Wednesday, 7 September 2011

False Flag Events



Guest post: By ‘Be informed’

What is a false flag event? False flag events are anything that has been made to look like something that it really isn’t. “Your” government can create chaos to create diversions away from what it is “really” doing. This deceit has many other purposes such as excuses for control, to pass very unpopular laws, implement martial law, take attention away from sneaky underhanded deals, to stop or delay an event like an election or sway the voters towards a certain side, to make a government look like they are more in control than they actually are, in short anything that requires desperate measures that can’t be solved as usual.

As long as the government doesn’t end up looking inept, or they don’t get caught, most false flag events can be pulled off. Most people are still gullible enough to believe anything that the news media feeds them. Lets look at 20 false flag events and how they benefit the government, using the United States as an example, but still applies to other countries.

1. Create an international incident. This can be embargoes, breaking relations, arming countries that are mortal enemies to other countries such as arming Georgia opposite to Russia or Taiwan opposite to China. This can cause an almost war type situation and divert all attention from domestic issues.

2. Impending terrorism. If the United States government puts out an urgent warning that hundreds of terrorists are now here and waiting to attack, most everyone would still have a knee jerk reaction and believe it. Especially if it is made to look even worse, like after 9/11 level. Takes ALL attention away from everything for at least a couple of weeks.

3. Actually “allow” terrorism to get through. Allowing an enemy to attack the country is not new. Many historians feel that Pearl Harbor was allowed to occur to gain full public support to go to war against Germany and get rid of the Japanese threat. Complete distractions for a long time and a type of coming together of the country.

4. Attack another country. Wag the dog scenario. Air strikes are all too easy and have little or no casualties along with little or no public protests as long as the country attacked cannot fight back. War has a way of energizing the country, people are still highly nationalized when it comes to “their” home.

5. Announce the country is out of money. Even though the U.S. can print money like newspapers, such a statement would cause bank runs all over the country. The purpose here is to cause a countrywide break down of the society and panic, so martial law and other strict controls can be immediately issued.

6. Inflate precious metal prices. Getting a good scare and create an artificial price, massive bubble can be quite a benefit. If timed right, prices will drop and investors can buy back into stocks and jump the markets considerably. This would be a big boost a week or so before elections.

7. Have a long bank holiday. This is the opposite of a benefit to the stock market, and meant to actually collapse the economy to prevent an event such as the elections, as investors would be sure to fully sell off the next few days. A desperate president could do this to stop being voted out of office.

8. Instigate an attack on U.S. warship by foreign country. Even though U.S. entered enemy waters, the public would still view the U.S. as the victim and justification for war and be all for the U.S.A. This could happen in China or Russia, but probably would be Iran or North Korea or a smaller country. Also airspace violations, any foreign territory transgression on purpose.

9. Pass something specifically targeting a group of people. Goal here is to infuriate a certain race, religion, or any large number of people so they start to fight amongst each other and forget about the government. Good excuse for the state to issues all sorts of control measures also to curb the violence.

10. Overblown dangers of a pandemic. Germs still scare most people and as the government passes all sorts of regulations, no one really cares or criticizes anything because they “look” like they are protecting the population.

11. Government scandal. The media and people thrive on soap opera garbage, and any type of truly “juicy” gossip item is going to be all that is talked about. Remember the Monica Lewinsky debacle, a certain president was brought under impeachment trail for this, and a certain Iraq was bombed during this time.

12. Fake a disaster. False chemical spill, problems with nuclear reactors, anything to divert attention away and or close off an area for some purpose.

13. Pull back all diplomats from every country. This could be for longer periods of time than a few months ago. This creates all sorts of speculation and causes attention to go more away from the country and domestic issues. Also can include kicking out select diplomats out of the United States.

14. Disappearance of leaders. Given for many different reasons would shock everyone as the leaders were told by the media to be in highly secure and undisclosed places, or no reason is given. Panic would set in and everything else would be temporarily forgotten that ail the country so much.

15. Backing out of a treaty or other international agreement. This can be a bluff to gain a better hand and more influence with other countries. It is also a good way to bring some patriotism to the country, especially something that could bring some jobs back to the U.S., even though the U.S has no intentions of living up to it.

16. The enemy has infiltrated us. Perfect pretext for a complete evasive I.D. system to be started up for the country. Many other regulations that lead up to more of a police state. More people would support this than many would have you believe out of fear of “the enemy”, real or not.

17. Firearms have become a national security risk. Several excuses for this come from drug gangs to terrorism to unseen threats. Waiting periods, massive background checks, all guns have to go through a costly yearly registration process, limiting of all guns to only being able to hold 8 bullets or less, to confiscation of most guns. The fees would bring in more money to the state. Taking most everyone’s means of defending themselves is the first step to a dictator taking over. Most people would obey the law unfortunately.

18. Government attacks their own country. Sick as this sounds, those in control are capable of practically anything. Then blame a terrorist group of other country and focus public’s hate away from the government. Most likely a cyber attack because of difficulty of tracing it back and ease to blame anyone for it.

19. Put strategic military forces on very high alert. DEF CON 3 or 2 on perceived threat, even without giving any reason. Other countries would react and put their forces on high alert. Perfect way of diverting all attention away from anything else other than possible large scale or world war.

20. Communications shutdown. The government can shut everything down if it so desires and leave open ONLY emergency channels. This includes the internet, television, radio, telephone services, almost everything. This will blind everyone of what is going on and lead to panic and chaos. Then the government steps in and brings order to the chaos, a police state. No reason may ever be told.

All these false flag events can happen and most of them have already occurred in other countries and some of them in the United States. As times grow more desperate in the U.S. and other countries expect the governments to start resorting to more desperate measures, including false flag events.

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