Thursday, 8 September 2011

15 Reasons Why I Choose Not to Live in the USSA


Editor’s Note: When we discuss emergency preparedness and SHTF planning, we often put aside the idea of simply walking away from it all. To be sure, the web of control spans the majority of the globe, so it’s not like you can just jump in the car, drive a couple hours and be living in Utopia. But, there remain remote locations so detached from the forces of tyranny that one can live in relative peace, and there are still some countries where property rights are respected, privacy is a way of life and government interference is minimal. Certainly, they are few and far between, but they do exist. While we shudder at the thought of even considering the possibility that the freedoms protected by the US Constitution have been all but flushed down the toilet, the reality of the situation is that we are seeing ever more restrictions on our personal freedoms. We can’t eat the food we want to eat, we can’t conduct fair business when both parties agree to a contract, we can’t purchase certain types of products that we deem are to our benefit, while at the same time being mandated by government to purchase other products (like health insurance) by threat of force. There are hundreds of laws, failing to pay property taxes being one of them, by which the government can seize the land which you believe to be yours. Looking around, we can’t help but come to the realization that the America of our youth is being destroyed right before our eyes. Our economy is collapsing, our government is mobilizing police apparatuses, our freedom of expression is being quelled and the powers that be are making it ever more difficult to, well, be an American.

Consider a scenario in which the system does collapse into the oft predicted TEOTWAWKI (The End of the World as We Know It); would you rather remain in the belly of the beast, fighting every minute to stay alive as you attempt to scrounge food, protect your family from organized marauders, and live in fear of being rounded up and detained in a refugee camp for an extend period of time? Or, if the opportunity presented itself, would you rather bug-out to a different country – one whose infrastructure is not so dependent on just-in-time production and manufacturing systems, where the scope of government is limited, police and military influence is minimal, where cash transactions are looked upon as positive and not suspect, and where the people have lived a low-key, non-consumption life for decades?

As one who is awake to the complicated nature of our world, and the ever approaching troubles that abound, chances are you have a bug-out location and secondary back-up in case the ‘S’ were to ever hit the fan. Is it not prudent, then, to also consider a bug-out option outside of your current country of residence, just in case?

In the following article, the author, who left the USA five years ago, outlines some of the reasons for why he’s not coming back anytime soon, and why, if you have the means, you should consider an option outside of the United States. It doesn’t have to be a permanent solution – simply a back up in case the worst of our fears are realized.

You may be storing food, water, guns, ammunition, and a host of other supplies. Chances are, you don’t ever want to have to use them. But something is coming; it’s as clear as day. If the world as we know it in America today does come crashing down, perhaps there is a way you can avoid having to use those supplies. But you may have to consider relocating a bit farther than you may have originally planned.

The following article has been generously contributed for your consideration and reading pleasure by Don’t Tread on Me.

15 Reasons Why I Choose Not to Live in the USSA

I left the United Soviet States of Amerika (USSA) five years ago and never looked back. Upon discovering that government forces executed what I learned was a “false flag operation” (thank you Loose Change), that the economy was one giant Ponzi scheme (thank you G. Edward Griffin) and that there truly did exist a movement for totalitarian world government mirroring Biblical depictions (thank you Alex Jones), I figured I had some soul-searching to do.

I have long been dismayed at the barrage of totalitarian news coming out of Fascistan. Sometimes, in the chaos of “third world” countries where I tend to reside, you actually have more freedom because the typical “first world” police state laws either don’t exist or nobody bothers to follow them. You can slip through the cracks. Heck, I’d driven a car for years without the correct papers.

Here, we are allowed to sell candy, puppies or hamburgers on the side of pretty much any street, authorities would likely agree with you that 9/11 was an inside job, and so forth. The free-market stimulates growth while collectivist government destroys pretty much anything it touches.

Sure, the USSA is not unique, but what was once the spearhead of freedom has become the spearhead of tyranny, and nobody got the memo.

My fellow fluoride-head citizen and Platonic cave-dweller, I give thanks. Without you, none of this would have been possible. While those of us thoughtful and careful enough to read countless tomes and research endless laws and events, you continually deride us. For some of you there is yet hope.

In the land of freedom, the following is a dish served hot.

As a citizen of the USSA:

1) I am no longer guaranteed the right to private property.

Authorities may arrive upon my sovereign territory unannounced, without proper paperwork and force me to demolish my own home before being shooed off the premise. (Not to mention that citizens must pay thousands of dollars in annual feudal fees known as “property taxes”. In many other “third world” countries, the fee is so miniscule I shall not even mention it).

Source #1

2) I am no longer guaranteed the right to sell lemonade for 10 cents,

even on my own property. (Oh yeah, that’s right I forgot, private property doesn’t exist).

Source #2, 2a

3) I can no longer, never mind sell, consume my own food products.

Source #3, 3a

4) I can no longer feed the homeless

(with the food I am not allowed to produce or sell).

Source #4

5) I can no longer BE homeless.

Source #5

6) I am no longer allowed exercise of my so-called rights to publicly record audio or video

(i.e. of police) from the safety of my own property (which I am not allowed to own).

Source #6

7) I am no longer guaranteed the right to own a business.

Source #7

8 ) I can no longer safely use a cell phone on a street corner without being mauled by authorities.

Source #8

9) I can no longer paint in the open air.

Source #9

10) I can no longer travel freely without authority sticking its hands down my pants.

Source #10, 10a

11) My child can no longer freely ride a bicycle.

Source #11

12) I can no longer freely drive a car without the FBI tracking me.

Source #12

13) I can no longer make jokes in public.

Source #13

14) I can no longer hand out eternal salvation.

Source #14

15) I can no longer believe the truth

(i.e. Ron Paul is our political savior, the New World Order is real, etc.)

Source #15, 15a, 15b

Having said that, the reality is that soon there will be no place to hide (as I once personally thanked G. Edward Griffin over lunch, for penning those thoughts decades ago; mind-boggling the places and characters one can wind up with, truth truly is stranger than fiction!).

I’ve been blessed to traverse the high plains of Central Asia, the majestic seaside of the Mediterranean and the chaos of Latin America. The fog of creeping fascism has spread far and wide, its global media and indoctrination systems spreading rapidly.

For those that claim it unpatriotic to expatriate, here is a musing on that. The same might say that it is unpatriotic to question 9/11 or endless wars of death and destruction. Kind of ironic, what did the forefathers do when they faced persecution? They fled to new lands to live as free men. It is important to fight for freedom, wherever you are. Remember, they don’t call it a “Global War on Freedom” (GWOF) for nothing. We can all take daily stabs at the beast.

There are two (2) basic options:

1) Stand and fight:

2) Expatriate and fight.

Both will be needed in time of crisis. Some need to go down the well, others need to hold the rope. Godspeed.

“The death-machine ain’t slowing down, it’s gaining pound for pound.”

First posted to Global Governance Archive.

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