Wednesday 27 July 2011

10 Ways a Guv’ment may Shut You Up


Guest Post: by ‘Be informed’

What happens when you say something and hit a secret nerve with the

The many survival sites and the other so called “conspiracy” internet
web sites put on all sorts of valuable information from surviving
through really difficult times to other facts and even speculations
that people need and want to know. Much of what is talked about is
geared towards people with free thinking minds, the non-conformist
type of person. The smaller audience of people that visit these sites
are still a substantial minority, and when the word gets out on
something that the government wants to keep hidden, it does circulate
enough to be of concern.

Most of the time the smartest approach that the government does with
any type of classified info somehow getting out is to simply let it
go. The less emphasis put on something important, the more likely
people will call it just another plot out of someone’s imagination and
let it blow away. The strategy here is interest will drop away and be
forgotten. Sometimes though it becomes necessary to hush someone or a
group of people up before something of significance gets too far

Look at the 10 things a government might do to shut someone up.

1. Indirect scare tactics. Many people when faced with the fear of
repercussions from those in control can easily be scared off through
the mere thought planted in their minds they are being watched. The
fear of would COULD happen to them is often enough to stop someone
from continuing to talk too much.

2. Non-visual direct intimidation. This can be written, but is usually
vocal. This can be E-mails and regular mail, but so it is not so
traceable a telephone call is more effective. Threats to the person or
persons to keep their mouths shut is usually enough to quiet someone
down, but sometimes not. Then comes the next level of persuading

3. Physical indirect intimidation. This is something that can be
called underhanded. This can include crashing someone’s computer
system and or their web site. Vandalism to people’s homes and their
vechicles. People’s pets turning up missing. Friends and family
members harassed. Anything important to the person, messed with. In
other words events that would be classified as a string of bad luck.
Many enemies of politicians have been through this.

4. Direct warning. When someone from a high ranking government agency
pays a visit to your home or workplace and warns you to cease the flow
of information or you will be charged with something that constitutes
interfering with national security. Usually with most people seeing
that badge and being threaten with a crime is more than enough to shut
their mouths.

5. Direct assault. Yes, most governments when lighter methods of
silencing someone does not work they will employ the goon squad to
beat someone into complying. Paid thugs, like the mafia uses, are part
of many governments’ enforcement forces.

6. Planting a crime. When someone will just not listen and be too
headstrong about letting an issue go, the government will use this
classic method to frame someone for something they did not do and send
them away for a few years. Many times the terrible fear of possibly
going to prison is way more than enough to frighten something into
complete silence, like a turtle hiding in their shell, this without
even bringing up any charges on them.

7. Make the blabbermouth sick. World governments have all sorts of
varities of rare diseases, exotic poisonous insects and animals, and
biological knowledge of how to make a person ill enough to
incapacitate to quiet them. Even the best medical specialists would
not be able to detect it and write it off as just another unusual case
to be written in some medical journal.

8. Actually charge someone with spreading government secrets. Working
with the enemy, espionage, conspiracy, even treason has been something
governments have done for hundreds of years to get rid of a severe
problem individual. Look at the wikileaks episode. Little or no public
support for someone that would betray their country aids the state
even more so in prosecuting the person or persons.

9. Dissappear someone. People go missing all the time without any
reason, it is not difficult for most any government to ship someone
away to some undisclosed area to be used for some purpose, like
slavery. There are completely restricted locations all over the world
that only top government or military officials can enter and where
people that are “hazardous” to them can be shipped off to.

10. A most unfortunate accident or crime victim. Almost anyone that
some government wants gone, can be dealt with that looks like an
accident or some victim of a crime. People get in car and other
vechicle accidents all the time. Pinning a crime for example on a
career criminal solves two problems, shutting someone up permanently
that is a big problem and getting rid of an undesirable criminal that
is going back to prison anyway. The secret governments of the world
can and do get away with practically anything all the time, even
executing those that cause them too many complications.

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