I’m serious, to help ensure timely communications during disruption, everyone should have a hard copy of all their contacts from their electronic devices – PDA, iPhone, Blackberry, cell phone, computer email programs, etc…
Despite the incredible convenience of these modern-day communications devices, there are a number of circumstances that could render them useless, circumstances in which you may have the greatest need ever to have access to some of your important contacts.
I’m old enough to have been around before cell phones and computers, which most younger people today believe that they can’t live without (you know who you are
. It may be true that many professions and nearly all systems depend upon computer systems and the like, but what about Plan B in the event these systems fail?
If there were to be a disaster that brings down communications systems in a region where you happen to be, or worse if the region became without electricity for a time, how will you access all of your contacts database?
Very much more common is a scenario (it’s happened to most all of us) where your cell phone breaks and you’ve suddenly lost all of that data which you have painstakingly entered since getting your latest phone.
Some system devices have applications that allow you to print out the contact lists, while many do not have that ability. Either way, it is worth your effort to have a master list of sorts, one that is hand-written, or one that is maintained in a text document on your PC that you also print a hard copy now and again.
For me, I believe the simplest and most effective way to maintain a master contacts list is to use ‘Notepad’ in Windows, which creates simple .txt files which can be read by most any editor and is not dependent upon having a particular software application installed. Any PC will be able to read it.
Rather than the pencil and paper method which may require a fair amount of erasing and changes over time (while the address book degrades), it’s nice to use your PC and text editor – BUT BE SURE TO PRINT HARD COPIES!
It’s a great idea to keep a printed hard copy in each of your vehicle survival kits or bug-out-bag.
Here are a few ideas of additional contacts that may help you during and emergency.
Phone number and address of your…Doctor’s office
Doctor’s home (if you are lucky enough to know this)
Automobile insurance agency
Homeowner insurance agency
Pre-selected hotels for bug-out plan route (be first with reservation)
Banks and Investment Institutions with your money
Employer…and of course your family and friends
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