil, the chief god of Nippur and one of the most important gods of the southern pantheon, and in time Ashur absorbed Enlil's wife Ninlil (as the Assyrian goddess Mullissu) and his sons Ninurta and Zababa - this process began around in the 13th century BC E and continued down to the 8th and 7th centuries.The Assyrians did not require conquered peoples to take up the worship of Ashur; instead, Assyrian imperial propaganda declared that the conquered peoples had been abandoned by their gods. When Assyria conquered Babylon in the Sargonid period (8th-7th centuries BCE), Assyrian scribes began to write the name of Ashur with the cuneiform signs AN.SHAR, literally "whole heaven" in Akkadian, the language of Assyria and Babylonia. The intention seems to have been to put Ashur at the head of the Babylonian pantheon, where Anshar and his counterpart Kishar ("whole earth") preceded even Enlil and Ninlil. Thus in the Sargonid version of the Enuma Elish, the Babylonian national creation myth, Marduk, the chief god of Babylon, does not appear, and instead it is Ashur, as Anshar, who slays Tiamat the chaos-monster and creates the world of mankind. Some scholars have claimed that Ashur was represented as the solar disc that appears frequently in Assyrian iconography, but evidence indicates that this is in fact the sun god Shamash. Many Assyrian kings had names that included the name Ashur, including, above all, Ashur-nasirpal, Esar-haddon (Ashur-aha-iddina), and Ashur-banipal. Epithets include bêlu rabû "great lord", ab ilâni "father of gods", šadû rabû "great mountain", and il aššurî "god of Ashur". The symbols of Ashur include:a winged disc with horns, enclosing four circles revolving round a middle circle; rippling rays fall down from either side of the disc; a circle or wheel, suspended from wings, and enclosing a warrior drawing his bow to discharge an arrow; the same circle; the warrior's bow, however, is carried in his left hand, while the right hand is uplifted as if to bless his worshipers

Bel and Nebo: Bel is Marduk and Nebo (cognate with Hebrew word "Nabi" meaning "prophet" is his son, the god of wisdom. Isaiah 46:1, "The god Bel bows down; the god Nebo stoops low. Their statues are seated on animals and cattle. The gods that you carry are burdens, a load for weary people." Nebo-is found in the name of the famous king Nebuchadnezzar (or Nebo-chadnezzer). Abed-nego means servant of Nebo.

Marduk: was the Babylonian name of a late-generation god from ancient Mesopotamia and patron deity of the city of Babylon, who, when Babylon became the political center of the Euphrates valley in the time of Hammurabi (18th century BCE), started to slowly rise to the position of the head of the Babylonian pantheon, a position he fully acquired by the second half of the second millennium BCE. The golden statue that Shadrech, Meshek, and Abed-nego refused to worship was a statue of Marduk (or perhaps Nebo). Mordecai, of the book of Esther, has a name that means servant of Marduk.

Nergal: An underworld deity mentioned in the Bible at 2 Kings 17:30.

(go to my blog for the rest of this article.)

Wednesday 6 March 2013

Babylon Religion Revealed


Babylon Religion Revealed

I want to begin this lecture by talking about Ninurta, sensationalism and historic facts.

