Thursday 21 July 2022

Independent SAGE's Dumb "Seven-Point" Covid Plan


The three-point-plan from "Idiocracy" actually worked. SAGE Plan Won't.

Many of my readers had one Covid a long time ago, or never had 
Covid, are not having another Covid so far, and may not realize how badly are things going in 
Covid-land in Europe and highly vaccinated areas of USA.
More than one out of 15 Brits is having COVID today (Jul 19, 2022). This is higher than ever before. 
An “unexpected” largest-ever wave of a yet-another variant Ba.5 is reinfecting highly-vaccinated 
countries one more time. Hospitals are strained, because sick, force-injected health care workers 
are staying home due to their Covid reinfections, and patients are hospitalized at record rates. 
Excess mortality is rising.
People are, naturally, becoming worried as they or their relatives have 
two-week-long bouts of Covid reinfections that do not feel mild to them 
and leave them exhausted. My own opinion is that we are on the verge of 
significant increases in overall mortality. I am quite worried about that.
Rumblings of discontent are appearing. The powers-to-be are wondering 
what to do.
So, the so-called “Independent SAGE” just came up with a “seven-point 
plan” to combat COVID. The plan is so spectacularly stupid that it reads 
like a parody. Here it is, from the British Medical Journal no less.

This plan is the product of supposedly the “best Covid minds”, the leading 

thinkers of UK science, whose recommendations influence UK policy. What did 

these minds produce? Let’s look.

They are proposing to do more of same!

The “clear and consistent messaging” is a theme of the pandemic, it relates 

to a bad idea that all officials should parrot one line during a so-called 

“emergency”, to avoid confusing the public. The result of this policy was 

a lack of independent thinking, as well as censorship of any dissenting 

voices, that led to groupthink. What message, pray tell, should such 

“clear and consistent messaging” convey? The seven-point plan?

The efforts to promote “vaccine uptake” are particularly laughable in July

 of 2022. Here’s how vaccine uptake looks in the UK:

Of special interest is a need to have a “clear long-term plan to address waning 

immunity and immune escape”. What they are saying is that they do not have such 

a plan. They merely want to have a plan, which they do not have, as of now.

The concept of “air filtration” refers to a sincerely expressed, but misguided

 idea that retrofitting buildings with “air filtration devices” will stop the 

pandemic. While I personally like almost all people who advocate it, I also 

recognize that it is largely futile, for many reasons having to do with physics 

and gas dynamics.

Air filtration that could effectively capture airborne virions, would need to turn

 over enormous volumes of air every minute, through the finest filters, continuously.

 This is not compatible with existing buildings’ HVAC systems. It would also cost 

a fortune in electric bills and create a lot of heat. I do not want to get into 

this discussion too much, but “air filtration” of that kind is not possible in most 

establishments or homes.

The “FFP3 masks” are obvious non-starters because of difficulties wearing them. 

Making the public wear such masks in 2022 is impossible.

The worst part of this proposal is the so-called “equitable global provision of 

vaccines”. This is a code word for bribing governments of poor countries into 

forcing their citizens to take “vaccines” that these wise but poor people refuse

 to take voluntarily. The countries with unvaccinated majorities are the future of

 humanity, in my opinion. They are largely at herd immunity precisely because they

 refused to vaccinate. Yet, Independent SAGE wants to inject them with non-working

 “vaccines” in the name of “equity”. Why? How will vaccinating Africa help the UK 

which is beset with chronic Covid?

The crazy “Independent SAGE” advisers are anything but sage, are actually stupid,

 and I am very sorry that they have been UK’s thought leaders since 2020.

Here’s a clip from “Idiocracy”.

While it is funny, it shows President Camacho

 actually solving his country’s problem of dying plants, with his three-point plan

 of hiring the smartest person in the world named Not Sure. Not Sure figured out

 the problem and proceeded to stop using Brawndo to water plants.

Brawndo', which owned the FDA, went bankrupt. The plants started growing, given

 clean water. Any parallels with the present?

P.S. Please do not think that I am badmouthing the UK by criticizing British 

Covid experts: Covid experts in the USA are so much worse and could not even 

come up with a “seven-point plan”. So there is no “USA Covid plan” that I 

could criticize.

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