I’ve just completed my whirlwind tour of Malaysia to check out some hot profit opportunities. I have a couple days of down time before I head back out again, so I wanted to use this time to catch up with you.
Yesterday, my colleague Larry Edelson sent you a special alert, confirming the strength he’s seeing in Asian markets. He couldn’t be more right, in my opinion.
Malaysia’s stock market is at record highs. The Philippine Stock Exchange Index also hit record highs early last week. China’s currency is at a 17-year high. The Bloomberg-JPMorgan Asia Dollar Index, which tracks the region’s 10 most-traded currencies, just hit 14-year highs against the U.S. dollar!
On top of that, foreign direct investment (FDI) into Indonesia surged 21% in the second quarter … China’s first-half of the year FDI soared 18.4% over last year … and South Korea’s FDI surged an amazing 24%.
And on average, the developing economies of Asia will grow 8.4% this year, more than triple the projected growth in the United States and more than four times faster than Europe.
Wall Street, I’m sure, will have its doubts about all of these stats and trends … but not me.
I’m not stuck in an office, 12,000 miles away from what’s happening.
I’m here, in Asia, where I now spend the majority of my time. Bangkok is hopping busy. Malaysia, where I just spent a week, is on fire.
Everywhere I turned in Kuala Lumpur, shops were full, department stores loaded with customers, the sky trains bustling, new construction was breaking ground all over the place, and the roads were populated with more BMWs and Mercedes than I have ever seen in the United States.
Right now, I am monitoring 14 Asian companies that are UP an average of 22.84% — in just the past five trading days.
And another 12 that are UP an average of 52.37%, in the past month.
Harbin Electric, up 46.44%. China Sky One Medical jumped 51.5%. Tiens Biotech, up 52.8%.
China Yida Holdings, up a whopping 77.42% — I repeat, in one month.
Plus, every one of these stocks is traded on U.S. exchanges!
The thing is, most investors are missing out on these kinds of gains.
They’re either frozen like a deer in the headlights because of the debt disasters in Europe and the United States … or they’re listening to Wall Street, that’s dead wrong about Asia, again.
Either way, that’s a mistake. The simple truth of the matter is if you really want to protect and grow your wealth, you simply must invest a portion of your investment funds in Asia.
Larry and I hosted a special online event earlier this week on these “Hidden Asian Profit Opportunities.”
We can’t keep our video presentation online much longer. There’s three triple-your-money profit opportunities we discuss in it, and they’re starting to move already.
So if you missed any part of the video event, or you’d like to see it again, click here now.
Or, if you’d like to jump on the profit opportunities right away, then click here instead.
Best wishes from Bangkok,
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