by Zen Gardner
The club of glorified high treasonous pirates who agreed to help hijack the world.
Need I say more? At least the last 5 are here..just missing Reagon, Ford and LBJ who were just as nasty but with the same phony smile and cover up.
What virtue are you seeing in these plastic mugs? These are slimy, power-crazed, willingly lying, manipulative characters to say the least. And all for a price. Temporal fame, power and glory. The only one this century to stand up to the machine was Kennedy and they took him out in broad daylight to let the others know they’d do the same if they don’t toe the mark.
Sound familiar? It’s the song of centuries of world leadership except for a daring few..who like Kennedy usually didn’t last long. In this day and age and for most of history, membership in a secret cabal is a pre-requisite to this exclusive club. They are those who insure your election and keep you in power.
And check the ties…always blue or red. There’s your 2 hypno-programmed options. “Thank you, master programmers. I will not think outside your box. Oh what freedom we have with our two staged choices..”
Funny, Obummer is with the neocons in blue, but it makes sense. He’s sure continuing the neocon military program big time, as they all have. Godfather GWB Sr is especially scary with his weird history of violence, drug running and child abuse..but the others aren’t far behind. What most of these occult oriented people do in secret would make your hair curl.
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