Saturday 25 February 2023



Sono quasi due anni ormai che mi occupo, studio, leggo, ascolto, mi informo e scrivo di questa immensa sceneggiata degna del miglior teatro del mondo, che sembra non avere mai fine.

Purtroppo sto arrivando pure io al punto di saturazione, in quanto talmente e' lo schifo che mi tocca vedere tutti i giorni in ogni dove, sia nella vita quotidiana, osservando la pena infinita che mi provocano gli atteggiamenti delle persone, completamente soggiogate e plagiate da una più tetra "storia infinita" o vedendo e sentendo i vari talk show, telegiornali e interviste che parlano e scrivono, allineati e coperti all'ombra del "pensiero unico", ormai dominante in quasi tutto il mondo.

"Eppure", mi dico continuamente, “dovrà pure esserci un qualsiasi organo di legge o istituzione che riesca a fare rispettare quelle norme che i nostri padri fondatori con tanti sacrifici hanno creato e posto al servizio della consorteria civile, e prima o poi si riuscirà a far pagare a tutti coloro che stanno sistematicamente distruggendo 20 secoli di storia, le loro infinite colpe!”.

Ma più vado avanti e più mi accorgo che tutto ciò, con molta probabilità, é solo una pia illusione, una chimera.

Oramai il "sistema" é diventato simile al famoso Leviatano, mostro inaudito di biblica memoria che, giustamente, Hobbes ha posto ad indicare il tirannico potere politico che si erge a giudice supremo per decidere, incontrastato, della vita e del destino di tutta la società

I have been dealing with, studying, reading, listening, informing myself and writing about this immense drama worthy of the best theatre in the world, which seems to never end, for almost two years now.

Unfortunately I too am reaching saturation point, as the disgust that I have to see every day everywhere, both in daily life, observing the infinite pain that people's attitudes cause me, completely subjugated and plagiarized by a gloomier "never-ending story" or seeing and hearing the various talk shows, newscasts and interviews that speak and write, aligned and covered in the shadow of the "single thought", now dominant almost all over the world.

“And yet”, I keep telling myself, “there must also be any body of law or institution that manages to enforce those rules that our founding fathers created with so many sacrifices and placed at the service of the civil consortium, and sooner or later we will succeed to make all those who are systematically destroying 20 centuries of history pay for their infinite sins!”.

But the more I go on, the more I realize that all this is most likely just wishful thinking, a chimera.

By now the "system" has become similar to the famous Leviathan, an unheard-of biblical monster which, rightly, Hobbes has placed to indicate the tyrannical political power that stands as the supreme judge to decide, unchallenged, the life and destiny of the whole society .

If we think about it, in times different from the present ones, if an undersecretary for health - Costa - supported by a "journalist" who would do better to go and be a house painter, rather than debase and tarnish a noble profession, had refused to answer a legitimate question and walk away, shrugging, the next day he would be immediately discharged.

The same goes for the infinite scoundrels and contradictions that are continuously exhaled from the mouths of an infinite plethora of sheep who strut their stuff in television broadcasts, boasting of being now virologists, now diligent journalists or even unacknowledged "statesmen". .

I no longer even waste the time to write about some nonsense that I happen to read or hear every single day because, frankly, I'm getting hives, and still having to waste precious time on all this makes me jump the classic fly to the nose.

As far as politics is concerned, then, let's not talk about it, as we are really facing the lowest level ever reached by this sector, where we see a rich crowd in the government trying to grab as much as possible and trying, in the meantime, to justify themselves with further antics.

The thing that really leaves me speechless and which I can't get over is seeing an absolutely supine and prostrate population in the face of a power that, by the way, is not using any particularly violent belief system and, despite this , has managed and continues to manage to make good and bad weather, without, however, seeing anyone who stands in front of him and says "enough!".

And as I titled the article, at the very least we should expect a "great awakening", an awareness on the part of everyone, a sacrosanct rebellion against the myriad injustices and outright absurdities that are being committed in the light of day, but I have the clear feeling that, by now, it's too late and that instead of the "great awakening" we are heading towards the era of the "great dark".

Paraphrasing one of my first articles, published over a year ago now, we are all merrily walking, hand in hand, following the Pied Piper.

But remember that if we don't all "wake up" more than quickly, the end will always be the same as in the fairy tale and we will have nothing to do but drown silently, like the famous villagers who followed the Pied Piper.

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