Tuesday, 4 October 2011

The Pit of Despair


Ian Duncan Smith has landed the blame forthe UK riots where it needs to be landed. The destruction of families and the welfareState.

Our youth have no need to work. The benefitspaid by an army of State “facilitators” will be enough for them to get by on,and those pricey designer phones or trainers can always be funded by nefarious drugdealing. No parent there to stand in the way of our up and coming gangsta andremind him of his responsibility as a citizen, the State assumed that roledecades ago.

Well done Tyson. This certificate isbecause you almost attended some lessons last year, this gold certificate withstars is because you showed such promise as a footballer and this shinymedallion is for being the most caring 16 year old father in the class. Now offyou go into the big wide world and show them all what our fantastic educationsystem has created.

An opportunist thief, with no hope ofindependent income or aspiration other than to own designer shoes and a hatthat may make your peers respect you. The voice that demanded “your rights”from your hairy lipped Fabian teachers while you sucked your teeth at them forasking you to sit still in class now demands “your rights” from society ingeneral as you demand money from the Job Centre to top up your iPhone, innit. Respect,braaaap.

We really have allowed a truly horribleexperiment on humans to take place under our very noses. As much as the vilepsychological experiments with the emotions of new born apes shocked us during the 60’s, we allowed politicians to do exactly the same with our children.

“These experiments involved rearing newbornmonkeys with surrogate mothers, ranging from toweling covered cones to amachine that modeled abusive mothers by assaulting the baby monkeys with coldair or spikes”

So now we have swathes of inner cities fullof bitter, uncaring, violent youth, denied the chance of a loving family by apolitical system that replaced the parent with a benefit cheque, the home witha “council flat” and affection with material unearned “rewards”. No future forthem, just a lifetime of misery, created by a step parent who has long lostinterest in what it adopted and created.

No wonder it’s so fucking dangerous outthere after dark.


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