German Health Minister Karl Lauterbach claimed in early 2021 that those who thought covid restrictions were a blueprint for climate change dictatorship were “conspiracy theorists.” But throughout 2022 he progressively moved towards an ideology where the pandemic and climate change narratives became increasingly intertwined. And by mid-November, he declared that “climate change is the root of health crises.”
However, as Dr. John Christy, an expert on global climate change at The University of Alabama, said: “Data shows there’s no climate catastrophe looming.”
On 17 February 2021, Lauterbach spoke with Alfred Schier of the German television channel Phoenix. Schier challenged Lauterbach saying critics would say “that current corona measures are being used as a blueprint for to introduce climate dictatorship.”
Lauterbach responded: “Oh, but those are conspiracy theories.”
The interview from which the video above was clipped is in German and you can find the original HERE, but an English translation is not available.
In August 2020, Lauterbach had already registered his ambitions to turn his attention to climate change. Retweeting one of Greta Thunberg’s climate change marketing tweets he commented:
In December 2020, six weeks before his “those are conspiracy theories” interview with Phoenix, Lauterbach made his “climate change” fanatism unmistakably clear. He suggested restrictions “similar” to covid lockdowns were required to fight “climate change.” In an article published by Die Welt, Lauterbach wrote: “We need measures to deal with climate change that is similar to the restrictions on personal freedom [imposed] to combat the pandemic … There will never be a vaccine against CO2.”
On 23 June 2022, Lauterbach dialled into The Heidelberg Institute of Global Health (“HIGH”) climate change and pandemics conference “for a motivating speech.” Lauterbach clearly intertwines health and climate change policies as a push for pandemic readiness, he said:
“Health protection, climate change [and] food [are] the most important questions in many ways of our time. the topics can be seen as inseparable … Germany’s new coalition government is determined to give the topic of sustainability a more prominent role in policy … while climate change is moving forward relentlessly in more or less a linear fashion, along with this linear increase in climate change there is an exponential increase in the risk of zoonotic diseases.
“Germany currently tries to provide or provides a leadership in the G7 group and we in the healthcare system G7 group have made climate change one of the three topics we focus on as a G7 group.”
Germany took over the presidency of the G7 in January 2022. To better prepare for future pandemics, the G7, or Group of 7, announced the Pact for Pandemic Readiness at its annual summit in June.
His solutions, Lauterbach told HIGH, were more investment – in other words, more money – more specialist scientists and, because that may take some years to realise, “we could also, for example, eat less meat or eat no meat and we would solve many problems at the same time – we would reduce greenhouse gases emissions and CO2 rapidly and extensively.”
And then came his sales pitch for technocracy. “We will only make progress if we manage to make politics and policy way more evidence-based. Science has to become a much more integral part of the way how we do politics,” he said. “In climate change research it was often the case that, let’s say, the news was provided in a nudging way … I don’t think that this is a strategy that will work and it clearly does not work with policymakers. If you want to convince policymakers you have to be blunt about the message.”
At the Global Health Talk on 5 July 2022, Lauterbach intertwined health and climate change more directly. He stated in his opening speech: “It is not quite clear whether the Monkeypox outbreak is connected to climate change but it is very likely.”
At a seminar at Harvard University on 22 July, Lauterbach again linked pandemics and climate change: “It’s only a matter of time until climate change makes more of these outbreaks become big enough that they become pandemics.” He also pitched the technocratic state again. “We need a much better grounding of science in our daily policymaking,” he said. “Otherwise, there will be no way that we will master the challenges ahead.”
The Ambassador of Germany to Israel tweeted on 11 September that Israeli Minister of Health Nitzan Horowitz and Lauterbach signed a Letter of Intent about strengthening German-Israeli cooperation in fields like medical aspects of climate change, digitalisation in the health sector or basic research of pandemics and other diseases.
In November 2022 he went all out and blamed climate change for all health crises. At the European Public Health Conference 2022 opening ceremony, Lauterbach reminded participants that “Climate change is the root of health crises.”
As Lauterbach was pontificating about “climate change” being the root of crises, Dr. John Christy, Distinguished Professor of Atmospheric Science and Director of the Earth System Science Centre at the University of Alabama, was discussing the truth about climate change with South African independent media outlet BizNews.
“We have been publishing these papers since 1994 that have demonstrated models are warm, too much, relative to the actual climate. And yet we don’t see an improvement in climate models in trying to match reality … The models are just too hot,” he said.
Generally, Dr. Christy said, reality differs from climate alarmists’ models by a factor of two. In other words, the models climate alarmists are using show the Earth is warming twice as fast as it actually is. “We should not use [their models] to tell us what’s going to happen in the future,” he said.
Using records dating back to the latter half of the 1800s, droughts are not getting worse, heavy rainstorms are not getting worse over time, hurricanes are not increasing, tornados are not becoming more numerous and heat waves are not becoming worse he explained. “The weather that people really care about, that if it changes could cause problem or catastrophe, we find those events are not changing.”
Regarding the climate crisis narrative and its lack of substantiating logic, Dr. Christy said:
“You have to give credit to those who in the climate establishment and the media or whoever is behind all this have been successful in scaring people about the climate. Because now you find that even grade school textbooks and almost every news story that comes out will try to throw in, and this is where this establishment is very good, is they make sure every story has some kind of line added about climate change and they don’t ever go back and talk to someone who actually builds these data sets and says, ‘Is that really the worst it’s been in the last 120 years?’ They just make those claims.”
12 December 2022 (49 mins)
Further reading:
- “Data shows there’s no climate catastrophe looming” – climatologist Dr John Christy debunks the climate crisis narrative, BizNews, 12 December 2022
- Elimination of CO2 is a suicide pact – Professor William Happer on climate change misconceptions and hysteria, BizNews, 4 November 2022
- “There’s no emergency” – dissident climatologist Dr Judith Curry on the ‘manufactured scientific consensus’ on climate change, BizNews, 5 October 2022
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