The Nibiru collision is a supposed disastrous encounter between the Earth and a large planetary object (either a collision or a near-miss) which certain groups believe will take place in the early 21st century. Believers in this doomsday event usually refer to this object as Planet X or Nibiru. The idea that a planet-sized object could possibly collide with or pass by Earth in the near future is not supported by any scientific evidence and has been rejected as pseudoscience by astronomers and planetary scientists.
The idea was first put forward in 1995 by Nancy Lieder, founder of the website ZetaTalk. Lieder describes herself as a contactee with the ability to receive messages from extra-terrestrials from the Zeta Reticuli star system through an implant in her brain. She states that she was chosen to warn mankind that the object would sweep through the inner Solar System in May 2003 (though that date was later abandoned) causing Earth to undergo a pole shift that would destroy most of humanity. The predicted collision has subsequently spread beyond Lieder's website and has been embraced by numerous Internet doomsday groups, most of which link the event to the 2012 phenomenon. Although the name "Nibiru" (the name of a Babylonian god) is derived from the works of late "ancient astronaut" writer Zecharia Sitchin and his interpretations of Babylonian and Sumerian mythology, Sitchin denied any connection between his work and various claims of a coming apocalypse. The idea of the Nibiru encounter originated with Nancy Lieder, a Wisconsin woman who claims that as a girl she was contacted by gray extraterrestrials called Zetas, who implanted a communications device in her brain. In 1995, she founded the website ZetaTalk to disseminate her ideas. Lieder first came to public attention on Internet newsgroups during the build-up to Comet Hale-Bopp's 1997 perihelion. She stated, speaking as the Zetas, that "The Hale-Bopp comet does not exist. It is a fraud, perpetrated by those who would have the teeming masses quiescent until it is too late. Hale-Bopp is nothing more than a distant star, and will draw no closer." She claimed that the Hale-Bopp story was manufactured to distract people from the imminent arrival of a large planetary object, "Planet X", which would soon pass by Earth and destroy civilization. After Hale-Bopp's perihelion revealed it as one of the brightest and longest-observed comets of the last century, Lieder removed the first two sentences of her initial statement from her site, though they can still be found in Google's archives. Although Lieder originally referred to the object as "Planet X", it has become deeply associated with Nibiru, a planet from the works of ancient astronaut proponent Zecharia Sitchin, particularly his book The 12th Planet. According to Sitchin's interpretation of Babylonian religious texts, which contravenes every conclusion reached by credited scholars on the subject, a giant planet (called Nibiru or Marduk) passes by Earth every 3,600 years and allows its sentient inhabitants to interact with humanity. These beings, which Sitchin identified with the Annunaki of Sumerian myth, would become humanity's first gods. Lieder first made the connection between Nibiru and her Planet X on her site in 1996 ("Planet X does exist, and it is the 12th Planet, one and the same.").
However, Sitchin, who died in 2010, denied any connection between his work and Lieder's claims. In 2007, partly in response to Lieder's proclamations, Sitchin published a book, The End of Days, which set the time for the last passing of Nibiru by Earth at 556 BC, which would mean, given the object's supposed 3,600-year orbit, that it would return sometime around AD 2900. He did however say that he believed that the Annunaki might return earlier by spaceship, and that the timing of their return would coincide with the shift from the astrological Age of Pisces to the Age of Aquarius, sometime between 2090 and 2370.

The impact of the public fear of the Nibiru collision has been especially felt by professional astronomers. Mike Brown now says that Nibiru is the most common pseudoscientific topic he is asked about.
David Morrison, director of SETI, CSI Fellow and Senior Scientist at NASA's Astrobiology Institute at Ames Research Center, says he receives 20 to 25 emails a week about the impending arrival of Nibiru; some frightened, others angry and naming him as part of the conspiracy to keep the truth of the impending apocalypse from the public, and still others asking whether or not they should kill themselves, their children or their pets. Half of these emails are from outside the U.S. "Planetary scientists are being driven to distraction by Nibiru," notes science writer Govert Schilling, "And it is not surprising; you devote so much time, energy and creativity to fascinating scientific research, and find yourself on the tracks of the most amazing and interesting things, and all the public at large is concerned about is some crackpot theory about clay tablets, god-astronauts and a planet that doesn't exist."

Who or what is Ninurta? Ninurta (Nin Ur: God of War) in Sumerian and Akkadian mythology was the god of Lagash, identified with Ningirsu with whom he may always have been identical. In older transliteration the name is rendered Ninib and Ninip, and in early commentary he was sometimes incorrectly portrayed as a solar deity. In Nippur, Ninurta was worshiped as part of a triad of deities including his father, Enlil and his mother, Ninlil. In variant mythology, his mother is said to be the harvest goddess Ninhursag. The consort of Ninurta was Ugallu in Nippur and Bau when he was called Ningirsu. Ninurta often appears holding a bow and arrow, a sickle sword, or a mace named Sharur: Sharur is capable of speech in the Sumerian legend "Deeds and Exploits of Ninurta" and can take the form of a winged lion and may represent an archetype for the later Shedu. In another legend, Ninurta battles a birdlike monster called Imdugud (Akkadian: Anzû); a Babylonian version relates how the monster Anzû steals the Tablets of Destiny from Enlil. The Tablets of Destiny were believed to contain the details of fate and the future. Ninurta slays each of the monsters later known as the "Slain Heroes" (the Warrior Dragon, the Palm Tree King, Lord Saman-ana, the Bison-beast, the Mermaid, the Seven-headed Snake, the Six-headed Wild Ram), and despoils them of valuable items such as Gypsum, Strong Copper, and the Magilum boat). Eventually, Anzû is killed by Ninurta who delivers the Tablet of Destiny to his father, Enlil.

