And they squeal again. A quarter of parentsare falling into debt because of the high price of childcare - children theypresumably wanted and planned for.
Ever since the State decided that it wouldreward parents for producing future economic units to tax, the decline of thefamily has been carefully planned. An army of “experts” have been trained to supersedethe family unit. Nursery workers, teaching assistants, social workers,diversity coordinators. All on the State payroll and ready to whisk yournewborn off and into the arms of others whilst you concentrate on working 60hours a week to pay for it all.
It has brought chaos to society.
Where once a family was a strong bond thatstayed together, taught and nurtured, protected and cared, the chosen model isnow either the single parent on benefits, sucking greedily at the teat of theState, or the overworked two parent model, desperate to climb the greasy poleof materialism, out do the neighbours on the Barretts estate who throw their 6 week old infantsearest nursery at 7am so they can power breakfast withcolleagues to hit this quarters sales targets (and the reward? A trip with thekids to Disneyland, Paris)
House prices have ballooned as mothersabandoned the home to pursue careers to acquire “more stuff”. What oncerequired a working father to finance, now requires both parents to finance andthe State happily makes up the difference with tax credits and child allowance,safe in the knowledge that votes can be bought by bribing us with our ownmoney. The gym subscription, the twice yearly holidays, the pampered Chefparties, the private number plate on the BMW, all so much more worthy ofadmiration than a couple of loving, well adjusted kids, with good manners andan understanding that the family is where the home is.
Our children are farmed out to strangers sowe can work harder and pay more taxes. Our parents are farmed out to care homesso our daily routines are not disturbed and the army of State workers haveemployment doing what used to be the responsibility of the family.
If you open the window and listen veryhard, you can actually hear the State laughing at us – like the useless parentit is.
Children are the only thing you will leaveon this earth, your most treasured creation on your short visit to this life.Enjoy them; leave the BMW, the Golf course, the Gym, the Next catalogue. Youwon’t lie on your death bed worrying about missed sales targets or promotions,it won’t be your work colleagues mopping your brow, it’ll be the people youbrought into this world. If you have taught them that iPads and manicured lawnsare more important than devotion and love, fitted bedroom suites are moreimportant than manners and that you didn’t have time to care for them becausethe State enabled you to be selfish, expect a bitter harvest and the cheapestheadstone. You’ll have earned it.
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