Wed 27 Apr 2011
Lisbon Treaty: Governments to Accept EU Commission´s Decisions Per Automaticity, EU Arrest Warrant Violating Human Rights, EU-KGB
Posted by Anders under English, Euromed
Summary: Europe can say that Europe has delivered its part of the agreement on global governance, says EU President Jose Barroso, who boasts of having achieved all his requirements in the EU’s competitiveness pact – and even managed to have leaders from outside of the euro-zone coming rushing to deliver the last remnant of their sovereignty to Brussels. Not only that: The Heads of State and Government have unanimously accepted that in the future, they will have to accept, without discussion, what Barroso and van Rompusy submit to them on economic policy – and presumably other policies. This is the “Führer Befiehl. Wir Folger” disaster once again! And the first decree the EU leaders will make is a financial transaction tax for EU and UN revenues. It will affect us all, banks sending us the bill. The EU´s economic governance deprives the countries of their right to make their own budgets. For acc. to the “European Semester” they will first have to submit their financial bills for EU Commission approval before they submit them to the national parliaments. Should a country be so presumptuous as to ignore Brussels’ decrees, it must pay a non-interest-bearing deposit of 0.2% of its GDP – and on repetition 0.5% of its GDP. If a country does not fall into line, that sum is confiscated as a fine by the EU. The European Central Bank considers this too slack.
Such monitoring, which has profound influence on the lives of hundreds of millions of people, would be nearly impossible to track by citizens, journalists or civil society, being supervised by experts and lawyers in the Commission and Council working behind closed doors. Sony Kapoor, Director of Re-Define, adviser to the German Finance Ministry, warned that the new rules are not addressing the roots of the crisis. EU finance ministers set the size of the European Stability regime to be in place from 2013 at 700 billion €.
The unprecedented shift in power to the EU bloc from the national parliaments have strongly curtailed the ability of countries to write their own laws and was welcomed by the EU’s economy chief Olli Rehn. Ministers supported a half dozen new far-reaching laws which the Commissioner said “will lead to a quantum leap in terms of economic surveillance in Europe.” This discussion has been buried in the back pages of financial newspapers! But in the heart of the EU, they are in no doubt that a profound transformation of the EU bloc is about to take place.Denmark´s politicians have shown a shameful pandering to the EU by throwing themselves in the dust before Barroso / van Rompuy, although the Danes have rejected the euro. For me, this must be unconstitutional. Prime Minister Lökke Rasmussen has guaranteed the parties that the contents of the Pact: states keeping wages tied to productivity, reducing the public sector; limiting government borrowing and moving away from labor-based taxation towards consumption-based taxation, have no impact on Denmark Policy or the Danish “no to the euro” – which appears to be a giant lie. By joining the euro pact, Copenhagen will have access to the euro-zone summits, where much of the future of a more profoundly integrated euro zone will be decided. The prime minister is also keen on being seen as a model European pupil ahead of Denmark´s time as the EU’s six-month rotating presidency in the first half of 2012. One might be tempted to speak of treason for the second time for the Lisbon Treaty, which allows for this.
It is now apparent that the European Arrest Warrant, which requires more than 1,000 victims a month, means gross violation of human rights, which the EU hypocritically boasts about promoting and in the name of which the EU inflicts war on countries like Libya, even threatening both Syria, Bahrain and Yemen with similar treatments if they do not respect the human rights which the EU so seriously breaches. Now the EU is about to ensure that human rights are respected under EU interpretation, merging the Europol, CEPOL, Frontex, Eurojust and COSI into a super organization that insightful people think will be a new KGB, which also has the Eurogendfor Gendarmerie at its disposal. This is something that fits old Maoist José Barroso. “What is happening is a silent revolution in the form of stronger economic governance in small steps,” he said in June last year. “Member States have accepted – and I hope they understand it precisely – very important powers of EU institutions in monitoring, and a much tighter control over public finances.” The inspection involves a decree that bankrupt countries with a debt of over 60 percent of GDPare are now expected to improve this situation by five percent a year over a period of three years. So social chaos as well as EU Commission and the IMF administration of such countries are impending.
The following shows that van Rompuy and Barroso have had “our” puppet politicians accept an automaticity to accept all they demand. Politicians have thus abandoned the last remnants of national souvereignty – in the case of Denmark this seems unconstitutional. Barroso is rubbing his hands with pride.
José Barroso, EU Press Release 24 March 2011 We are in fact now doing what was a very important aim for all those who wanted a stronger Union to complete the monetary union with an economic union. Europe may say that Europe has
delivered its part of the bargain on global governance.