The Fourth Kind: Milla Jovovich movie features aliens speaking in ancient Sumerian.

Alien abduction flick The Fourth Kind bills itself as containing "actual footage" from case histories.

The footage is clearly faked but I know many people who took this film to be a documentary and were frightened by it.

The movie has an incredibly terrifying premise. Hundreds of people have gone missing from the tiny, isolated town of Nome, Alaska since the 1960s. These missing persons cases have never been solved. But then a psychiatrist named Abigail Tyler starts investigating a rash of sleep disorders in Nome, and discovers that her patients are all having the same visions of white owls who interrupt their dreams. And when she hypnotizes one of her patients to find out more about this "owl," he is reduced to abject terror and then flees her office to kill his family and himself. Another patient, when hypnotized, starts screaming in ancient Sumerian and starts levitating.

    Tyler undergoes hypnosis in an attempt to make contact with these beings     and reunite with her daughter. Campos and Odusami videotape the     session, and once hypnotized, it is revealed that Tyler witnessed the     abduction of her daughter and also shows scenes of her own abduction,     showing part of the abductors ship and it is hinted that they possibly took     some human egg cells from Abbey as well. the camera scrambles, and     Abbey begs to the alien that abducted Ashley to return her, the creature     replies, saying that its own child was never returned to it and then calls its     self the savoir, then the father and finally ends with "I am...God". when the     encounter ends Campos and Odusami rush over to the now unconscious     Abbey and then they notice something out of camera's view, the camera     scrambles again, and a volatile voice yells "Zimabu Eter!" which supposedly     translates to "Spirit from whom you cannot be saved" in English. When the     camera unscrambles it shows that all three of them are gone.

Finally, there's a whole "chariot of the gods" idea that's sort of flung into the story as if we weren't already up to our eyeballs in disbelief we couldn't suspend even if we wanted to. The aliens speak in ancient Sumerian, which a professor is inexplicably able to understand, despite the fact that the only access to Sumerian he has are from ancient texts. Nobody knows how the language would have been pronounced. Still, he figures out that the aliens are yelling things like "I am god," and using the word "destroyed" a lot. We also don't understand why they're still speaking an ancient language - you'd think by now they would try speaking English since they've been abducting Alaskans since before Sarah Palin was born.

So why are the aliens depicted in the movie speaking Sumerian-and why is the fake planet X called Ninurta-after a Babylonian god?

The reason is to give it some credibility or to make it seem plausible and to exploit the general lack of knowledge among the public about ancient Mesopotamia.

Even in Evangelical circles, fraudulent information about Babylonia is often put out. (I call this false information the Hislop Cult or the Two Babylons Cult-which I will examine later.)

I believe that this fraudulent information is very damaging and it is important for us to have accurate information about ancient Babylon-partly to help us to understand the story of the Bible better.

General information about the Background of Babylonia

The ancient inhabitants in Babylonia were the Sumerians. So the region is called ancient Sumer. Apparently, there was a group settled there even earlier than the Sumerians-because there are some words in Sumerian which are derived from an even earlier language.

The Sumerian language is a language isolate. This means that there are no languages known to be related to it. This makes it similar to Basque, which also has no known related language, but also makes it mysterious and alien, which is why it is used as an alien language in "the Fourth Kind." However, in our age there are dominate language groups-such as Semitic languages, Indo-European languages, and Bantu languages. In ancient times there were many "language isolates" that have vanished. Sumerian is also the most ancient written language.

Later, the Akkadians conquered the Sumerians and after centuries eventually assimilated. The Akkadians did use Sumerian as a type of official or sacred language (classical and liturgical language), similar to how Latin was used in the Middle Ages and how Hebrew has been used by the Jewish people.

The mythologies of the Sumerians and the Akkadians became related in a similar way that Greek and Roman Mythology is related. (There are some differences between Greek and Roman Mythology-but most often, the Romans adopted the Greek gods and gave them Roman names-Zeus became Jupiter, Hermes became Mercury, Hera became Juno, and ect.)

