Wednesday, 12 October 2011

Monday, September 26, 2011


Monday, September 26, 2011: (2nd anniversary of Camille’s death)
Jesus said: “My people, this vision of someone taking notes in class reminds you how you want to remember the important points on the subject being taken. Sometimes at talks, people take notes of the highlight ideas being spoken. Even if you do not take physical notes, sometimes you make mental notes of sermons or homilies being given to you. The same can be said when you are reading Scripture passages at Mass, reading from the Bible, or other holy books. Hopefully, My people take these spiritual notes to heart and make them a part of their daily living. If you are going to imitate My life, you need to put My words into the actions of your own life. By living your faith, others will see that you are not a hypocrite because you live out what you believe in faith. So make a point to store your spiritual points in memory so you can live by what you read and hear.”

Camille Remacle (his Mass intention): “Hello everyone, I thank you for the Mass again for my intention. Once someone is in heaven, the graces of the Mass are shared with our other deceased members of the family that are still in purgatory. You have a beautiful sunny day to share my anniversary of my death. I am not as active in my earthly signs because the people, that I am trying to get back to Sunday Mass, are not changing their ways. I am still praying for them, and I am still watching out for Lydia. I am grateful that you are taking care of her daily needs. I love all of you, and I pray for you. Keep remembering me by having my picture around you. I am still with you as I can see all of your activities. You all are on display for all of heaven, so be on your best behavior.”

Jesus said: “My people, you can see the contrast between the things made by Me out of love, and the things of man made out of pride. Everything that I create is made perfectly, but everything made by man is imperfect. So when man thinks that he can improve on My perfection, it is only through his scientific pride that he tries. Imperfectly made things will never be perfect. This is why your medicines have side effects, and your manipulated DNA of plants and animals is destroying My balance of nature. Your food is becoming so adulterated by unnatural means that it is causing more diseases and cancer. This is why when I bring about My Era of Peace, I will have to recreate the earth to rid it of all of your abominations with My perfect creation. The devil is behind this destruction of My creation, but in the end I will be victorious by recreating the earth as it was in the beginning.”

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