Here is what that means
EUObserver 25 March 2011 – José Barroso – A two-day summit in Brussels saw fresh national budget cuts and restructuring announced by a series of member states who wished to “go beyond” that which has been agreed within the fresh euro-plus pact. They are: Spain, France, Belgium and Germany.”EULib 16 March 2011 – José Barroso to the EU Parliament: Let me turn now to the Euro area meeting. I stressed the proposal of a Pact that was called a Pact for Competitiveness. I am pleased to report you that all these principles have been agreed by the Heads of State and Government.
These new commitments will thereafter be included in the National Reform and Stability Programmes and be subject to the regular surveillance framework, with a strong central role for the Commission in the monitoring of the implementation of the commitments. The European Parliament will play its full role in line with its competences. Social partners will be fully involved at the EU level through the Tripartite Social Summit. Besides, the Pact is open to non-Euro-area Member States if they so wish and I hope that most of them will join the Pact as soon as the next European Council.
Head of States and Government of the Euro area have also agreed on a quasi automaticity of their decisions on the Commission’s recommendations in the implementation of the Stability and Growth Pact (SGP) as the conclusions say, and I quote: “In deciding on the steps in the SGP the Council is expected to, as a rule, follow the recommendations of the Commission or explain its position in writing.”
Moreover, they have agreed that “the introduction of a financial transaction tax should be explored and developed further at the Euro area, EU and international levels. The positions taken by the European Parliament were indeed very important for the final consensus that was reach ed at the Euro area summit.
Economic governance.
It will set up a system of surveillance and accountably, which includes sanctions. EUOBSERVER 16 March 2011 If countries are in the eurozone, this oversight is backed up by the imposition of stiff new sanctions. Scofflaw states will have to fork out cash amounting to 0.2 percent of GDP into a non-interest bearing deposit account. If a country does not correct its situation in line with the recommendations of the commission and Council, this cash will be snatched away as a fine. This process can be repeated up to a maximum of 0.5 percent of GDP. The president of the ECB, Jean-Claude Trichet, expressed his dissatisfaction, saying: “The improvement in governance that is presently envisaged is in our opinion insufficient.” These imbalances may cover such issues as trade deficits, ‘excessive’ wages, levels of private and public debt, housing bubbles, the ‘misallocation of resources’ and ‘unsustainable levels of consumption’.But in theory, these imbalances could be anything. Transparency campaigners have already raised a red card over this element of the package, worried that such surveillance, with its recommendations and fines having such profound influence over hundreds of millions of people’s lives, will be almost impossible to track by citizens, journalists or civil society, as the monitors will be experts and lawyers in the commission and Council behind closed doors. Sony Kapoor, for one, the director of Re-Define, a Brussels-based economic-policy think-tank and an advisor to the German treasury, warned that whatever the new rules hope to achieve, they do not tackle the root causes of the crisis.
Denmark´shameful eagerness to submit to the New World Order
EUObserver 22 March 2011: Denmark is to sign up to a pillar of the ‘comprehensive solution’ to the EU’s debt crisis, the so-called euro-pact, despite not being a member of the eurozone.
Copenhagen is sufficiently eager to get on board, that the Danish prime minister, Lars Lokke Rasmussen, has signed guarantees assuring parties that some of the euro-pact’s key features regarding retirement age hikes and EU intervention in collective bargaining will not alter policies regarding these subjects in Denmark. Included among the guarantees is an assurance that the euro-pact will have no impact on the country’s opt-out from the single currency. Despite Rasmussen’s guarantees, the pact requires that states keep wages tied to productivity; reduce public services; limit government borrowing; and move away from labour-based taxation towards consumption-based taxation. By joining the euro-pact, Copenhagen will gain access to euro-zone-only summits where much of the future of a more deeply integrated eurozone will be decided. Some analysts fear that those on the outside are in effect consigning themselves to the slow lane in a twin-track European Union.
The prime minister is also eager to be seen as a model European pupil ahead of Denmark’s tenure as the EU’s six-month rotating presidency in the first half of 2012.
Separately on Monday, EU finance ministers backed details of a permanent bail-out fund for the eurozone, putting the size of the European Stability Mechanism, to be in place from 2013, at €700 billion. The sum gives it an effective lending capacity of €500 billion. To achieve this level of lending, ministers backed a delivery of €80 billion in cash from eurozone statesThe rest of the sum will be delivered via loan guarantees.