Akkadian was the language spoken by the Assyrians and Babylonians. Assyrians and Babylonians were distinct peoples-although they spoke the same language. For instance, the Scots and the English both speak the English language, but are distinct peoples, although they live very close to each other.

(Modern Aramaic speakers identify themselves as Assyrians-and Roman Catholic speakers of Eastern Aramaic dialects call themselves Chaldeans and Babylonians.)

Akkadian is a Semitic language. This means that it is closely related to Hebrew. In fact, Akkadian is the earliest attested Semitic language. Akkadian is an extinct language.

By investigating Semitic languages, comparing and contrasting the living Semitic languages (Arabic, Aramaic, Maltese, Socroti, ect.) we can trace the origins and development of the Semitic languages.

All Semitic languages, including Hebrew, evolved out of an extinct pre-historic language called Proto-Semitic.

The scientific study of ancient Mesopotamia is called Assyriology because Assyria was the first of the ancient Mesopotamian cities to be scientifically excavated.

Now, I want to mention that, in 2003-when I was serving with the military in Iraq, I was able to go to the ruins of ancient Babylon.

The Assyrians were able to establish a great empire with their powerful and advanced military. Unfortunately for the Assyrians, due to their conquests, they made a number of enemies and finally Assyria, and it's capital city of Nineveh, was destroyed by the Babylonians. Then the Babylonian Empire can to power. Babylon was conquered by the Persians and in turn the Persians were conquered by Alexander the Greats Hellenistic (or Greek) Empire. Late in the Greek period, Babylon (a city that Alexander had used as a capital and where he had died) fell into decline and was eventually abandoned. It became a heap of ruins that the Muslims often quarried for building supplies.

Historians believe that Human Civilization (which refers to humans living in cities) began in Mesopotamia-which is attested in the Bible in the Tower of Babel story.

Mesopotamia and the Bible

1. The garden of Eden was in Iraq. Eden was in Iraq -- Genesis 2:10-14. (There are different theories concerning the location of the Garden of Eden, the most plausible is southern Iraq-but the region southern Turkey/northern Iraq is also a likely location.)

2. Mesopotamia which is now Iraq was the cradle of civilization! Adam & Eve were created in Iraq -- Genesis 2:7-8.

3. Noah built the ark in Iraq.

4. The Tower of Babel was in Iraq. Nimrod established Babylon & theTower of Babel was built in Iraq -- Genesis 10:8-97 & 11:1-4. The confusion of the languages took place in Iraq -- Genesis 11:5-11.

5. Abraham was from Ur, which is in Southern Iraq! Abraham came from a city in Iraq -- Genesis 11:31 & Acts 7:2-4.

6. Isaac's wife Rebekah is from Nahor which is in Iraq. Isaac's bride came from Iraq -- Genesis 24:3-4 &10.

7. Jacob met Rachel in Iraq. Jacob spent 20 years in Iraq -- Genesis 27:42-45 & 31:38.

8. Jonah preached in Nineveh - which is in Iraq.

9. Assyria which is in Iraq conquered the ten tribes of Israel. (This is the story of the "Ten Lost Tribes." It is likely that the Ten Lost Tribes were assimilated into the Assyrians. The Samaritans also claim to be descended from the Ten northern Tribes of Israel. They claim to be Ephraimites and Levites.)

10. The Book of Nahum is written about the fall of Assyria

11. Babylon which is in Iraq destroyed Jerusalem and the Temple-fulfilling the prophecies of Jeremiah.

12. Nebuchadnezzar, King of Babylon, carried the Jews captive into Iraq.

13. Ezekiel preached in Iraq.

14. Daniel was in the lion's den in Iraq! The Book of Daniel is also set in Iraq

15. The 3 Hebrew children were in the fire in Iraq (that's good news to know that JESUS has been in Iraq too as the 4th person in the fiery furnace!).

16. Belshazzar, the King of Babylon saw the "writing on the wall" in Iraq.

17. Nehemiah and Ezra were Persian dignitaries and part of these books are set in Iran and Iraq.

18. The book of Esther is set in Iraq and Iran

19. The wise men were from Iraq. (From the Gospel of Matthew)

20. Peter may have preached in Iraq. (But it is uncertain what "Babylon" Peter preached at-it may have been Babylon in Iraq, or the Fortress of Babylon in Egypt, or perhaps Peter uses "Babylon" as a euphemism for Rome.)

