Monday, 10 October 2011

Wednesday, September 21, 2011


Wednesday, September 21, 2011: (St. Matthew)
Jesus said: “My people, you are seeing in this vision a very thin wire that represents the delicate thread of life. I have given you a very complex body that has been created to give you the functions of life that you are familiar with. Your body is vulnerable to many accidents that could stop your heart or ruin your brain. Even many diseases, snake bites, or a number of problems could cause your death. You need to be prudent in protecting your body, and not abuse it with smoking, drugs, or overeating. By protecting your body and eating the proper foods, you can avoid cancer, and other diseases of the heart. In the first reading St. Paul mentioned many different gifts that are granted to My faithful. (Ephesians 4:11) ‘And He Himself gave some men as apostles, and some as prophets, others again as evangelists, and others as pastors and teachers, in order to perfect the saints for a work of ministry, for building up the Body of Christ.’ You, My son, have been given a mission to bring to My faithful My Word to warn people to prepare for the coming tribulation which is now at the door. You have worked many years, and you have been obedient to My mission. Even so, your work will get even more difficult as the evil ones will try to stifle your message against the Antichrist’s new world order. My ways are not man’s ways, and you are all dependent on Me. In these end days I will provide My faithful with protection from the evil ones at My refuges. This is why you still need to proclaim My message of hope and love from the rooftops for all to see and follow My words.”

Jesus said: “My people, this vision of seeing a gear going around is in reference to the Warning, and the ticking means that the time of the Warning is getting close even in your time. All the events of the weather, earthquakes, and near bankrupt governments are showing you that things are coming to a head when the Antichrist will take over. I have told you that the Warning would come before the Antichrist takes over. The Warning will frighten many people, and some may die in seeing things in the sky and their sinfulness. This experience will bring your soul body out of your physical body right before Me, and you will be outside of time. You will have an illumination of your conscience when I will show you your whole life with an emphasis on your unforgiven sins. You will see heaven, hell, or purgatory wherever you are judged. Then you will be returned to your body, and you will have a strong desire for Confession. My faithful will be evangelizing many souls at that time. This Warning is to prepare souls for the coming tribulation. So be prepared in your souls with frequent Confession.”

Jesus said: “My people, space on a refuge farm will be difficult because some land will be needed for dormitories, and other land will be needed for crops and feed for cows and cattle. If the land is limited with less land to grow feed, then only a few large animals could be fed. If you call on My help I could multiply the animal feed as well as the food for the people at the refuge. You will also have deer come into your refuges for meat as well. Depending on how many people come to these refuges, there will be a need for some good planning on how to provide food, prepare the food, washing of clothes, sewing, bathing, fuel for the winter, providing water, and attending round the clock Adoration. Everyone will have a job to help fill the needs of the people. You will have your own shelters, but probably large cafeterias for eating. You will be protected by My angels as you will be living in your refuge communities for less than 3 ½ years. Be patient with this new lifestyle and I will bring all of you into My Era of Peace, and then into heaven.”

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