Thursday, 13 October 2011

Wednesday, September 28, 2011


Wednesday, September 28, 2011:
Jesus said: “My people, this vision of a snake biting the people represents the attack of the devil on souls. All of your life you will have to endure the evil one with his temptations. By Adam’s original sin, you all have inherited a weakness to sin. You all are sinners whether you want to believe it or not. Even in St. John’s letters he mentions that those, who say they are not sinners, are liars. This is why I came into the world so I could offer the sacrifice of My life as an atonement for everyone’s sins. I give everyone the opportunity to be saved, but people need to ask for the forgiveness of their sins, and accept Me as Master of their lives. For Roman Catholics this cleansing of sins from their souls is granted by absolution of the priest in Confession. This is a gift of sanctifying grace that brings spiritual life back to each soul that goes to Confession. Do not let the devil use your pride to prevent you from coming to Confession. Once you come out of the confessional, you feel relief from the guilt of your sins that are now cleansed. You also feel a faith exhilaration from the grace that you have received. So put aside all of your false fears, and come to Me in the priest in Confession, and you will feel refreshed both physically and spiritually.”

(Magdalena McCart’s Funeral Mass) Magdalena said: “I am happy to see all of my children at my Mass. I love all of you: John, Thomas, Joseph, and Magdalena. I have been with my children so long, and I thank them for taking care of me over the years. I thank all of my friends and family for coming as well. I thank John, my son, for his beautiful words of love, and especially his words about my strong love of Jesus in His Church. I am in heaven now, and I will be praying for all of my family to stay close to Jesus. I want my children to promise me that they would make an effort to pray every day, and come to Sunday Mass. I am responsible for your souls, and I do not want any one of you lost because you are lazy in your religious faith. Keep my picture around you so you can remember me. I love you so much and I will be waiting for you in heaven.”

Jesus said: “My people, this burning fire in the fireplace of the living room gives you the feeling of keeping the home fires burning. Many people find a burning fire relaxing, and it can give you a spiritual peace by turning off the world’s constant noise. Eating supper at the kitchen table is a beautiful time for the family to get together and enjoy each other’s company. It may be the best opportunity to communicate with each other about the day’s events and any problems that may need to get worked out in the future. Just as you make time for communication between your family members, you also need to make time for communicating with Me in a two-way conversation. I listen to many of your prayers and requests every day, but you need to give Me some quiet time so you can listen to My requests and directions for your life. Many people like to be in charge of their life most of the time, but if you are going to follow My Will, then you need to let Me lead you for a change. If you are so busy following your own agenda, you will not give Me any time to do the mission that I have given you. When you follow My Will, I will take care of your needs, and you will have peace in your heart and soul.”

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