Now we have seen the pivotal role that ancient Mesopotamia plays in the Bible story. That being so-why is there so much gross ignorance of Babylonia among Christians?

The book or Revelation has prophecies against Babylon, which was the old name for the nation of Iraq -- Revelation 17 &18. No other nation, except Israel, has more history and prophecy associated with it than Iraq.

(Some misunderstandings about Babylonia are due to people taking prophetic typology regarding Babylon and using that typology to interpret history.)

Another problem is that Babylon has not been able to capture the imagination of the public the way that Egypt has. In the 1920s, Sir Wooley excavated "Ur of the Chaldees" and there was much excitement regarding his excavating of the "City of Abraham." However, his discoveries were soon eclipsed among the public by Howard Carter's excavations of King Tutankhamen's tomb.

Hollywood continued to capture the imagination of the public with ancient Egypt with Mummy movies. Mesopotamia is referred to in "True Lies" and "Ghostbusters." In the silent era, there was a movie that featured Babylonia that was entitled "Intolerance." These are rare exceptions to the Hollywood blackout of ancient Mesopotamia. (The Scorpion King is said to be an "Akkadian" in the film-but the filmmakers have no interest in imparting anything historical in that movie.) So, ancient Babylon and Assyria hasn't made much of a pop cultural impact the way Egypt had.

Babylonian Religion

In times past, there was a lot of conjectural information about ancient Babylonia, mostly because at the time, we didn't have hard evidence to go on. (Unfortunately, most of these conjectures have been shown to be false by hard archeological evidence-but inaccurate information is still out there-and there are people who tirelessly put out so-called "facts" that have been shown to be fraudulent.)


The problem is that it seems that the general public is more interested in sensational claims that historical truth. People are more curious and interested in non-sense than in the facts. But the fraudulent information is VERY harmful-as we will see below when we examine the Two Babylons cult.

In the late 1800s, the CUNIFORM script was deciphered and now we have direct information from the Babylonians about what their religious beliefs were.

Babylonian Gods:

Asshur: (Actually, an Assyrian god). As the deified city Assur (pronounced Ashur), which dates from the 3rd millennium BC and was the capital of the Old Assyriankingdom. As such, Ashur did not originally have a family, but as the cult came under southern Mesopotamian influence he came to be regarded as the Assyrian equivalent of Enlil, the chief god of Nippur and one of the most important gods of the southern pantheon, and in time Ashur absorbed Enlil's wife Ninlil (as the Assyrian goddess Mullissu) and his sons Ninurta and Zababa - this process began around in the 13th century BC E and continued down to the 8th and 7th centuries.The Assyrians did not require conquered peoples to take up the worship of Ashur; instead, Assyrian imperial propaganda declared that the conquered peoples had been abandoned by their gods. When Assyria conquered Babylon in the Sargonid period (8th-7th centuries BCE), Assyrian scribes began to write the name of Ashur with the cuneiform signs AN.SHAR, literally "whole heaven" in Akkadian, the language of Assyria and Babylonia. The intention seems to have been to put Ashur at the head of the Babylonian pantheon, where Anshar and his counterpart Kishar ("whole earth") preceded even Enlil and Ninlil. Thus in the Sargonid version of the Enuma Elish, the Babylonian national creation myth, Marduk, the chief god of Babylon, does not appear, and instead it is Ashur, as Anshar, who slays Tiamat the chaos-monster and creates the world of mankind. Some scholars have claimed that Ashur was represented as the solar disc that appears frequently in Assyrian iconography, but evidence indicates that this is in fact the sun god Shamash. Many Assyrian kings had names that included the name Ashur, including, above all, Ashur-nasirpal, Esar-haddon (Ashur-aha-iddina), and Ashur-banipal. Epithets include bêlu rabû "great lord", ab ilâni "father of gods", šadû rabû "great mountain", and il aššurî "god of Ashur". The symbols of Ashur include:a winged disc with horns, enclosing four circles revolving round a middle circle; rippling rays fall down from either side of the disc; a circle or wheel, suspended from wings, and enclosing a warrior drawing his bow to discharge an arrow; the same circle; the warrior's bow, however, is carried in his left hand, while the right hand is uplifted as if to bless his worshipers

Bel and Nebo: Bel is Marduk and Nebo (cognate with Hebrew word "Nabi" meaning "prophet" is his son, the god of wisdom. Isaiah 46:1, "The god Bel bows down; the god Nebo stoops low. Their statues are seated on animals and cattle. The gods that you carry are burdens, a load for weary people." Nebo-is found in the name of the famous king Nebuchadnezzar (or Nebo-chadnezzer). Abed-nego means servant of Nebo.