The European Arrest Warrant
EUObserver 15 March 2011: There are now an average of more than one thousand EAWs per month, the overwhelming majority of which relate to minor crimes,” Europe’s chief human rights defender Thomas Hammarberg said. He cited the imprisonment of innocent persons, disproportionate arrests, violations of procedural rights and the impossibility in some countries for an innocent person to appeal against a decision.
Since the only condition for carrying out the extradition is that the suspect must be accused of a crime carrying a minimum prison sentence of 12 months, judges in the home country of the suspect have few means to verify how justified the charges are. “There is a need to strengthen the human rights safeguards in EAW procedures,” he stressed, especially since the system “affects thousands of persons every year.” 55.000 persons were extradited between 2004 and 2009.The Fair Trials International: The group has long time documented EAW abuses. “We have seen the lives and futures of many ordinary people – teachers, firemen, chefs and students – blighted by the European Arrest Warrant, a system that infringes basic rights and fails to deliver a fair and efficient extradition system”. In the case of Gary Mann, a fireman who was extradited to serve a two-year prison sentence for alleged hooliganism in Portugal, British courts stated that the warrant was
an “embarrassment” to the UK and Portugal, said “serious injustice” had occurred, and that his trial in Portugal breached his basic fair trial rights.
The Daily Express 2 April 2011 Senior Eurocrats are plotting to set up a new European Union counter-terrorism agency that could cost taxpayers hundreds of millions of pounds. And critics warned last night the body could turn into a Europe-wide secret police force that would be “like the KGB”. The move is also likely to infuriate MI5 and MI6 chiefs as British spies could be forced to share intelligence with European agents. EU counter-terrorism director Olivier Luyckx called for a series of existing EU security agencies including Europol, and here as well as Eurojust, Cosi, Frontex and Cepol to be pulled together in one body with sweeping powers. UK Independence Party Euro MP Godfrey Bloom said: “My worry is that it would be less like America’s CIA and more like Russia’s KGB.”
Money and dictatorial power for the EU, thanks to the Lisbon Treaty, which the Europeans did not want - paid by us in the end. This result is an internal EU decision by van Rompuy, Barroso and the EU Parliament – while “our “corrupt politicians just accept a reduction of our souvereignty. Denmark´s 1046 year-old souvereignty is falling to the ground due to high treason, lies and brainwashing. There is now automaticy in “our” politicians accepting whatever Rompuy and Barroso demand in the economic field – and beyond? This is the “Führer Befiehl. Wir Folger” disaster once again!I cannot express what has happened better than the EUOBSERVER 16 March 2011 - European finance ministers have finally given the green light to a radical new centralised EU oversight of national budgeting processes and, broader still, of all economic policies – both of countries that use the single currency and those that do not.
The unprecedented shift in powers to the bloc from member-state parliaments, heavily limiting “policy space”, or the ability of countries to write their own laws, was saluted by EU economics chief Olli Rehn.
The ministers were endorsing a half dozen new far-reaching laws that the commissioner said “will lead to a quantum leap of economic surveillance in Europe.”This discussion has been buried in the back of the financial pages of newspapers! But those at the heart of the EU are under no illusion about the profound transformation the bloc is about to undergo.
EU Commission President, José Barroso was one of the leaders of the underground Maoist MRPP (Reorganising Movement of the Proletariat Party, later PCTP/MRPP, Communist Party of the Portuguese Workers/Revolutionary Movement of the Portuguese Proletariat) – he showed clear left-wing and Maoist inclinations. Today he is still fighting for the New World Order´s world communism/fascism – and apparently needs another KGB. The above KGB structure is supported by the “Eurogendfor”, a gendarmerie force meant to subdue rebellious elements of the populations in the EU and elsewhere.
“What is going on is a silent revolution – a silent revolution in terms of stronger economic governance by small steps,” commission President Jose Manuel Barroso said last June. “The member states have accepted – and I hope they understood it exactly – very important powers of the European institutions regarding surveillance, and a much stricter control of the public finances.”
The new rules focus on keeping in check two elements of national government spending: the first being annual government budgets and the second, under a more open-ended process but under just as tight a leash, all economic policies – and not just for one year, but over the longer term. For countries with debts over 60 percent of GDP, they will now be expected to diminish this situation by five percent a year over a period of three years.The “European Semester” demands all EU budgets to be accepted by the EU Commission before being presented to the National Parliaments! This was the last bit of national sovereignty.
Still think you’re Elections make one iota of a difference?
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