Millions have woken up… will you?
The mountain called, I answered…
Naturalist and author John Muir said of Mount Shasta:
“When I first caught sight of it over the braided folds of the Sacramento Valley, I was fifty miles away and afoot, alone and weary. Yet all my blood turned to wine, and I have not been weary since.”[8]I woke up the day before the eclipse to declare, “I am a master manifestor, therefore I will arrange an adventure to Mt. Shasta”. A few phone calls later, an eclipse group gathered, a hybrid car procured and a loose plan put into action, it was Mt. Shasta or bust… for the grand alignment. Now I must say, John Muir’s comment is absolutely correct, long before you reach Shasta, you see her, and the magnificence of this mountain is breathtaking. I was in deep gratitude just to be in her presence.
We stopped at the Headwaters to fill our jugs with sacred water where many people were gathered to do the same. There stood Kokopelli in all his glory playing a specimen of a didgeridoo to the waters. It is strange to be surrounded by people from all over the globe who jointly share in the same consciousness, belief systems and behaviours. There we all gathered, the rainbow tribe, the lightworkers, the wayshowers, the believers, the visionaries, and the dreamers of planet Earth. There we all gathered, united by common cause, to usher in the power and glory of this 26,000 year alignment.
The mountain was crowded, everyone in search of the perfect place in which to view the eclipse. My small entourage simply let our hearts lead the way, eventually locating a pleasant place on the mountain behind a “group” of like-minded others. I was drawn to this particular spot on the mountain because of the instruments I heard, and the baby & animal energy I saw that was part of the larger group. Little did I know, we sat behind an organized expedition of people who follow a path called Ascension Now, these beautiful souls had travelled from far and wide with their own plan.
I enjoyed their tuning forks, bagpipes, drums, singing bowls and various other musical instruments. They were extremely generous with their glorious live food corn tortillas, sprouts and guacamole and they were kind enough to share some much-needed eclipse glasses (I wouldn’t have seen a thing without those special specs). Without further ado, and with much OM(ing), chanting, singing and praising on the mountain, the much-anticipated solar eclipse began over Mt. Shasta. The first major Mayan prophesied portal, the return of the God Quetzalcoatl (the Christ consciousness), the dawning of the new age was underway….
Now I sat there in deep contemplation, pondering about all of the uncertainty that was occurring in the consciousness of global reality and somehow my mind strayed to remembering the Pacal Votan prophecy. His prophecy states, that we cannot enter the new age under the dissonance of our current method of counting time, the 12 month 60 minute in an hour clocking system. He is adamant that in order to restore harmony to our Earth, we must connect with a more natural rhythm, the 13 moon, 28 day cycles. He is clear that biospehric destruction is our fate if we continue on our most current path, specifically in regards to time. Hence, at the end of this closing age, humanity will experience “The Great Shaking”. We are definitely knee-deep in the Great Shaking… and this Great Shaking will not… and cannot cease until all disharmonious systems have been cast aside. This quite honestly could take decades.
We have all been waiting on this year 2012, this eclipse May 20th, 2012, this portal 12-12-12, this alignment 12-21-12. What is crucial to understand, is nothing earth shattering happened on any of these already experienced days, and most probably nothing earth shattering is going to happen on the much-anticipated future dates. Although, the energies are pouring in, the changes are here, the new age has dawned, and like a stack of dominoes, we will witness imbalanced structure after structure collapse.
I have lived the last year in extreme gratitude. I am off the system of time, I sleep, wake, eat, create, work and play all when I feel like it. I live in complete harmony with my body’s natural rhythms and cycles. I honour the new moon, full moon, dark of the moon, eclipses, equinoxes, solstices and all the midpoints. I listen to the animals and watch the clouds. I honour the Earth, always. The old counting system has no meaning for me other than to loosely pay attention to when the bills are due or when an appointment has been scheduled. I usually begrudge both for interfering with my flow.
I dared to allow my extreme life changes in without resistance (geographic relocation to another country with four kids, new project that initially had no funding, seperation from my husband of 16 years, disenfranchisement from my culture, food, and community). I listen to my spirit in all matters, small and large. I am living from my heart and living out my passions. I have done my part in this Great Shift. And, quite honestly, I have been fully supported with ease and grace. Like my good friend from Real Beauty always says, “it’s not for the weak of heart”. All I can do at this point in time though is remain in gratitude, hum a beautiful tune and continue to believe in a better tomorrow for all of humanity…
Onward and upwards to the June 5-6th lunar eclipse, the Venus transit and more exciting changes for those paying attention and willing to live their dreams in the year 2012.
Ascension Rock, Arrival, Home… the 5th Dimension!
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