Wednesday, 12 October 2011

A Photo Essay of Life in Kabul Ten Years after the International Intervention


Ed note. UN Dispatch’s own Una Moore has been in Afghanistan for the better part of two years. I asked her to share some of her thoughts on life and living in Kabul to mark the ten year anniversary of international intervention in Afghanistan. This is part one of a two part photo series. — Mark

Afghanistan's young people face a no less uncertain future in 2011 than they did a decade earlier. Here, a young man and his nephew play with a toy gun.

Afghans escape poverty and violence through traditional forms of recreation. Here, a young horseman waits for a game to begin.

A nascent youth culture is taking hold in Afghanistan's major cities and towns. Here, a female high school student (left) in Bamiyan City plays the part of a warlord in a play about land disputes.

A nascent youth culture is taking hold in Afghanistan's major cities and towns. Here, young men in Kabul rock out to a local heavy metal band at an underground venue.

A nascent youth culture is taking hold in Afghanistan's major cities and towns. Here, young men in Kabul rock out to a local heavy metal band at an underground venue.

A nascent youth culture is taking hold in Afghanistan's major cities and towns. Here, young women in Kabul demonstrate against sexual harassment.

In 2011, Afghan women play active roles in civil society and politics. Here, a female parliamentary candidate’s poster is displayed at a highway rest stop.

Although many parts of Afghanistan remain deeply conservative, young Afghans have become voracious entertainment media consumers.

Few children attended school under the Taliban regime. Today, millions of boys and girls squeeze into overcrowded classrooms . Here, primary school stduent walk to school in Kabul.

Afghans escape poverty and violence through traditional forms of recreation. Here, families enjoy an evening on the lakeshore.

Afghans escape poverty and violence through traditional forms of recreation. Here, families enjoy an evening on the lakeshore.

In 2011, Afghan women play active roles in civil society and politics. Here, a mixed gender human rights theatre group performs in Kabul.

Kabul was reduced to rubble during factional battles in the 1990s. Today, gaudy affluance and grinding pverty compete for space in the city.

Kabul was reduced to rubble during factional battles in the 1990s. Today, gaudy affluance and grinding pverty compete for space in the booming city.

Kabul was reduced to rubble during factional battles in the 1990s. In 2011, gaudy affluance and grinding pverty compete for space in the city.

Tens of thousands of children work to support their impoverished families. Here, a young girl begs in a Herat mosque.

Tens of thousands of children work to support their families. Here, a young boy works with his father at a roadside tire shop.

Ordinary Afghans and international experts worry that the Afghan security forces are unprepared to take over from international forces.

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