Marduk: was the Babylonian name of a late-generation god from ancient Mesopotamia and patron deity of the city of Babylon, who, when Babylon became the political center of the Euphrates valley in the time of Hammurabi (18th century BCE), started to slowly rise to the position of the head of the Babylonian pantheon, a position he fully acquired by the second half of the second millennium BCE. The golden statue that Shadrech, Meshek, and Abed-nego refused to worship was a statue of Marduk (or perhaps Nebo). Mordecai, of the book of Esther, has a name that means servant of Marduk.

Nergal: An underworld deity mentioned in the Bible at 2 Kings 17:30.

Anu: The sky-god, father of the gods and chief Babylonian deity. His name means "Heaven."

Enlil: One of the most important gods of Mesopotamia, Enlil was second in authority only to Anu. He ruled over earth and bestowed kingship upon leaders of men. He was the keeper of the "Tablets of Destiny."

Enki (also called Ea): God of the waters and of the mystic arts. He saved mankind from the Great Flood.

Addad: Storm-god, same as Haddad/Baal in Canaanite mythology. His sacred animal was the bull.

Amurru: God of the Amorites-that was worshiped in Mesopotamia.

Ereshkigal: Goddess and ruler of the Netherworld. Wife of Nergel.

Ninurta: Originally an agricultural god-later became a god of war.

Sin (also called Nanna): The moon-god. The father of the sun-god and the goddess of love. The judge of the dead.

Shammash: The sun-god and the god of Justice.

Ishtar: Goddess of love. Wife of Tammuz.

Tammuz (called "Damuzi"): Shepherd-god.

Geshtinanna: Goddess of the vineyards and sister of Damuzi.

Babylonian Religious Practices:

Babylonians had an important new year celebration that was also an atonement service-in fact it was described Kappara-related to the Hebrew word Kippur. (The name of the festival was Akitu.) The king repented on behalf of the people and was slapped by the high priest so hard that it drew tears. This was a 12 day festival in March. The worship centered around Marduk.

The idols were brought into the temples in a processional festival.

Much like in the Jewish Temple, animals, lambs and bulls, were sacrificed and burnt offering were made. Ritual sex may have been practiced by the Babylonians on occasions-but this is speculative.

Important temples were towers called Ziggerats.

Important Babylonian Myths/Literature

The Law-code of Hammurabi: A law code similar in some ways to the law of Moses. Shamash, the god of Justice, gave these commandments, which were inscribed upon a stone tablet to King Hammurabi.

The Epic of Gilgamesh: This story of King Gilgamesh contains a version of the story of the Flood of Noah-and a story about how man was denied access to the fruit of the Tree of Life due to the mechanations of a serpent.

The Story of Ishtar and Tammuz: Ishtar marries the Shepherd King, Tammuz. Later, she decides to enter into Hell, and there she is held captive by Ereshkigal, the Queen of Hell. She escapes from hell, but trades her place with Tammuz. Tammuz's sister Geshtinanna, makes a deal with Ereshkigal that she will spend six months out of every year in hell, so that Tammuz can be free during that time.

The Two Babylons Cult/Apocryphal Tale

"You shall not add to, nor take away from this book…" (Revelations 22:19, Deuteronomy 4:2).

Christians cite these books and also stress concern about Apocrypha-however-there is one apocryphal tale that many Protestants and Evangelicals have added to the status of scripture-and it does like this.

