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Emergency makes available Emergency Food Supply Kits: pre-packaged meals conveniently stored in stack-able buckets ranging in size from 90 servings to as much as 4,320 servings!About Emergency
Emergency is your destination for emergency preparedness at an affordable price. Our gourmet entrees come in easy to store buckets.The meals taste great and are easy to prepare, you just add boiling water. The best part; our meals are guaranteed to last 25 years.
These are uncertain times we live in. We hear stories everyday about people losing their jobs and then not being able to afford groceries or people falling victims to natural disasters and then not even having access to food. This is why you need to prepare.
Ken adds: I really like this concept of pre-packaged balanced meals stored in buckets. It makes for a simple ‘insurance plan’, easy to calculate what you need to suit your comfort level, and easy to store.
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