Rumblings from Gaza are getting louder. Whilst Cameron andSarkhozy fly into BPistan to inspect their new acquired oil wells andcongratulate themselves on deposing an oil owning dictator without having toput boots on the ground (finally) and conquering a country with no deficit(drinks all round!), the Palestinians are quietly going to the UN to ask for acountry to call their own.
The right are kicking off. Hamas willslaughter everyone (whilst the Glorious rebels in Libya,Egypt, Tunisia, Yemen,Bahrain, Saudi and Syria will not) and USS Israel will be holedbelow the water line if it allows Palestinians to own a bit of Palestine. Threats are issued that Israel willtake by force what it cannot take er…by force if the UN dares to give a man a pieceof land he can call home. A piece of land he used to call home, a long, longtime ago.
How often have I rolled my eyes andmuttered “if only they had oil”, except of course, the Gazans DO have gas. Lotsof it. One of the main reasons Israelsimply refuses to let them own the rights to it and imprisons them until theyelect a government that will allow the Israelis to claim the resources in thename of Israel, not Gaza.
Following the Arab Spring, Israel issuddenly finding that decades of back room deals with dictators are no longeron the table. Turkeyhas decided that if anyone is going to fill the power vacuum, they will. In myopinion, a secular Middle Eastern State doing so is the least worst outcome ofwhat could have been a very ugly scene. Compromises will have to be made allround if Israelis to survive. Israelis may have bought the peace with US moneybefore, but the Arabs are no longer buying. They want nothing to do with thebillions of “aid” paid to keep the Palestinians prisoners and the likes ofEgypts Mubarek in diamond encrusted Learjets.
So Israel is going to have find a wayto accommodate neighbours, just as the Palestinians will have to learn thatowning a State comes with responsibilities to uphold the law and protect yourborders.
I wish them well. The stalemate of the Middle East has lasted too long, it served no one inreality bar a few religious extremists and generations on both sides wereblighted by poverty, oppression, terror.
Israelcan safely give them their state, build the walls as high as they like, dustoff their hands and tell their settlers that what they have, stays. The Palestinianscan get back to goat herding and the world can breathe a sigh of relief.
Long live the Arab summer.
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