The story goes like this: After the flood of Noah, people settled in Babylonia. There Nimrod became king. He married his mother Semiramis. He taught the people to worship idols. Shem, Noah's son, killed Nimrod and scattered his body parts in different cities as a warning to them, lest they follow Nimrod's sinful ways. But then, Semiramis gave birth to Nimrod's posthumous son and named him Tammuz and said that he was Nimrod reincarnated and that he was the sun-god. Then Semiramis had everyone worship the trinity of Nimrod, Semiramis and Tammuz and established the mother-goddess cult. She also taught that her sons and her husband were god-kings. All religions are derived from this Babylonian religion and Roman Catholicism is actually Nimrod worship, but given a Christian veneer.

There are many problems with this. First, this story isn't in the Bible. If it really happened why isn't it in the Bible? Also, this story as we have just seen doesn't match what we know about Babylonian religion.

Also, who is this Semiramis character? She isn't mentioned in the Bible.

Scholars believe that Semiramis was Sammuramat ruled 823-811 BC and was the wife of Shamshi-Adad V and mother of Adad-nirari III.

The Greeks heard about her and invented vulgar stories about her being the founder of Babylonia.

These lewd stories offended the Babylonians and a Babylonian named Berossus. Berossus published the Babyloniaca (hereafter, History of Babylonia) in three books some time around 290-278 BC, by the patronage of the Greek King Antiochus I. He establishes the fact that Babylon was built by King Nebuchadnesser and not by Semiramis-who was a queen of Assyria and not Babylonia. Berossus was quoted in Josephus and his writings seem to be accurate.

Another issue is that Babylonian kings were not viewed as gods. Naram-Sin, who reigned ca. 2254–2218 BC, was the first Mesopotamian king known to have claimed divinity for himself and his divine presumptions seemed to have created a backlash. Also, note how that during the Akitu festival, the king would humiliate himself before the gods and allow himself to be publically slapped by the high priest. Naram-Sin's dynasty soon collapsed after his rule.

Jewish stories (the Midrash) do not match the Nimrod-Semiramis-Tammuz tale either. In Midrash, Nimrod is a mighty hunter because he inherited the clothes that God made for Adam and Eve and these had magical properties. In Jewish Lore, Shem doesn't kill Nimrod. Shem is identified with Melkizedek. Nimrod persecutes Abraham in Jewish tradition. There are many different contradictory legends about Nimrod. Often he is portrayed as a tyrant. In some legends, he repents. In a few he is a righteous king. The Bible doesn't state is Nimrod was good or evil, it only states that he was a "mighty hunter before Yahweh" and that he ruled as a "mighty one."

The Nimrod-Semiramis-Tammuz story is not attested in any ancient historical writing, such as Josephus, nor is it found in any apocryphal or pseudopigraphal writings-so the question is-where did it come from?

It first appears in 1859 in the writings of a cult-leader named Alexander Hislop. Where did Alexander Hislop get the story? Basically, he just made it up. It is a product of his imagination.

He took the myths of Semiramis from a discredited ancient Greek writer-who was a rabid anti-Semite- named Diodorus Siculus (or Diodorus of Sicily). He wrote his works of myths and legends that were mistaken for history between 60 and 30 BC. He has Semiramis marry a king named Ninus-who she had put to death so that she could rule. Hislop thought that Ninus was Nimrod.

What Hislop did was take the myth of Semiramis and mix it with the story of the Egyptian god Osiris (indentifying Shem with Seth) and also mixing it with the story of the Levites concubine from 19 and coming up with a completely new story that was a product of his imagination.

No Assyriologist takes Hislop's work as having any historical value. He didn't know anything about ancient Babylonia-and he wrote before cuniform had been deciphered and before many important discoveries were made. This means Hislop's writings are out-dated, discredited, and have no credibility and are fraudulent. All the archeological evident from 1859 until today totally discredits "The Two Babylons."

Some Christians have given Hislop's "The Two Babylons" an almost Scriptural status. And unfortunately the book is still in print.

But why? Why would Christians promote a book that has been proven to be untrue? Because the facts don't matter-it is an excuse to be devisive and hateful.

Because, there is a general ignorance about Babylonia-and people are able to exploit that ignorance to attack Roman Catholicism and Christianity in general.

Soon after it was written, the book was shown by leaders of the church-that if what Hislop was saying was true-and it isn't-it wasn't just Roman Catholicism that is "pagan"-but the whole of the New Testament.

