Laid low at the moment with the lurgey Mrs P kindly passed on to me, as well as being rather busy planning an important event next month amongst the usual life clutter.
I thought I'd share this briefly, though, from the University of Reading.Certificate in Obesity ManagementCoupled with the news - featured in Saturday's link tank - that ...
The course focuses on the development of knowledge and skills to enable students on completion of the course to be able to set up and deliver an effective weight management service.
The Certificate in Obesity Management will cover the following aspects of obesity assessment & management:
- The management of obesity and prevention of obesity-related co-morbidities
- Patient assessment
- Dietary interventions
- Promoting physical and "everyday" activity
- Motivational Interviewing & behaviour change consultation
- The role of pharmacotherapy and bariatric surgery
What are the benefits of attending?
On completion of the course participants will have:
- a thorough grounding in all aspects of obesity management
- developed the skills to facilitate the delivery of appropriate services for patients
- participated in learning opportunities with local, national and international experts
- undertaken a practice-based project in their work area
- been instructed in the most effective method of sternly wagging a finger (OK, I'll admit to adding that one - Dick)
Who funds the course?
Development of the course has been supported by the Government Office of the South East (GOSE) and the South Central Strategic Health Authority (SCSHA).Both LMCs and GP consortium leaders have backed moves by NHS Hertfordshire to block any patient with a BMI over 30 from being referred for routine joint replacement surgery without first being referred to a weight management scheme.... and I think we get the bigger picture, don't you?
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