Wednesday, 5 October 2011

It'll never happen... until it does.


Yesterday I said that smoking has been blamed for all diseases apart from dandruff. It only took six hours before comments came in to prove me wrong.
We're blamed for dandruff too.
Dandruff is caused by dehydration, these idiots claim, and dehydration is caused by smoking because, well, cigarettes are hot. That's about the extent of the logic there. It's enough for every antismoking dolt to accept because they are dimmer than an eco-bulb and twice as toxic.
So it is not possible for any non-smoker to suffer from a) dandruff or b) dehydration because these things are caused by smoking. Lucky for the non-smoking boozer who soon won't be allowed to have any, eh? Hear that, antismokers? Don't worry about dehydration. It can't possibly happen to you. That thirst is a sinful feeling, you must resist it!
Meanwhile the fat tax approaches. Vacant-eyed drooling cretin David Cameron has decided that he wants a fat tax like the Vikings because he is incapable of rational thought and has the intellectual capacity of a decapitated woodlouse. The army of drones will agree because they think it won't apply to them. Only fat people will pay this tax, thin people's cheese and milk and bread and meat will be magically unaffected. Just as the hospitality industry was totally unaffected by the smoking ban.
It's a tax. Its purpose is the same as any other tax - to take money from you. It has no other purpose and it is not about health. It's also a softener for a future tax on all foods. Yes, Vegan too. Then water and maybe even air. What, did you think it would stop at just the fats? Really? Name one other current control-frenzy that has stopped. This one already has sugar and salt in its sights for its next step. Soon you'll all join the smokers in being denied that NHS treatment you've already paid for because they don't approve of your lifestyle. Oh, and you'll have to pay tax on your home-grown fruit and vegetables too.
National Insurance is now officially nothing more than an extortion racket. They have no intention of delivering the service but if you don't pay, they send the boys round. Soon they'll have this in America too. I bet they can't wait.
Oh, and here's something you'll never hear at the tills:
"I can't sell you this doughnut because you might give it to a child and make them fat'.
Noooo, that can't possibly happen, can it? Huh. I'm surprised it hasn't already.
Oh well. Best stock up on butter before the warning labels appear. Fortunately it freezes well.

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