(In the early Church period, Clementine literature did identify Ninus from the Semiramis story with Nimrod. However, the scenario of Shem dismembering Nimrod and Semiramis giving birth to Tammuz the sun-god, are innovations of Hislop. "The Two Bablyons" contentions are not supported by historical or archeological evidence.)

Much of the attacks on Christianity in the Da Vinci Code were ultimately derived from Hislop's "Two Babylons."

I have been viciously attacked because I agree with the historical and archeological evidence that had disproven "The Two Babylons." The "Two Babylons" is rubbish-the same as "Planet Ninurta" and "The Fourth Kind." The Two Babylons is fraudulent and cultic literature. Many people are deeply committed to perpetuating and spreading this falsehood.

The problem is that the facts about Babylonia have not been made accessible to the general public-who are quick to pick up on bogus conspiracy theories-which are much easier to learn about.

Babylon's Enduring Legacy

Revelations 11:8, "And their dead bodies will lie in the street of the great city which mystically is called Sodom and Egypt, where also their Lord was crucified."

What city is that? This is how the Book of Revelation describes Jerusalem, but this isn't how most Christians think of Jerusalem. In popular imagination, Babylon is THE sinful city.

H.W.F. Saggs wrote, "The most important cereals in much of the Western world are wheat for bread and barley as the basis of beer; this is because their wild ancestors grew in the Near East, where they were cultivated in prehistoric times, and then transmitted to the rest of the world through Babylonia. Similiarily, our predominant meats are mutton, beef and pork because, despite the abundance of possible meat animals, the sheep, cow and pig were three of the four principle animals domesticated for food in the prehistoric Near East and taken over in Babylonia (the fourth was the goat, which has largely gone off the menu in recent centuries). [Except among the Mexicans who eat goat meat like nobody's business.]

Technological survivals include the plough and the potter's wheel, and possibly the wheel used for transport, which have come down to us from earliest Babylonia. The concept of writing is another vital survival, even though the original technique, cuneiform on clay fell into disuse two thousand years ago. . Ancient Babylonia gave us the place-value notation system fro writing of numerals…we still count in sixties for some purposes, such as geometry (360 degrees in a circle) and time) division of hours into minutes and minutes into seconds), and this system originated in third-millennium Babylonia…The twenty-four hour day, although not wholly of Babylonian origin, combines Babylonian and Egyptian elements. Astronomy, and even the names of some constellations, have their origin in Babylonian observations of stars and planets…[The Lunar calendar, used by Judaism and Islam, and even forms the basis of the Christian calendar is based on that used by the Babylonians. Some scholars believe that the seven day week is of Babylonian origin.] …Thus, although our modern life is separated from Babylonia by more than two thousand years, we remain linked by many fine strands of traditions…without which our world would be a very different place indeed."

There is a book entitled the "5,000 Year Leap" about how America has accomplished more for mankind in 200 years, than mankind has accomplished in 5,000 years. I think that there have been 5,000 year leaps before. The first occurred in the Ancient Near East, the second occurred in the Greco-Roman Era, and the most recent began with the Renaissance and Protestant Reformation.

In conclusion, we see that many of the contributions of ancient Babylonia are not pagan, sinful or "demonic," they are human and have benefited mankind.


Mesopotamia and the Bible: Comparative Explorations Edited by Mark W. Chavalas and K. Lawson Younger, Jr.

The Penguin Handbook of Ancient Religions Edited by John R. Hinnells

Inanna: Queen of Heaven and Earth: Her Stories and Hymns from Sumer by Diane Wolkstein and Samuel Noah Kramer

Handbook to Life in Ancient Mesopotamia by Stephen Bertman

Babylonians by H.W.F. Saggs

The Gateway of the Gods: The Rise and Fall of Babylon by Anton Gill

Babylon by Joan Oates

Babylon by J. L. Finkel and M.J. Seymour

Ancient Civilization: The Middle East: The Cradle of Civilization chief consultant Dr. Stephen Bourke

Near Eastern Mythology by John Gray

Reading from the Ancient Near East: Primary Sources for Old Testament Study edited by Bill T. Arnold and Braynt Beyer

The Babylonian Connection by Ralph Woodrow

Stephen Andrew Missick

PO Box 882, Shepherd, Texas, 77371



King of Saints Tabernacle: Messianic Congregation

2228 FM 1725

Cleveland, TX 77328
